Why do women think it's no big deal to be mentally ill?

You see it all the time, they say things like "I'm a crazy bitch i am my heads fucked it's completely gone" and they say it like it's no big deal. They just openly admit it to partners and make no bones about it.

Other ones post their med stash on social media and title it "hopefully this will sort my head out now xx". They make songs about how cool it is to be a psycho bitch and a bitch with bipolar etc.

I have even seen women on dating sites saying "I've been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder take me as i am or fuck off".

Men tend to keep this stuff more private and only open up once they are settled in a marriage or whatever, but women treat mental illness like they have a common cold.

How do you feel about women's attitude towards this? Is it good that they are now being more open about mental illness or should they keep it more internal like men do?

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Jews did this.

Because men put up with it.

woman will do ANYTHING retarded they think they can get away with

Would you prefer that they not give you fair warning?

I don't understand why you're complaining but here's my advice: When a bitch says she's crazy, she's not fucking lying!

The pill

I honestly don't know but most people act like this nowadays, as if extreme sensibility and emotionally unstability is something normal/enjoyable/good/interesting. It's not only women, but young men too, look at what kind of shit people listen to nowadays and pretend that they are dperessed or their life is shit while there are doomers out there that are experiencing the real deal. Times are changing and it's getting really weird.

Because TV promotes it

>be mentally ill gender
Have no problem with mental illness

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Glorification of mental illness is a byproduct of "everyone is equal and perfect the way they are." Mental illness just became a new uniqueness trait.

Fair enough, there is more to it imo tho

Thats the thing. Of course it's a good thing to receive some kind of warning, but how do you know they really are crazy and are not just saying it because it's trendy and cool to say it?

How can you tell which ones are legit mentally gone and which ones are just on pills because they had a bad day?

>mfw men under 25 are as bad as women nowdays

Whenever you think the future might be better just go talk to someone under 25, clears it right up.

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>Why do women think it's no big deal to be mentally ill?

Because they all reach that state for a week every month anyway.

I have pointed out in the past that you should be locked up if you have an uncontrollable desire to do violence to someone, whether it's biological or not.
It wasn't well received.

Real crazy ones don't say they are crazy.

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Low class, uneducated, white trash women post shit like that on Facebook because they think it makes them look intimidating

The majority of young adult women are now tattooed, social media zombies that habitually consume sleeping pills, SSRIs, Alprazolam, birth control and/or wine or a combination thereof.

Consequently they can't help it. They're fucked.

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It depends what kinda mental illness you're talking about.
Being a violent psychopath is a boon. But being a sensitive manic-depressive little faggot isn't.

I only ever really see that shit from coal burners and poverty level white women. The worst is the bitches who say shit like "I'm not a bitch I'm just honest"...its usually code for "im actually a huge bitch that's going to sit around bashing every girl I see".

Breaking news, crazy people do and say crazy things! More at 11!

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That tattoo is hilarious

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I tell people I'm not entirely stable as a legitimate warning not to fuck with me if they want to avoid being injured. If a bitch says she's crazy then just take it at face value and stay the fuck away. Whether or not she's actually the particular illness she claims to be, theres still something wrong with people who pretend to be ill for fun.

Because it’s like jack nicholson said in that movie “I take a man and remove reason and accountability.”.
They have no reason and are not accountable for the fucked up decisions they make therefore mental illness is not a problem.

they do so to get attention, they are not worried because it's not what they're selling, because they underplay what being actually ill means and because they can use it a justification for behaving unfairly

most women are not ill, just untrained.

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Because its just another way to be a special snowflake. I'm crazy, that makes me different from those other girls! And if you don't wanna get with me then you just can't handle me!

Its all bullshit to make them feel better about themselves and give them an excuse for being a fuck up.

Just when she thought she couldn’t get uglier she got that tattoo? Stupid bitch.

>you can’t tell a depressed person to “just snap out of it”
>I want to wallow in my “depression” and anyone who calls me out for being a baby is oppressing me

>are just on pills because they had a bad day?
If people are at the point they are taking some form of medication for mental issues, that's a red flag. Steer clear.

because its fashionable. Most of these menatally ill or crazy people aren't either they are just normal people trying to fit in as best they can. The media promotes these types of traits as being unique or special and normies see it and want to be special too so they do their best to imitate it. In reality these people are not bi polar or schizo or depressed if you've ever been to a psyche ward you'll know what a crazy person with a debilitating illness looks like.

If she says it runnaway immediately.
If it’s true then you’re fucked. If it’s not true and she thinks it’s a cool trendy thing to say, she’s a fucking cunt and you’re still fucked.

Jesus Lord christ . Whenever im down ill look at that pic and know that somewhere this bitch is existing and her life is a thousand times worse than mine

This, sadly. Finding a good woman is a fucking nightmare.

Forgot to mention the worst are those with prescription medication for "anxiety". There is nothing to be anxious about, life is so comfy you practically cannot fail as a woman and yet there they are munching prescription medication. It's insane shit.


This, anything men put up with is ok for them to do.

So it's basically the same thing that the single mothers say when they say "if me having a kid is too much for you you're not a real man"

Please don't lump me in with the other retards my age.

They'll prescribe anti-depressants for literally anything in the US. (((They))) want a numb populace who can be easily controlled.

Jesus fuck, for god sake you can answer any question about with women with one simple phrase;
>for attention

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Because victimhood is their default state of mind.

I am all for this.
It will hopefully make divorce from them less damaging when there is such abundant proof of their insanity.
Of course this is wishful thinking but I dream non the less.
Also, it makes finding a non-insane woman a little easier when a good portion of them are up front about it.
Of course there will be the ones who hide it until the outburst that makes it obvious which is why it's nice to know the warning signs like tattoos, excessive makeup, and daddy obsession to name a few.

they stop thinking its funny when i beat and rape them

They've been encouraged to name and medicate their quirks for the profit of big pharma

I met one of these tards on facebook before I deleted my account. She wanted to be able to re-write an exam because "muh anxiety".

So I said no you should stop smoking weed and drinking tons of coffee and stop skipping class. Like 10 people spazzed out at me, so I told them to kill themselves because assisted suicide was legal now.

Mental illness is manytimes demonic influence due to past sins

Because you can't beat your women anymore. Hell men too. Something socially unacceptable? Give them a beating, let them know why, and that it will happen again if the behavior continues.

Undlecdotal evidence says tatooing ovcult symbols opens personality to demon attacks

>not being an avenger
Why even live

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> Embraces duty
To the masked (((hardcore revolutionary))) kike at the top that he decides a war for him

Attention whoring.

>Because they all reach that state for a week every month anyway.
lmao women btfo

there’s plenty of wealthy (parents at least) art hoes who think it’s so groundbreaking to use their prescription bottles as subjects painting, photography etc

Looks like egg man's wife

This happens when your daughter gets molested by me

“Mental illness” is used as a means to neglect or push off personal responsibility by these sorts of women.

If there’s one thing people love doing these days, it’s dodging personal accountability and blaming everything on factors out of their control

It gives them the victim status they desperately seek to validate while at the same time allowing them to feel they are not to be held accountable for their actions. Claiming mental illness is an all too common cop-out for all sorts of dysfunction.

Why is it cool to be depressed and on antidepressants?

Because it empowers you to collect sympathy from people.

>feel bad for me! i'm sick!