Should Ellen Page apologise?

Should Ellen Page apologise?

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For her acting? Absolutely.


damn wtf happened to her
last time i checked she looked decent
is she doing drugs?

she looks like a decaying corpse

No , she WAS a cutie and is 5'1 , so she is fine in my books.

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she has the vegan look

For being fugly?



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t. reddit

Looks like she should apologize to a crack pipe

Leftists don't apologize. They just deflect or try to rationalize their horseshit.
No tits, no ass, no hips. You must be into traps.

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Why is there so much overlap between the vegan look and the AIDs look?

>she really really wants to fuck trump, huh?

That's not a forehead that's a fivehead.

Does Reddit support her? Fuckin why?

Traps are gay. And as long as its a woman , tits and ass dont matter as much as looks do.

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Jesus as I recall she used to be real qt


>Canada Goose coat

let's get PETA on the case

Damn she's ugly

To Hell with geese. Absolute Demon spawn.

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Did you have a bad experience?

>tits and ass dont matter as much as looks do
So you are attracted to traps as long as you can't see the genitals.

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>Why is there so much overlap between the vegan look and the AIDs look?

They are the same look because both looks are caused by a malnourished body feeding on itself.

>So you are attracted to traps as long as you can't see the genitals.


who isn't?

what happened to her bros?

this was true, before traps.

Haha Who HASNT?? Here in Boston , we have turkeys , which are just as bad. Both are irritating maniacs.

When I figure out that they are a guy , I instantly become uninterested.

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what an ugly bitch

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Yes. Ellen Page must apologize for trying to hide her lesbian privilege.

She should apologize for being so cute 12 years ago and looking like she does now.

>she's 32
Let that sink in for a moment.

She looks like mid 40s.

Post pictures of her before she got AIDS

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She was never cute

Yes, it's not a debate.


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You but a $1000 worth of hair and make up into a broad, you can make them attractive.

Would actually be hilarious

They can be attractive , but they are still MEN.

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(Predator screeching intensifies)

As much as we want this to happen, everyone here knows it's never gonna happen. Sometimes I feel we need these retarded libs to spew their bs so I can get a reality check every time I forget about the evil in this world.

Quick rundown?

She's so ugly


>Should Ellen Page apologize?
To Mike Pence: Yes
For her virtue signaling: Yes
For her shit acting: Yes
For her forehead that we must look at: Yes
For being a lesbo: No. No one cares that you are a lesbo

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Dont send me there... Please...

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ever since she's turned into a lesbo benjamin franklin her life's been an absolute mess! sad!

for that five-head? Yup

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>make wild accusations before evidence is given

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you forgot male pattern baldness

I agree. These horny teenagers keep posting older pics of her... she's always been ugly. I'm sure these desperate kids would fuck a crocodile and convince themselves it's pretty.

you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off

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Im not a teenager , bud. And these pics of her are ABSOLUTELY 10/10.

Hell yeah

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Even at her best, Plain Jane.

She is the Hannah Gadsby of sexy pictures.

Built like a slimline fridge. Disgusting,

>Im not a teenager , bud. And these pics of her are ABSOLUTELY 10/10.
OK, then you're a pedo-faggot. Your "10/10" pic looks like a 10-year-old boy.

Aint nothin wrong with that.

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Hulk Hogan with a bad dye job and a front combover basically.

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True if big

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No teenage boy looks like this. Try harder.

Haha Go to Hell

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Shes looks like a poor mans taylor swift it that pic.

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>No teenage boy looks like this. Try harder.

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Was never into Taylor but Ill take that as a compliment.


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>To Hell with geese. Absolute Demon spawn.
we call em sky-rats up here

Halifax represent


yes, she should apologize

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Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shit.

nice digits

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Whats the story?

For her giant forehead? 100% she should

What did she say this time?

She should apologize for not wearing a burka to cover her ugly mug.

Im sorry , my neighbor to the North. The one GOOD thing about Turkeys is that they cant fly as well as other birds.

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Is that the Anime-gate whore?

whatd she do?

Traps definitely have ass user

Bitch peaked in her late teens, like all bitches, now it's all downhill, hence the bitterness.

>whatd she do?

hit the wall.

I don't know, just a random save

For her forehead? Yes.

That's a sixhead goddamn

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Dude, you're desperate and would fuck anything wet. We all get it and aren't judging. Hell, I fucked a chubby Mexican girl once because it was all that was available. But don't try to convince me that chick is anyone's 1st choice. She probably went lesbo out of desperation after all. Most of all, don't lie to yourself. Admit you've got a fetish and accept it for what it is. Whatever trips your trigger.


That's weird
I thought the whole attraction to traps was about the cock
A tranny with a nice big hard cock

ok but what actually did she do? the news just says she was "pressured" to wear dresses or some shit