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What should be done about Puerto Rico?
Ryder Torres
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Jordan Gonzalez
Make it a low yield nuclear testing ground but don't tell the natives
Ryder Brown
Cameron Garcia
Go away spic
Easton Morris
Statehood and infrastructure money, flyover
Connor Rogers
Rather be flyover than a spic
Ethan Howard
Preferential treatment in college admissions, employment, promotions, etc. So terrible...
Ethan Davis
remove territory status
Chase Young
never, 51 states
Samuel Jackson
Give it to Cuba.
>Watch them freak out over their flag colors.
Cameron Baker
Destroy it, along with every puertorican. We own that county too, only because we kiked them on bank bonds that they couldn't pay back. Worthless land, worthless parasite people.
Samuel Wood
if hawaii gets to be a state then why not puerto rico?
Justin Martinez
The next time there is a hurricane, nothing.
Carson Wood
We should send them more gibs fellow white people
Nathan Turner
Because Puerto Rico is run by nigger tier beaners.
Logan Baker
You need special considerstions because youre inferior
Being proud instead of just thankful shows youre lack of character and reinforces youre inferiority
Isaiah Taylor
Oliver Cook
why couldn't Puerto Rico be an independent country suffering under communism instead of Cuba?
Oliver Clark
Nice projection, whiteoid. Pay reparations.
Caleb Perez
You won.
Andrew Johnson
>why not puerto rico?
because you will never vote for it and because we already have 50 states and you guys bring nothing to the table, Hawaii is a great military asset and the Hawaiian government never left power there they still hold their traditional tribal government as well as the US government offices
where is the traditional Puerto Rican government? behind the gas station selling cocaine probably
Angel Fisher
Me thinks Puerto Rico should keep on exporting its most degenerate population to the U.S. of A. and then it should try to attract as many Europeans - certainly, especially Spaniards - to the Island.
Then it should be devolved to Spain.
Make Puerto Rico White Again.
Xavier Bailey
>that county
It's not a country.
Asher Hernandez
>Make Puerto Rico White Again.
They were never white
Julian Torres
cuba should being a state
Luke Thompson
>where is the traditional Puerto Rican government? behind the gas station selling cocaine probably
I should take offense at this, but I can't.
Brayden Adams
Puerto Rico is your only worthy base in the Caribbean. Especially when you consider how the Atlantic opens NE of Puerto Rico and all the little American and European islands to its East... I'd say Puerto Rico is a military asset.
So, are you saying that the Democrats are the "Traditional Hawaiian government"?
Because Dems have been winning in Hawwai since I can remenber.
Also, Hawaii is majority Chinese or Japanese or whatever.
What you have done to Hawwai is ridiculous.
>Tribal Government in Hawwai
Hawaii is 20% white.
Hawaiians are even less than the whites...
>Where is the Traditional Puerto Rican government?
Well, you should look for their "Traditional Head of State" in the Moncloa Palace, once they nowadays refuse to live in Madrid's Royal Palace.
Yeah... that Traditional Head of State you went to war with in order to expell European powers from the Western Hemisphere, don't you remember?
Then you cry out that you've become le 53% meme... why was that, user?
Really: Puerto Rico is about as white as America these days... about 50%ish...
Joseph Howard
Half of that 7% is British retards on the Costa del Sol, no?
Eli Bailey
it's really sad, basically they were doing ok until Castro decided he wanted to get market price for the sugar grown in Cuba and the CIA cut him loose so he kicked out the mob and they sought to rebuild Cuba in Puerto Rico and bought a bunch of land but it never happened, instead you have what Seagrams? (Bronfman) and pharmaceutical crops grown there and the people are devastated both there and in the continental US
Josiah Nguyen
>Puerto Rico is your only worthy base in the Caribbean.
we should annex the caymans
Ryder King
>So, are you saying that the Democrats are the "Traditional Hawaiian government"?
no, they still have their king and that system, they don't really consider themselves conquered more occupied
>Really: Puerto Rico is about as white as America these days... about 50%ish...
but NYC doesn't have dudes with half their stomach hanging out the front of their body trying to score to buy crack, USA is over crack, you guys not so much, now USA is on heroin and opiates but only the whites, the black people learned their lesson already
Jose Hernandez
what does this have to do with puerto rico becoming a state?
Jackson Phillips
>"Traditional Head of State" in the Moncloa Palace, once they nowadays refuse to live in Madrid's Royal Palace.
Moncloa is for the prime minister (here called President of the Government because Spain is different ™). The King lives in the Zarzuela Palace.
Nolan Sanders
No! That's British clay!
Leave my ally's clay alone!
But in the real world the Caymans are too small to be a real military asset.
Asher Morris
Yeah, you're right. Sorry for the mistake.
Carson Fisher
Next time we win a war, we should make the loser take it as punishment.
Juan Smith
>Leave my ally's clay alone!
sorry but they do their nuke tests upwind of us, we need to annex caymans and Canada, did you see what happened to that BP oil rig? you can't just claim the gulf of Mexico, now her majesty is trying to claim the bottom of the ocean at the South Pole
fuck those people they need to go
Jonathan Perry
Jonathan Adams
Mason Perez
>they still have their king and that system, they don't really consider themselves conquered more occupied
Hawaiians are retarded so I believe they believe that.
Anyway, they're just an american possession filled with Asians and perpetually governed by democrats.
It should have just been Portuguese clay.
John Williams
Exempt PR and other territories from the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. It more than doubles the cost of goods brought into the island by sea, stifling the local economy and in PR's case worsens the debt crisis and the consequences that stem from it.
Ayden Ward
Jackson King
Leave the Caymans alone and you can have Canada West of Quebec.
Jordan Davis
the original slave traders
Adrian Moore
ok but only if select funds we both agree upon will be confiscated by the US government due to fraud
Brayden Long
who gets St Thomas?
Kevin Roberts
Your white ancestors gave us American citizenship in a few decades almost a hundred years ago.
Why? You didn't have to to send us to war or even to force us to pay taxes. You didn't do that to Philipines.
We Puerto Ricans didn't ask to be American citizens in the first place. Yes, it is good amd we like it, but we didn't have any option and it was not the best for Americans... but it was not our decision and there's no need to blame us. If ww are leeches or parasites, you did this to yourselves voluntarely.
Asher Wilson
Cut that turd loose.
Luis Anderson
Yes the other half in the Baleares.
Joseph Turner
Blake Brooks
James Flores
No problem hermano, just correcting the record in case the CIA wants to do something again.
Angel Reyes
When are you moving to Kissimmee?
Andrew Anderson
I would consider moving here moving there and pay 0 federal income tax.
Adam Martin
>Puerto Rico is your only worthy base in the Caribbean.
yeah but doesn't matter because of our floating defense rigs
Connor Brown
Let us have a civil war without federal intervention.
It allows us to purge our politicians while also purging the population that supported them.
James Gray
Statehood, Puerto Rico is full of development opportunities we could turn it into Costa Rica but on U.S. soil repeal jones act and that place will be booming with tourists companies will flock that there due to tax exemptions for the island currently in place, will offer jobs and boost U.S. econonmy.
Puerto Rico is currently being vastly underutilized by the U.S. Government
Andrew Johnson
I'd rather move to Montana or some NE state.
In any case, I'll move once I hit the point where I just can't stand being here anymore. So maybe in another year or so.
Dominic Mitchell
Lol, what? It's not Unconstitutional to set you free. You know you'd sink to the bottom of the ocean if we cut you loose
Charles Perry
We dindu nothing
Sure. I just want Atlantic Canada and the French in Quebec to serve as a tampoon against USA big military muscles.
You can have that.
Elijah Lee
>you did this to yourselves voluntarely.
Based legendary whoredrainer.
Oliver Campbell
They are US citizens, idiot. Have been for the past 100 years
Landon Thomas
How shitty is it? I went there many years ago.
Is there a huge separation between lighter skinned and darker skinned Puerto Ricans?
Ryder Brooks
>Puerto Rico is currently being vastly underutilized by the U.S. Government
I am also inclined to think so.
Hunter Clark
Those a states with huge white populations, While I don't mind one beaner I ask you don't bring your friends Maine is the U.S. best kept secret if you dont mind the cold
Hudson Sullivan
You can’t purge 90% of the population
Kayden Gonzalez
I met a CPA and his wife last year, they had to bath in a river for a month after hurricane Maria. Now imagine the conditions of the poor...
Colton Gray
It really isn’t Puerto Rican’s are borderline white.
Carson Gonzalez
And we can revoke that right at anytime by voting to set them free you moron
Justin Torres
>American education
Ian Price
Joshua Bennett
the ugliest shaped island in existence
Austin Roberts
>Hurrr I like my even numbers
>Hurrrrrr I have no concept of the history of the states
Fuck off.
Kevin Thompson
We have our own parties and they mix stuff from Republicans and Democrats.
Candidates can identify with an american party but no one cares.
Adam Butler
Yeah. Meanwhile, half of the households on the island are dependent on beneficios. End the welfare bullshit.
Landon Hughes
Bait as many of them back to the island then shut the door behind them, then cast it off as us throwing the chains of imperialism off them. Simple!
Jackson Jackson
>End the welfare
So they can move to Orlando and vote for socialism! Real sound plan!
James Harris
>How shitty is it?
Canada-tier food prices, 3-4wk waiting period to see your doctor, months-long if its a specialist. 11.5% sales tax. High crime, though at least most murders are gangbangers killing each other. Occasional shootouts in broad daylight. Government is mostly inept, with what few decent politicians/govt. officials there are struggling to keep things together.
It sucks, famalam.
Please bear in mind that most people really didn't take the storm seriously until it was too late to really prep for it. That said, it was still bad.
Oliver Foster
We thought we won the Spanish-American war. We had no idea what we "won".
Jaxon Bennett
Cameron Thompson
You are exaggerating.
Our quality of life is comparable to that of South Korea and the best so far in Latin America, regardless of our many problems.
Robert Rodriguez
>You are exaggerating.
On what points?
Jaxon White
Eli Ramirez
Funny how the most prestigious award of journalism is given after one of biggest instigators of that war, the granddaddy of fake news. The nerve.
Kayden Morris
Sebastian Stewart
>Those a states with huge white populations
That's mostly the point.