2 weeks ago I counted over 60 AOC threads running at we have maybe 5 threads a DAY.

Her campaign finances are under investigation and SUDDENLY the shill threads drop by 95%. Almost like a money flow was cut off somewhere.


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Other urls found in this thread:

They realized she's a fucking embarrassment.

Bernie announced and she refused to endorse

This place is under a constant 24 hour raid from kikes, so much so, that I didn't even notice the aoc threads are gone

It came out she has a bf and hes not bad looking.Trannies have no chance with her.

I noticed this too, almost zero threads about her now. I guess the tranny discord meme is true.

she is a psyop to make trump win again because he is cucking himself so hard and the jews need more money

You’re right and this is the reason. The Big Green New Deal was an utterly laughable embarrassment and these fucking retards realized they’re dealing with an actual Brooklyn bartender as the face of their party and they put a stop to it real quick.

I went to highschool with her boyfriend, he was a year above me so I didnt know him well though.

They simply switched theme


Could just be the shills are regrouping to counter the Jussie fuckup. Some new angle is being worked out.

We are busy shilling jazz getting blacked desu

It's because they don't want us to expose her campaign fraud

Imagine getting $.05 a post and then chopping your dick off.

she's 29, she can't even run for president. why the shilling? I'm genuinely confused.

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The raid is over then?

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>hasn’t said anything in two days
>smollett case explodes during that time

Yeah why aren’t we talking about AOC

this, desu. The Tucker vs George Soros historian spammers probably will get doxxed like 2016 correct the record, by even other .chan sites.

Because they cycle through candidates like a smoker blows through a pack of cigarettes. First the Latino bitch, then the Hawaiian woman, then the brother fucking Muslim, then Bernie “no refunds” Sanders.

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>(((we))) got a new assignment
>Jow Forums

She ruined the NY economy in two weeks. Then she doubles down with the green plan. Whats next forced cock cuttings.

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Alot of the time I think shill threads are made by our resident group of asshole trolls trying to fuck with people.

Maybe they got bored with it.

>This place is under a constant 24 hour raid from kikes
I came across this thread last night about some 1,000 kikes discovered buried in some ghetto and there was one faggot with around 4 dozen posts kvetching about the holocaust. Something like 7 or 8 anons getting harangued by this one motherfucker who posted not one stat or document or primary source in all his bullshit. It was insane and really eye-opening. Also ended up reading a lot of things and getting linked to a video on bitchute called Hellstorm, and now I'm aware of shit like the bombing of Dresden and more. All this, just one day after I found out my state is one of about a dozen with strict laws necessitating school units in elementary and secondary education dedicated to the holocaust. Past several hours have been very eye-opening.

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Just found out the building I was going to look at is the one she just moved into. God damnit.

it's pretty clear that most of the pro AOC thread that were made was by her husband directly
he's a professional media presence booster
it's like exactly his job but to dismiss anything AOC says or anything that happened on that pretext is at best a strawman argument

She’s living in the most swanky posh DC apartment that doesn’t allow section-8 and low income subsidy residents.

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I was keeping track of the number of Cortes threads by hiding them. I'd then look up at the number of hidden threads. At any given moment, there'd be 8-10 on Jow Forums at a time.
Also, let's start calling her Cortes. AOC is some kind of cult thing, like RBG for ginsberg.

How many have you seen since?
>tfw I never even notice them

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Takin those pills. Zionists fucking blow.

Well, nothing surprising.
Normal routine under comunism.

AOC must be the best ally Republicans could ask for.

It is because people are hearing her speak in Congress and it is fucking painful. It is more painful than a Trump rally and I didn't think that was possible.


What’d you say bitch?

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Even the Washington Post kikes turned on her.

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>It came out she has a bf and hes not bad looking.Trannies have no chance with her.
98 percent of trannies want cock, they were pretending she was attractive

Thats because she went after she shitposted about Amazon

Fucking cunt.

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Soon you'll be good stepping to "fascist" by Mr. Bond

why is she so cute bros

And she went directly after their money cows like Bezos. That was a huge mistake on her part. They are already redrawing her district. She won't be a representative for long.

Nother pills for ya. Hitler was a Rothschild jew in cahoots with the allies and the rest of the Nazis were crypto kikes. The word Nazi is abbreviated from Ashkenazi which means Germany is in Hebrew. WW2 also wasn’t as real as they say.

based as fuck if that's a real ad. btfo horse face cortez and socialism aka sanders. gop has to love aoc, a gift from heaven.



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Why thank you

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One Discord.
One memo.
One hundred twenty laid off shills.

Good one

What's this about age of consent?

No surprise! It felt pretty obvious that you had to get paid to voice your love and support for CRAZY-HORSE.

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>gop has to love aoc, a gift from heaven.

God I know, fucking Sanders worked overtime to convince Americans that socialism is the answer and Alexandria has completely undone most of that work in a very short amount of time. Shes a blessing in disguise.

I thought the AOC posters were just Boomers with anger issues who aren’t aware of the Streisand effect

I wish.
You’ll learn a lot just researching (((their))) text and language.

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Do it user
Do it
Do it
Do it
You know what to do
Do it

shareblue is eternal

I hate her, but do you really think it's surprising that a newspaper owned by Amazon would come out against her?

the word Nazi is from national socialist you retard. It is a shorthand derogatory term like commie is for communist.

Blow it out your ass, non-state

It's this weird phenomenon where she's cute half the time, then looks like a donkey from hell the other half. I say let's not take any chances, burn her like a witch.

Chingedy ching, heehaw heehaw, it's AOC the donkey
Chingedy ching, heehaw heehaw, it's the commie Christmas donkey
Santa's got a bucktooth friend, her name is AOC
The cutest little donkey, you never see her think

>believing (((history books)))
>being this retarded
>sniffing jew butthole and defending it

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On their discord they were talking about how the AOC spam backfired and that she's actually good for right wingers. They're new strategy is to call Trump a KIKE puppet and try to convince Trump voters not to vote. It has also been unsuccessful.

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The AOC threads were tranny discord spam and they even admitted it.


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Hahaha it's George W Bush haha BASED war criminal! KEK MAGA!

Her boyfriend was doing it.

seriously, sanders must be thinking "Never go full retard!"


The real plan was to have this lunatic spic be the scary bitch to make Bernie look like a moderate during the election campaign.
But she fucked up and shitposted about the jewish hands that are feeding her so idk, might be shut it down time for her

They have also been desperately trying to slide Covington and Jussie threads. It's not a good time to a leftist right now.

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To be fair OP, a quarter of those AOC threads were about age of consent.

Don't you dare bring the good name of hee haw with anything to do with this communist. Take this and thank me later, it was so good then bros


Why do they even try here? They should focus their efforts elsewhere. I feel like every slide thread just galvanizes my beliefs even more.

her cuck bf probably got trolled so much, he went back to eating her hairy ass out

when your own democratic state leaders negotiate a deal with amazon for months and years and finally close on one; only to have it burn up in smokes by a random jr congress only 1 month in her job, sticking her nose in business that had nothing to do with her; and lost 25k jobs, and over 28billion in revenue for the state, im not suprised shes no longer a "highlight"

congress women**

>mfw all the REAL base already moved and this board is 99% disinfo agents
>mfw i have no face

which is why we should shill her

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Out of the number of possible reasons for the drop in Occasional-Cortex spam are:

>she dun goofed going after Amazon
>The tranny raid brigade gave up
>the tranny raid brigade made the mistake of glaring too long into the eye of the beast and took an accidental redpill

The Green new deal killed the entire momentum of the democratic controlled house

Great story, literally breathtaking.

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And you cant run for president without a valid AMERICAN birth certificate, but that didn't stop king nigger.

You jidf guys are actually getting pretty good. Is it a budget increase or did they start to outsource because God's chosen just weren't getting the job done?

Etymology is a crapshoot at best. The modern-day shenanagins for the etymological references with gender and sex is canned insanity, even though both etymologies are about as late as the middle ages.
>Greek and Latin enthusiast

>Not being a real thing

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Stay mad tranny

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Eat a bag of dicks double nigger newfag

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Go dialete your wound. Sorry your AOC spam backfired. Then the Covington incident backfired. Then the Jussie incident backfired. Hahahahaha

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Welcome aboard frien
Just in time for the 2nd great meme war

I think you have to chop your dick off before they'll commit to giving you shekels

They’re all pushing Bernstein now. They also all spam the threads later on in the day all around the same time, discord trannies are all from the same country (not US).

aren’t american politics so organic!

>Her boyfriend was doing it.

He's under investigation now too for taking money from a PAC related to YoungTurks or some shit.

You could be onto something m8.

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You are retarded, I suppose you thought all the Jeb(!) posting was from legitimate supporters too

Im a Jeb! Supporter and I was posting all the Jeb!s , Charlie.

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