If race exists like Jow Forums and stormfront insist then why

Why do super scientists and intellectual titans and scholars all disagree with Jow Forums and the alt-right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Even the national geographic states the same things. So did my biology professor.

It appears that most people on Jow Forums and stormfront are uneducated. Kind of how creationist Christians attempt to discredit evolution, yet all they show is that they are uneducated whenever they start trying to talk about that subject.

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PCA doesn't prove that racial categories exist, we already did this in our class. We can choose a variety of clusters and get different results and distances.

The only correct way to determine actual relation is with a full autosomal DNA sequence, this also shows race to be scientifically invalid.

Ph.D's also agree, race simply doesn't exist.

But many on Jow Forums refuse to learn, it's quite possibly learning difficulties. Much like the flat earth community.

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Europeans are domesticated humans.

Domesticated by what?
I hope this isn't one of these antisemitic things. lol

What the hell is a
>Super Scientist
you stupid fuck?

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Years of civilisation. Acts of aggression toward authority for exampme in the medieval period resulted in death.

wasnt there a guy that was basically a pioneer in genetics and he said that race did exist ?


Opinion discarded

So you agree, that the holocaust didn't happen?

Does albanism cause the same facial features in the patients like downsyndrom does

Who will win?
>Lots of kikes who proclaimed each other scientists and intellectuals and now say that you should believe them because of that
>One empirical boi
Well Jow Forums?

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pic related.

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>lewontins fallacy

over and over and over again

If race doesn't exist than racism doesn't exist and we should get rid of affirmative action and diversity quotas.

Because anyone that says differently isn't an intellectual titan.

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The nobel prize biologist pioneer of genetics and discoverer of DNA has the exact same discourse on race that Jow Forums has.
You're a dumb nigger if you didn't know this.

Can we just link all of OP faggot's other daily threads on this?

Maybe Hitler's paragraph on Jews repeating the same twaddle every day.

Because race isn't a scientific word you retard, use the correct terminology phenotype or if that is too hard breed.

No there wasn't, there was a man who was the first man to see the double helix. He in old age as a senile man said a few racist things and got shunned by the scientific community. He never studied population genetics and really was in no position to even talk about that particular subject to start with. It was like if an old man who once worked on battery chemistry started talking in his senile years about biochemistry and saying a whole bunch of ridiculous nonsense.

>race simply doesn't exist.
than whats the fucking problem?

Its scientifically invalid despite cognitive development genes varying more then our pigmentation genes?

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Please list ONE Intelligence test (IQ test) where Blacks score higher than Whites or Asians.

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I don't know what you are even saying, facial features vary from individual to individual. Neither of the people in the picture have down syndrome or look like down syndrome people. Sorry

I'd like to point out that this exact same flag with the same images was posting the same topic yesterday. I am under the impression this thread intends to slide us. Beware, my fellow browsers.


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We need affirmative action lawsuits for jewish nepotism.

>be literal discoverer of dna
>all current studies show significant differences in IQ by race
>even in races raised in households of other races this holds true
>brain is the most complicated organ in the body, with all of the observed differences in other organs differing by race it would make sense for significant divergences to occur in the brain as well
>state these facts publicly in a non-malicious way
>get all of my honors taken away from me and receive emphatic slander across academia and msm

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>He in old age as a senile man said a few racist things and got shunned by the scientific community.
maybe those racist things he said were true ?

>Why do super scientists and intellectual titans and scholars all disagree with Jow Forums and the alt-right?

>lewontins fallacy

You are illiterate, it would be "Lewontin's fallacy".
Also you don't understand it and haven't read his book.

The point of the later theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between, contrasting groups. Lewontin's analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards' critique does not contradict that interpretation.

Notice how the albino nigress has shit lighting.

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>If race doesn't exist than racism doesn't exist
Another fallacy.

If I claim that red haired people are a race tomorrow and I say that race has no soul and should be killed off. Clearly racism exists, though it doesn't mean that my claims are correct about that group (which is what the racism is). Of course I can spot them by their red hair, but the whole racial construct I made around that is false.

Discrimination is largely based on false ideas, this happened to women for centuries also.

That has already been covered and destroyed. Try another argument.

>Why do super scientists and intellectual titans and scholars all disagree with Jow Forums and the alt-right?
>all disagree
They don't. In fact, scientists that do agree with Jow Forums are ostracized from the scientific community. The most prominent case would be James Wattson, one of the scientists who discovered the DNA structure.

Relevant article: smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/dna-pioneer-james-watson-loses-honorary-titles-over-racist-comments-180971266/

>The renowned scientist has a long history of controversial commentary on not only race, but issues spanning gender, religion and sexuality

>Watson’s claims have no basis in actual scientific research. Returning to Watson’s latest comments regarding race, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins tells The New York Times’ Harmon that most intelligence experts attribute differences in I.Q. testing mainly to “environmental, not genetic, differences.”

I repeat that last part:
>most intelligence experts attribute differences in I.Q. testing mainly to “environmental, not genetic, differences.”
Meanwhile there is a catalogue of genes directly linked to what we believe to be "intelligence". Jow Forums doesn't deny that environment plays a major role, but it also acknowledges that genetics play a major role as well. Which is what most publicly funded pussy scientists are afraid to say, even though they probably know it's true. It is this cowardice that is so despicable and misleading. Science is science, and science is based on verifiable/falsifiable theories. It doesn't matter whether the current political climate puts such a large emphasis on "equality" and "one human race". If science can verifiably and reproducibly prove this sentiment wrong, then it is wrong and must be acknowledged as such.

We are not doing anybody a service by distorting reality just to suit our feelings. Banning dissenters is unworthy of science.

>two human populations that have been geographically separated for over 70.000 years until the advent of transatlantic slave trade
>somehow this does not create significant differences between the populations
>even though breeding other organisms like pets, livestock and plants does it in much fewer generations
>even though natural pressures have adapted many species such as rodents to live in the presence of humans
If you believe in evolution you have to believe in races and racial differences between previously geographically separated groups. The whole race is not real business is fueled by coping liberals that are afraid of the literal Hitlers being right. The truth fears no investigation, but why is it then not allowed to be investigated?

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>If only you knew how bad things really are.

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>evolution doesn't apply to humans: the thread

niggers are poor
here you go

>correct terminology phenotype
I don't think you understand what a phenotype is, each person or organism has a huge quantity of phenotypes (one sibling blatantly can have a different phenotype). This isn't synonymous with the term "race". Totally different topics.

>IQ measures innate intelligence


You are using an engineer as a scientist..I can only assume you are baiting. If not please kill yourself or go live with niggers so they can kill you.

Niggers are a social construct, prove me wrong.

Yes because science has never been ignored or manipulated to push an agenda before
>Trofim Lysenko

This is an old argument and been debunked for years
Speak out against it and you get shot down Ask Jimmy Watson

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LMAOOO ur a retard

Please don't start a thread inviting more stormnigger and the low IQ to kvetch on Jow Forums as a whole. It sucks that we have have the autism that will never be removed.

>be literal discoverer of dna
He didn't discover DNA, seriously get your facts straight.
DNA was discovered in the 1860's.

Watson and Crick only discovered the basic structure of double helix DNA in the 1950's.
Heck the double helix was even theorised before Watson and Crick were able to see it.

Also Watson wasn't a population geneticist. He was just in a primitive era and was happy to see the basis structure of DNA. This is the structure meaning the double helix, he didn't theorise it and he didn't understand how base pairs work of the complex genetic sequencing that we do today.

Posting a video of a senile man looking like he is having a stroke also makes you look ridiculous if this is who you guys get behind. The guy is so old he is mentally retarded at that point.

soooo a guy with a liberal arts degree?

Are you the faggot who compared white nationalists to afro-centrists recently?

They are both retarded racist so why are they not the same?

That scientist looks like a kike.

So you believe in crazy conspiracies where one old looking senile man that looks like he is about to have a stroke knows more than the entire scientific community.

Honestly buddy, seek help. You have the power of reason of a 3 year old.

Flat earth also isn't true because the scientific community laugh at it and push it away, your method of deciding what is true (if people don't agree with it, it's secretly true) is really stupid.

>why do kikes shill for racemixing

because they are kikes, that's what they do

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The mindslaves today will admit in a heartbeat that niggers are faster and can jump higher than whites(and the bbc meme) but somehow iq is not genetic and there's no difference in iq among the races. Its fucking retarded.

I'll take Dr. watson's opinion. also, you know something is correct when people have a sudden attack of "piety" and you lose your job over it, despite being a nobel prize winner. People don't react with the laguage of the inquisition and banishment for things that aren't completely true.

The wealthiest and most successful AFRICAN in the world is a white man. This is how pathetic the black race is when they have a population of 1 billion+ in the world, but the minority white man holds the title of the wealthiest and most successful AFRICAN in the world lmao

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Franz Boas killed anthropology by making the claim that humans are equal and only culture makes people different.

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>runs away with a bag of shekels

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you dont present any arguments against him though , just flinging shit towards him

They dont. Even the Guy who discovered DNA and won a Nobel Price agree with Jow Forums. Low life dumbfucks and politicaly correct scientists dosent agree with him tho.. But nice shitpost brainlett.

Scientists HAVE to agree, or they will be shunned like that old guy was

this time 1000000000x its so fucking simple you'd have to be a fucking blind faggot shill to disagree.

heres what happens when you are wrong
>scientist claims something incorrect
>people debunk his claims with ease
>he shuts up or admits defeat

heres what happens when you are right but no one wants to hear it
>they are outraged
>they fire you
>no one can show ANY inkling of truth to the contrary

>super scientists and intellectual titans

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You are correct. Dont waste your time on politicaly correct dumbfucks. They Will never understand anything.

>scientists that do agree with Jow Forums are ostracized

One old senile man that's can barely even think or talk anymore doesn't = a scientist anymore. Sorry
The fact that this is the alt-right community's go to video is comical. This is all you guys have? That's even more pathetic than I thought. lol

>The Main Reason...
Whenever you see a title like that, it's subversion. See: everything on BuzzFeed, HuffPo, WaPo

>So you believe in crazy conspiracies
Not an argument kike. Try an actual argument next time.

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>>super scientists
>>posts a picture of an engineer

Fucking lol

i no white but smarter then most people here
how come?

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Explain racial differences in sports.

I like how they had to use a white guy with an abnormally wide nose and a black with an abnormally thin nose to make them look similar.

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You got your ass handed to you last time you posted this.

Then we cannot be racist and we are reacting to problems that exist in reality with behaviour of certain people who happen to have certain skin colors.

You're right, the different races should be called different species instead.

lmfao that is an actor

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Granted, one IQ test by itself is not sufficient but three are needed to accurately measure intelligence. FINE take ANY three IQ tests you want to use for your average and show where Black intelligence is shown to be equal to or better than White or Asian intelligence.

Just show ONE reviewed scientific paper that shows Black populations are as intelligent as white or Asian populations

yeah, he's a cunt with a shitty thread

that looks like an aryan to me famalam

>Why do super scientists and intellectual titans and scholars all disagree with Jow Forums and the alt-right?
Because the ones that agree with the right wing find themselves out of a job real fucking fast, plenty such cases

Fuck off kike. Race is real and even as a child I've noticed blacks were dumb. I was raised by a single mom until I was 12 and even then we still lived in a shitty neighborhood and did well in school. I'm Hispanic by the well. Racial differences isn't all caused by genes. but it is the main reason.

1# Bill Nye and other meme scientists are not scientists.

2# Scientists have expertise in their field... That's it.

3# Google "replication crisis". We are living on the brink of a darkage, and a return of Pagan gods worship replaced with ideaology and meme personalities.

Sage bot threads


woah all your special stickers have changed me, I think africa and the south americas are successful now

It does, but you don't understand how evolution works and neither does Jow Forums in general.

Jow Forums logic of evolution.
>Time uniformly creates change, it just creates it because it does.......science rox.
>skin tone means we are basically sub-species, and that's evolution and sheeeeiiiiit.
>Dog breeds prove that blacks are another species.

The alt-right is always comical. Good for a laugh.

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Because they would be disavowed if they did. Its pretty damn simple dummy.

It’s just cope to why all the countries with the LOWEST IQ’s in the world are all black lmao

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Why did (((scientists))) change their opinion on race over time? Pro tip, it's not because of any scientific advancement or further understanding.

i'm gonna have nightmares user

Why do make this thread everyday, you dirty kike? Is getting BTFO your way of coping?

>race doesn't exist

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>and a return of Pagan gods worship
So we have a Christian tard here.

Are you aware that Christianity is an Abrahamic religion from the middle east and that Jesus was a Jew? And that native European religions were outlawed and people even killed if they continued practising their own religion instead of adopting the Abrahamic one?

You are following something that literally attacked Europe and oppressed Europeans, you have stockholm syndrome.

this is the same retard who will tell you the differences between to birds that are almost exactly the same but screeches at the thought of skull shape, bone density and performance differences being significant in different kinds of humans, give up you are losing

Your race can be determined by a tiny amount of DNA. Forensic anthropologists can determine race by skeletal structure. It's not a social construct, despite what your emaciated vegan faggot professor tells you.

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>Because they would be disavowed if they did.
That's about as good as a flat earth argument where they claim that everyone is lying to them in the scientific community and are in on the lie just to keep their jobs........

You do realise how retarded you guys sound right? It's bad enough that you think Jews ruined your life and run the world, but also this also? How many more levels of retarded can you go?

>18 posts of terrible bait
Staph. You are dishonoring your flag.

White nationalists/ the Alt-Right seems more intelligent and knows more about history. I'm not white but even I admit they're right about most stuff.

Afro-Centrists are literally dumb monkeys with an extra 10 IQ points.