Leftist Thug Caught on Video Assaulting Conservative Berkeley Student While Fellow Students Laugh

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I would comb through the pictures at, I am sure she is there.


I really can’t understand the rationale for the guy who stood there and just got assaulted. If you’ve already been grabbed around and punched out why wouldn’t you at least take a swing. You’re not going to be charged for self-defense. This whole “Dems are the real maniacs,” and trying to get the moral high ground is fucking retarded... it’s the same thing as Jeff sessions not prosecuting on for two years to appear superior. Are conservatives this cowardly?

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With Berkely, and Cali in general, the thought "can I defend myself in the situatuon without jail time" would cause me to pause at least momentarily.

He clearly says he will shoot him, so I am sure the Berkeley police will do everything in their power to arrest him for carrying in a gun-free zone right?

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To be honest even if we find this guy he's way too masculine to approach or think about attacking. The way he asserts his dominance and stands up for his ideals is admirable.
I would probably get ready to fight him,but when I finally track him down I will see his masculine jawline and instantly get on my knees to Suck on his cut American cock


There are 4 to 5 camera angles of the situation and all of them clearly show the other Guy instigating the entire incident. Just because you live in a different state doesn’t mean you can just attacking entire half of the other country for their political beliefs

>Leftist Thug Caught on Video Assaulting Conservative
Reminder that this has been happening for 3 years and Drumpf has done nothing about any of it.

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On the contrary, he did the correct thing in terms of PR. Leftists have been seemingly unhinged in the last two months, this just adds yet another example of the unhinged behavior. Had the conservative fought back, it would not be as big of a deal. But the lefty fag was clearly in the wrong, and now this makes buts the left and Berkeley in A FAR worse light.


Conservatives need to die.

looks like budget ryan reynolds

?? where?
big whoop. didnt u see chicago? some famous actor survived a lynching attack its all over the news.

That gif would make it seem like Trump is not President. Still salty over 2016 huh?. Did you make that gif before the results were in?.

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It's because you people on the right are a bunch of pacifist candy asses.

>muh PR
>surely more based black guys and onions ridden self hating white people will join us if we get beat up in public

Berkley is not going to change a single fucking policy, and I doubt they even seriously charge this guy with anything when I find them. I’m not advocating proactive violence but if you’re getting punched in the face you should probably at least swing back you fucking pussy. In this case he just punch the guy and walked away, someone else more unhinged could punch you and then decide to soccer kick you in the head once you go down

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>Drumpf is president
>does nothing to help his base
>betrays them at nearly every opportunity
So this is the power of MAGA...

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He dyed his hair. Look at the color of his beard.

He is not masculine, what he is missing us heart, it will take you far.
He got no heart, I could beat him.

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thug's boyfriend

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Has the perfect chin to shatter. That is what they call a glass jaw in boxing. A little love tap and nighty, night.

he looks arab

I can’t believe the conservative let this bitchass muthafucker just punch him, he is not even that tough looking he just looks like an average leftist cuck on any college campus

What happened to the Real humans that fought in Berkeley during 2016 now you are all PUSSYS they want to go tattle to cops. FIGHT BACK YOU FAGGOTS

What would people on Jow Forums do if they witnessed such a thing.

I feel as if I would want to follow him until he confronted me and then stab him to death.

Thats just how I feel though, maybe I would do nothing.

Nice Proxy tho Hill shill.
weak Tier memes.

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This. We've tried for long enough to regain the moral argument and we've seen where that's gotten us.

He would have got his ass kicked still and the qorld qould have looked at it as a fight instead of a beating. Huge difference.

>Are conservatives this cowardly?


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NDT meme

But seriously this guy wasn't there to rumble, obviously, he was there to try to recruit people and maybe even change some minds, but what he forgot was this was bezerkly and there was going to be some violent leftist creep who would attack him. Shame on him for overestimating the student population of bezerkly.

He looks like a young non bald Greg graffin. Might as well be him same leftist mentality I bet.

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The attacker's poo in the loo boyfriend was identified as Yuvi Panda.

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I don't think you realize that Berkeley is occupied communist territory. I say without any embellishment that if dude had defended himself he would have been jailed and charged without a doubt.

Remember Berkeley is where Eric Clanton was allowed to run around assaulting people with a deadly weapon WHILE WEARING A MASK and didn't do any time whatsoever.

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>Yuvi Panda.

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He says "random stranger" but admitted the day before he was "angry" about the same thing ... police need to put that faggot under investigation.

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the "likes" should be investigated

there a webm of this?