Women shouldn't fucking exist. They are chameleons and liars in every single way...

Women shouldn't fucking exist. They are chameleons and liars in every single way. Every single thing and aspect about women disgust me besides their bodies. If you don't feel the same way you're a fucking faggot. Woman has no redeeming qualities.

Attached: images (44).jpg (479x640, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ur gay bro

This. Just suck a dick and get it over with. You'll feel better.

>Woman has no redeeming qualities.
some of them fuck really good, so I disagree


women used to be alright before incels fucked it all up

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the weakness of women shows men their strength

if you can't see the purpose of imperfection you've fallen too deep in the jewish technical-slaughterhouse

>stacy didnt let me SMASH!
>stacy doesnt like me
>lemme rant on the politics board
Timmy, get over it

Yeah especially the ones you pay. They’re professionals through and through.

Respect your mother, user.

did mommy forget to feed you?

You have originally put women onto a pedestal. Once you realized that they don't match up to your standards, you decided that they shouldn't exist at all. Had you taken women as they truly are straight from the beginning, there would be no problem. It's all your own fault. Yours and your father's, either for being absent or a spineless white knight.

They can get us off you damn biggot

>white women shouldnt exist

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na we need them...

time to fap

Anyone who likes woman in 2019 is a faggot. Putting in that much mental and emotional energy into a relationship so you can fuck her is the epitome of being a cuck.

>you want sex. Take me out to eat, pay for my meal, buy me flowers, tell me I'm pretty, have a good job, be fit, have friends, dont be a nerd, and dont confide in me

You're better off being in a relationship with one of your homies. Almost no effort and you still get to fuck. As long as you both arent faggots theres no problem

interesting, and well said.. you cannot appreciate the convex, without the concave..

Too bad they ruined politics, technology, education, social "sciences", the economy, the demographics, promote dysgenics...

What else would you spend your money on? Drugs and vidya?


Gas the roasties
Sex war now

What's your looks criteria? Reason I ask, is because usually only incels hate on women for maltreatment. Also post your height if you can.

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Anything other than paying for some roasties food for the chance she spreads her legs for you at the end of the 3rd date

Phone fagging, so flag swap by accident.

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Btw, Pic related meant for:

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women are a necessary evil until men can build artificial wombs and robots to change diapers.


Attached: Phenotypic Comparison 4.png (1384x748, 1.04M)

>be American capitalist
>wanted to get laid with everybody for money
>create whores out of women to get laid
>fast forward few decades, women are whores
>why oh why are women like that?
>meanwhile goes and buys a protitute too

kys discord tranny


True, but surrogacy exists, along with available maid support. So you could opt for that, instead of divorce rape and female neglect.

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I don't even use Discord, let alone tranny support sub groups. I'm also a fucking man, not some deranged mentally ill faggot.


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I don't see why it's a bad deal, it's not more degenerate or expensive than the drugs and other distractions you'll spend on and it's fun and mentally stimulating to figure out how to get a woman to want you to cum in her.

Most women don't whore out though? Especially in the Anglo sphere, and the very few that do are usually imports from slavic hell holes.

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Should of emphasized whore out in regards to making prostitution a profession.

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Spoken like a true cuck. Make sure you donate to her patreon too

>not some deranged mentally ill faggot
>posts gore for no reason
Well looks like you're some deranged mentally ill faggot.

But what ever.

Attached: Mongoloid feels.webm (320x240, 2.83M)

I unironically suggest homosexuality. Seriously, if you can convince yourself to be attracted to men instead, you'll probably be a lot happier.

That said, I've had girlfriends before. No, they weren't perfect. Yes, they could be annoying sometimes. No, I would not have married any of them. But honestly, it feels great to have a woman who genuinely loves you and wants to please you. I think women, if properly led and kept in check by strong social norms, can be absolutely wonderful.

Women are flawed just like men are. The difference is that women are encouraged to exhibit their flaws on full display and discouraged by society from changing. If men were treated the same way by society, we'd be seen as strong and empowered for bashing each other over the head with clubs whenever we had a disagreement. So we're not really naturally all that more moral than women, though we may have a stronger sense of justice etc.

For what it's worth, I have female friends, and I find them to be decently reliable and fun to hang out with. They are generally pretty aware of my stances on feminism etc. but they still like to hang out with me anyways, so I can confirm that not all women are screeching feminist harpies. One of them is probably more vocally antifeminist than I am. They're not all that attractive though.

This. The issue was giving them rights and privileges when they aren't suited to handle the corresponding responsibilities. The 19th amendment was a mistake, but really, even if the vote was limited to just all men, that would still be way too much suffrage.

How's exposing Mongoloid abuse related to expressing faggoty impulses? It's also not gore, technically if you consider Mongoloids sub human.

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Go to Dailystromer and hang out with the little wimmen hating closet fag.

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>Women shouldn't fucking exist.
Said no man that ever got pussy.

Kill yourself homo. You're a degenerate that any decent society would have gotten rid off. Your justifications are pointless.

I'm telling you user, you don't even need to get super fit, just get a little fit, get slightly good at something, then take her hiking or rock climbing or something where you can demonstrate that you have a functional body superior to her own. Then you can spend $15 at McDonalds and have a really good time in her, its worth it.

Alright pussy cunt eyes, maybe webm related might even the playing field of racial insults. You're also an absolute dick head, for using a meme flag.

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3d "humans" have always been mostly shit, that's why I only trust my waifu

Or you could have fucked your homie and busted a nut in the time it took to drive to the hiking location. Saved 15 dollars and 5hours

Keep cumming in your hands and pretending it's a vagina faggot. What did your mother do to you?

Yeah dating is pretty degenerate. Arranged marriages have been the norm throughout history for a pretty good reason. The idea is to find a girl who you are relatively sure is pretty traditional, chaste, and wants to get married. You date because A) you want to find a long-term partner, not just sex, and B) arranged marriage isn't an option. I wouldn't mind spending money on that kind of girl. But they're very hard to find these days.

If you just want casual sex, get on Tinder if you look like Chad. Otherwise, go get a prostitute.

Also, in my experience, lots of women are willing to go dutch these days in my experience. If she isn't very, very obviously traditional, you probably shouldn't pay for her meal.

If she strings you along and uses you for free meals because you want to sleep with her, then it's probably your fault. That situation is honestly pretty avoidable in this day and age. Just don't listen to feminists or cuckservatives about how to "treat a woman".

>misleading vividness fallacy
Your personal experience has led you to believe something that is false.

Can't really blame women. Jews always manage to manipulate the weak minded

keep subverting peiple schlomo, you should be in bed by now

>Women shouldn't fucking exist.
Completely agree. tge only human females should be cute young gurls, no old hags.

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But then you miss the best part during sex were you ask her what she really wants and, in a way only a cute girl can do, she whispers she wants your sperm to contact her eggs.

i agree mate 2d girls are superior in every aspect

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you wish to have been born from your father's ass if i well understand?

True. But Jews wouldn't have been able to turn our women against us if whites hadn't already worshiped and pedestalized them to a ridiculous degree. This shit didn't start with academic feminism, it was already there in the middle ages with chivalric tales of knights devoting themselves to serving a lady in the most desperate and cucked way possible. The white knight meme is actually what a lot of medieval knights aspired to be. Later on, you had retarded 1800s cuckservative southerners arguing against women's suffrage on the grounds that women were too "pure and moral" to be in politics. Western culture has had a nasty habit of worshiping women for a pretty long time.

In traditional Chinese culture this behavior is seen as foolish, weak-minded and pathetic. Asians were traditionally a lot more redpilled on women.


WHY DO YOU EXTract me to all these beautiful women you hate seeing me with you stupid fuck.

shes gorgeous...
Do you even know what perfect is?
Am issed...an sepnt the day alone.

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tis friday time fro a revelation...

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>I challenge you guys to try to pronounce

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If your Chad go ahead do whatever. Even still must be fun fucking holes and ditching them because the holes have no other redeeming qualities.

Woman do not talk like that. Only gays say that shit. Youre already 1 step to utopia

>white knight alert

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I disagree. Men shouldn't exist, only cute girls should exist. Imagine that. A world without Chad nor Tyrone, just Stacies.

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>Heresy i say

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kek true but the funny thing is jews are responsible for this too. Freemasons(controlled by jews) believe that Jesus made Mary Magdalene the head of the church instead of Peter. This along with rumors of Jesus having a daughter named Sarah and the Virgin Mary pbuh's miracle condition the western christian world's behavior towards women

Yeah i know this is the capital of the old world an theres templar shit ere...

>Oak Island.

Please stop tricking the newfags into summoning Cthulhu, it always takes weeks to clean up the body parts and rotten fluids.

You can't as a pathetic human. It is an alien language vocalized by alien physiology.

>Every single thing and aspect about women disgust me besides their bodies >If you don't feel the same way you're a faggot
The logic here, fellas.

Slaute you my Brother in arms,.

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How is what I said heresy? It's the pure truth.

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He's drunk ignore him...

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>I just wanted to see who's idiot enough do summon cthulhu.

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>come on no one want to try to summon cthulhu

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Gay sex is way better anyway. There's nothing as mind-blowing as feeling those balls slapping against your ass as some BBC lays down some serious pipe on you.

Oh god, look at this fucking loser.

T. Cuckike
Or Goatfucker
Or Kikian

I will place knapsack on by back, my rifle on my shoulder, I will march away to the firing line and kill that Yankee soldier.

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> just say "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" it is fine nothing bad will happen i promise

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it pretty clear that the woman who brought you up failed miserably

Ya I’m done with women. They don’t care about ur personality at all and if you’re not buff or tall they don’t want anything to do with you. I’m just gonna be a fag and suck dicks, at least other guys are real people I can actually relate to

women are like a children and also have the evil inside, but the real problem is the white knights that allow them to do whatever they want

awww she wont fuck you...we get it. KEK