>President Trump’s advisor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is leaving Washington this weekend for a trip that will include an audience with Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, Vanity Fair reported. It will be his first face-to-face with the Saudi leader since the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in October, which U.S. intelligence reportedly believes the prince orchestrated.
>Kushner is reported to have a close relationship with the Crown Prince, also known as MBS. The New York Times reported late last year that the two had “private, informal conversations,” which concerned U.S. officials. Kushner reportedly remained a defender of MBS within the White House, even after Khashoggi’s death. The presidential advisor has reportedly pushed for the Saudis to receive a $110 billion military arms deal.
>The latest visit, which will also touch down in five other Arab countries, comes as the Trump administration reportedly seeks a deal to sell nuclear technology to the Saudis. It also comes in the lead-up to Israeli elections. Kushner has long promised a peace plan, which is expected to involve the Saudi leadership. The public presentation of the plan is being delayed until after Israeli elections in April.
>Replace JIDF with Discord Tranny >Replace hate for Jews with hate for Muslims (because Jews also hate them) >Instead of freedom from goyim wageslavery, convince MIGA boomers to embrace it and corporate worship. >Keep supporters distracted away from Israel, Zionism, and AIPAC using fake social psyops. >Spam /ptg/ to annoy veteran Jow Forums posters and make them feel Jow Forums has been lost to Zionism It's not working, though. There may be a lot of shill threads, but everybody is aware that Kushner works for Israel and Trump is his lapdog. youtube.com/watch?v=fmh8zYyAgbc
I'm not posting any images faggot I'm on my phone on a trip to Florida so my folders are all in NY. I'm the sound cloud sharing shithead get it straight
Eli Powell
confirmed q boomer
Oliver Nelson
You aren't going to convince anyone you aren't a kike, Kushnershill.
Interesting thread. From a propaganda perspective the aim seems to be to convince people that Israel and Saudi Arabia are still enemies and that Israel doesn't want SA to have nuclear reactors and that the Jews and by implication Israel are somehow supportive of the democrats and that the Trump administration is somehow standing up to Israeli demands. This is all 100% bullshit of course. They're trying to hide the conspiracy that started with Trump between Israel Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and the US, rather sloppily I should add although that won't matter when the IQ of the target audience is as low as here.
Adam Walker
>the_donald fags are unironically defending kushner
I called it the_kushner to mock them, at this point it’s the truth
Hunter Hughes
Yeah I know I agree w you the Kushner shilling was completely manufactured from cripple Chan and migrated over to here from retards who bought it there
Mate, there are hundreds of millions of people saying lol, if you think that's some kind of code you have some kind of schizophrenia.
Chances are you're that crazy kike obsessed Jared Kushner anyways, so my words will fall on deaf ears.
Easton Wood
there will be never a greater Israel, Europe will fight on behalf of the Palestinians and eradicate Israel from the worlds maps. Even if means to wipe out america.
>schizophrenia Sounds like another jew code word to me I wonder why you guys stopped saying schizos? Could it be because you kept getting called out as jews for short handing it?
John Evans
Don't give him attention, he's fucking insane, he's a legit schizophreniac jew, he's not even trolling.
>schizo You aren't even using the word accurately, paranoid is more accurate for what you are implying but jews always accuse the other side of that which they are guilty.
Nathaniel Wood
Nigger-loving leftists hate Trump, end of fucking story.
The two have separate meanings and can in some cases be found in combination. why do you always assume everyone who is onto you and points out clear discrepancies in your arguments hears voices in their head like you do? Why do you never engage their argument just call them schizos tell them to take their meds and move onto to the next thread to shill your Kushner is king kike narrative? Because you don't have an answer outside of baseless accusations which are debunked by the actions highlighted in ops images.
Benjamin Edwards
Adrian King
>Kushner works for Israel and Trump is his lapdog That is the most important message for America.
Kushner must be stopped.
Eli Rivera
Fuck off Steve
Juan Cox
OP is a faggot trying to convince people that Trump isn’t a controlled opposition. Every elected official works for (((them)))
Jason Hernandez
>jews always accuse the other side of that which they are guilty Which is why they use the smear "kike" to attack anyone critical of Kushner and Trump.
>the devil looking jew with black eyes is the good guy goy! HAHAHAHHAHA so now I get to fight ptg and kushbots. Bring it on, turn up the fire baby let's just get that fog of war machine pumping!
Ethan Wilson
My borders, my choice
Aaron Jackson
>Kushner has long promised a peace plan Left unasked: Why this unelected, unvetted product of nepotism is ever in a position to promise anything to anyone.
Easton Price
Oof, you reached the second layer of D&C, good job Moshe, Make sure to ask your boss for a raise.
William Rivera
>Anyone against a Jewish Democrat on pol is a shill Rofl.
Blake Parker
Damn imagine defending this jew
Leo King
>A-arming MBS is in Israel's interest goyim, don't trust Kushner!
John Edwards
>a jew that literally slept in Netanyahu's bed and is an avid Lubavitch >an orthodox jew >endangering israel user, it's time to wake up now
I suspect this is the actual reason for letting in the muslim hoards into the Western world. They are willing to sacrifice thier own culture to try to sway public opinion against the true enemy.
Tyler Gutierrez
>>newfags don't know that Israel controls Saudi Arabia they also don't know that nuclear power reactors are used to create materials for weapons