Jow Forums movies

Gimme the goodies

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white people have photosensitive eyes, should never watch movies

Try this bitch

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Can't beat this one

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Story about a White family struggling to survive in a world of monsters and doing everything in their power to secure a future for their White children.

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Falling Down
Big Trouble in Little China
They Live
The Lost Boys

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Red Dawn
Master and Commander
They Live

>Big Trouble in Little China
You have excellent taste, sir.

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Not falling for indian poo scam links. Sorry

>every single good guy who helps Neo is a racial minority
>every bad goy is a white male, Mr. Smith, the Architect, the Twins, the Merovingian

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Because secretly it's the story of sub-humans attacking a more developed nation.
Look at the disco party in partII - all of them are shitskins.
Neo was hacked.

The Matrix
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Robin Hood the original with the English guy
Kingdom of Heaven
Taxi Driver

China town?

>Kingdom of Heaven

fuck you.

it's full SJW about how intolerant Christians are cucked by benevolent Muslims.

fuck you.

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Wild Geese starts with Roger Moore forcefeeding some little shit a bunch of heroin and laughing while he dies, then they go sneak into an African military base to rescue some dude and gas the entire platoon in their sleep,

Where Eagles Dare is kind of awesome because the heroes are dressed like nazis the entire film

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>muh Nazis

The Dark Knight
They Live
Dollars Trilogy
Falling Down
The Passion of the Christ
The Last Samurai
Blade Runner
Lord of War
Minority Report
The Thing
Judge Dredd
A Clockwork Orange
Ghost in the Shell (Anime)

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Oh, forgot:
Demolition Man

Das boot

Schindlers List
Blackk klansman
Do The Right Thing
Jungle Fever
The Last Jedi

>>muh Nazis
the heroes are nazis brother German, you don't see the heroes in a film dressed like nazis often

Awesome movie.

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go suck multiple Beh Beh Cehs in the parking loot America cuckold

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>Das boot
this film is freaking awesome, I hear it's the most realistic depiction of life aboard a sub

I laugh at this LONG AND HARD over and over, so gay

>The Dark Knight

>They Live
great concept but it falls apart after the intro, hard to get to the end which is better

>The Last Samurai
>Lord of War nick cage baging africa aids hookers?


>A Clockwork Orange

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mainstream, normie tier

Aussie film about a democrat utopia

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Schindler's list. Just about every racist antisemite on this website needs to view that movie and stop trolling about holocaust denial.

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General goes nuts and nukes the world because Communists put fluoride in his water and now his dick can't get hard

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It's very good. Watch the miniseries version. It's like 12 hours.

Why does the captain have blue eye shadow on?

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The only good jew is a gassed jew. Eat shit kike.

The dark Knight sucked ass

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Good list add 'The Grey' and the first 'Taken'

You suck ass.

Wow, that was easy, no substance or intelligence required.

you're just a normie bro, get on my level

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>They Live
For me this still has one of the best fight scenes ever.

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It’s intersting how this movie in recent times seems to be getting a lot of props. When it came out the complaint was it was too art house and slow for a comic movie. But with the gluttony of mindless capeshit it’s finally getting props

Great movie.

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Lmao me and my friends laughed at the fight scenes so damn hard, I'll pass on that dude.

However I like the message of the movie

>You suck ass.
listen there are reasons that capeshit movie is disliked by some people and cape shit doesn't really belong in this thread

this is the only USA movie about Hitler made before we entered the war

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the story behind it is amusing, Carpenter was really upset with the hollywood system and how it was treating him after Big Trouble in Little China bombed

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muh niggah

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a good Jow Forums film is Creep and Creep 2.
If you have not seen it, you're missing out on American Psycho levels on hilarity and furry degeneracy horror.


>filmed first perspective
>the innocent is a Soiboy movie maker
>the villian is twisted furry loving murdering LARPing psychopath.

Really good.

Sam Fuller kicks ass. I haven't seen White Dog tho. A lot of his war movies are low budget but he makes up for it with a whole lotta heart

>Harry Potter
Cringe and not based. What a faggot you are

everyone in this movie besides Chapman was embarrassed to be in it

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his face looks spoopy

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Lmao the dark Knight. I cannot believe that people take this cringefest seriously

American war movie about Nazis killing Russians

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Very good taste, also:

Blue is the Warmest Color
Stranger by the Lake
The Handmaiden
Black Panther

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you dont have any friends so stop pretending, thats just sad asf

He was a poof, so no wonder.

Dude... not cool

spotted the kike shill

harry potter is based, you are just too much of a brainlet to understand the layers.

Was Graham Chapman ever embarrassed in his life? He seemed to genuinely relish in the cringiest shit, which is what made him so good.

>White Dog
it's presented in a SJW context, but it's about a dog trained to kill black people

it was removed from the market shortly after release

I think all the hate towards that masterpiece was caused by this very scene (and by his traitorous girlfriend too) so they shat on it in their press and hastingly produced the shitty sequel with other actors to erase that one from public memory.
And Ang Lee made a statement that "cowboys are faggots" and suddenly everybody loved it, what a bittersweet irony.

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>Graham Chapman
first guy to admit to being gay on TV

Come and see
Boy in the striped pajamas

Redpilled asf

Avant-garde is Jewish trash.

>Alejandro Jodorowsky
>Born to Jewish-Ukrainian parents in Chile
It's like a sixth sense.

The Dark Knight Trilogy is imbued in game theory, the defiance of socialism and corruption, and many western ideals. You fags yelling capeshit are idiots for not seeing through your own deluded conclusions.

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All the recent reboot batman's including 'Batflecks' (Ben Affleck) are deeply flawed capeshit.
But it does have some strong redeeming scenes:

>Chinese Gulag (Dark Knight)
>Scarecrow mask scenes (Dark Knight)
>Joker with the crime bosses (2nd film)
>Bain first fight (3rd film)
>CIA plane scene (3rd film)
>Warehouse scene (BatFleck)
>Superman fight (BatFleck)
>Batman Fury Road (Knightmare scene BatFleck)

Probably lots of other scenes that are appreciable but as a whole the films are just cape shit. I think if Ben Affleck was Batman in the Dark Knight triology they might have been better. Batman is the comics is a big brawler type guy not a martial arts fighter.

Nah ur a faggot. I bet ur favorite game as a kid was kingdom hearts too. You probably grew up watching Disney like the feminine faggot you were, are, and will continue to be till you fucking die, faggot

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It was memepost on my part, I've listed the most bluepilled shit, don't make a mistake of watching it expecting redpills. The user I was responding to listed bluepilled flicks, so I decided to contribute.

That's just some edgelord. I also thought the fight scene in They Live was cringy af BTW.

faggot faggot faggot faggot, is that all you can say brainlet? a lot of projection going on there

I didnt appreciate it barely found entertaining.; just of fucking. I think Kubrick was probably telling us the Elite have sex parties or something. We already knew that and usually it's children NOT adults.

See here evidence lost of German paedo sex parties:

Lmao a gimp and a clown trying to change the world and some faggot lawyer crying over his ugly cunt fiance. Horrible shit film for faggots.

Zombie specially the scene in the supermarket...

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Stop arguing; it's shows your immaturity.
Harry Potter is crap.
It's only watchable because it has some of the cream of good 'theatrical' British actors (not the kids); some of who have now died.

pic related.

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If by projection you mean me describing the faggots I hate and applying their characteristics to you because you do in fact possess all of these characteristics because u are a girly faggot bugman, then yes you could say I'm projecting, go watch more hairy Potter you little bitch bou

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The Movie about the Rothschild family. Best scene when the goy tax collector comes so they pretend to be poor by hiding everything costly oy vey.

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You're a faggot dude then name some of your favs instead of criticizing. I want to punch you entitled piece of shit in the face

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Mandatory viewing.
Very interesting that this movie was based on 'Traumnovelle' or dream novel, which was written over 100 years prior and was set in vienna.

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Apart from the song and the tribute acts, I didn't find this appreciable.

Dr Strangelove -if no one has mentioned it, is bang on the money.

Robocop (original) - the humour is brilliant; speaks to corporate America and crime feed off each other and being strange bedfellows.

Lay off the varg videos. He's literally a pseudointellectual retard

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