Say what you want about France but we are really getting our shit together

A Mosque has been tagged by these Nazis grafittis with former Front National leader Jean Marie Le Pen political motto "France for Frenchs"

Attached: 7768586467_une-mosquee-profanee-par-des-tags-de-croix-gammees-en-decembre-2009-photo-d-illustration. (880x586, 393K)

Ok, and what does that actually accomplish? The people that go inside that mosque are still there, and so are the ones that allowed those people into your country.

You're being toyed, Jean. Rubbing hands wrote those. That's how they passed the recent anti-semitism law. Guess what's gonna happen next.

That shit is just a false flag to smear the yellowvests, and OP is just a shill for """""""journalists"""""" to stumble upon and say
>see? It's those damn yellowvest extremists! Oy vey shut it down!

I want all the best for France, but let's be honest, it's not looking good and a few graffiti don't change that. Maybe some day France will save itself but not today

Obvious false flag.

We have these every week in America and it is always some shitskin who does it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a case where nazi graffiti has been proven to have been made by an actual white person in my lifetime.


Op is a total retard

It was me and my friends.

You can tell it was a jew who did that. Jews fuck up the swastika everytime.

>White power
>Sieg heil
>France for the French

100% false flag, either done by a Mudslime or a kike

French are not cowards lol they dominated Europe for centuries as the strongest power , French men were the last to fight in the battle of Berlin .
It's meme made by Jews because they sided with the third Reich.
Gets my goat when anglos and Yanks especially say that , USA has what neighbors that pose a threat?
If the third Reich was bordering the USA it would be a German colony ,heck most of you are German descent anyways .
Also anglos ran away into fishing boats and attacked French vessels

Vive la France ! Vive Europa

Why is it in English?

Hé, rabbi, que fais-tu?

Attached: lemon.jpg (735x516, 69K)

How can the french people be nazis? They were occupied by them

because you can then broadcast the false flag in the rest of the world

Why is associating the Front National motto with swastikas and mosque vandalism a good thing? Bad optics. If you're gonna be a vandal, write something like "muhammad's favourite wife was 9 years old"

Expel the Muslims or im not impressed.

Wow, I can't believe the jews finally managed to draw the swastika somewhat correctly for once.

It's a hate hoax done by jews.

>A mosque
You'll have your shit together when it's a synagogue
Best of luck, frogs

Good, France is for the French.

They'll have their shit together when they are burning piles of kikes. But as far as I can tell, the YV movement is the only real threat to the ZOG, and is the greatest fear of international jewry. France is doing well in their fight--more so than any other Western nation.

Attached: AP100127022968.jpg (1024x575, 152K)

You do know how a fire starts in the physical realm I assume.

Hey imam...watcha doin'?!

Why would French people use a swastika? Why not a French nativist symbol? French people hate Germans. They also don't speak the best English so "white power" is odd.

Go with the false flag theory.