But every fucking post is about Trump. All the Dem politicians and media heads are currently jumping in trying to frame the Don in Twitter.

Do they even know how mant times Bill was on that plane? The records are fucking public.....

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Do they even know how mant times Bill was on that plane? The records are fucking public
Silly bong, facts and truth don't matter, media narrative controls what people think.

any mention of Mueller? He was kind of integral to the whole thing.

They are quite aware that Bill Clinton flew to Epstein's island many times, and they are 'getting ahead of the story' as the saying goes.

I'm in bed about to go to sleep but before I doze off I just want to let you know that you're a migatarded fuckwit cunt

Good night you fucken idiot (:

Hey there, shill. All kiddie diddlers should pay, no matter what party they represent.

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Because Mueller goes public next week


I’ve been trying to figure this out for 2 days now. Yes there’s evidence they hung out, talked on the phone, etc but they ARE both well known billionaires.

That said, it’s totally plausible. There’s just not enough to damn him unequivocally. It’s more just “that’s suspicious”

wtf does that have to do with it?

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trump flew on the plane twice and cut all ties with epstein.

bill clinton flew on it over 70 times.

checked, thx

Where's the proof for your obvious damage control?

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im also not unaware of the clintons. im completely aware of the full extent of who they are, and im quite asware it legitimately does not and can not get any more evil than them. im aware of the rest of occult elite and their practices as well, moreso than i wish i did.

my problem is i let trump be the one anomaly. in the face of all evidence that no one could ever be in power that isnt controlled by (them), i said damn this once i think we did it.

now im starting to question that.maybe there really are no good guys, just the common man.


Epstein was banned from coming anywhere near Maralago by Trump himself.

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But Trump and the Clintons were good buddies for years before the election. None of these fuckers are on our side.

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yeah but that couldve been damage control to save his ass.

"Listen man this is already out in the open and there's no option, the media will crucify me. You gotta go."

I need to check if there were more phone calls and visits AFTER the ban...

also kushner contributed 10k to hillary and publicly endorsed obama.

then trump makes him senior advisor over his whole family, w NO political background...?

that kinda goes against his own narrative...

>months from now when the swamp people are implicated
“Well if it was a smear on trump it’s a smear on the clintons too”

I used to be best buddies with a guy in a *very* well connected family.
Now we never even write online to each other.
It just takes one incident to break a connection.

>All the Dem politicians and media heads are currently jumping in trying to frame the Don in Twitter.
based and Zognald pilled

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>Epkike bringing down Clinton and the Zognald
One can only hope, user, one can only hope. Lock THEM up. :^)

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Very much so. You are definitely asking the right questions and going down the correct path to enlightenment. The partisan cock sucking on this board since the election has been sickening. Elected officials should be held to the highest possible standards, not worshiped. All the "muh God Emperor" bullshit here is cringy as fuck.

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It's ((((the elite))) vs the people. Always was.

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As a dem it does really piss me off when something like Epstein crops up again and people are all like SEE HE'S FRIENDS WITH TRUMP, TRUMP TRUMP!!! But mention nothing of all the plane rides Clinton took with him. These people need to be locked away forever, regardless of political affiliation.


Trumps labour secretary broke the law to get Epstein a slap on the wrist.

Pence is Q and is going to get Trump impeached via Mueller releasing all the dirt on the Clintons and Trump and he will lead us into the next Holy war against degeneracy

Either that or Trump is 100% clean and he comes out on top again

Exactly. Funny how this board focuses almost exclusively on race war, and turns a blind eye to the ongoing class war.

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scroll down a bit in the article.

also paid bill clinton 125k for a speech.

well, one rather important detail to remember is that Trump only went to the island once (or maybe twice?) and that Trump also kicked Epstein out of his golf resort or something like that because Epstein was hitting on underaged girl.
But, again, who knows. Still, helps to have as many facts as you can before making a decision.

That last picture.

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Well, it's become obvious, for these so called "masters of the universe" 99% of the people are actually "subhumans". Corporate fascism is a boomer misnomer, and entirely ignores the JQ, but the corporate oligarchy is very real.

Just add porky and le happy merchant and you got it.

A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews,,,

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trump rape little girl with this guy

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rape buddies

Well obviously you've seen plane records that cast what that previous user said in doubt. Care to share since you're so clearly in the know?

pedocrats don't want you to know that Roy Cohn, the man responsible for the child prostitution and ritual murder blackmail of politicians, was Trump's mentor and that's because Roy blackmailed them all.
Trump knows who is a child fucker, who is a ritual murderer and that's why the pedocrats and MSM are trying to pin the blame on him

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they were shilling those shitty trump is a pedo infographs on here for a while- they only ever used like 3 pictures of him with his daughter and 1 with epstein. They show up in almost every thread on the kid snatchers or human trafficking.

Even focusing on the "JQ" is a diversion tactic. Sure they are over-represented in wealth distribution for their population percentage, but overall they are still a minority of the elite.

>Roy Cohn was Trump's mentor
If you were here for the 2016 campaign you'd know this is common knowledge and that we really liked his frog collection.

this is one of those infographs. same pictures every time because there's only a few that could be misconstrued as creepy, as opposed to other politicians (such as uncle joe) where there are dozens of pictures documenting him being handsy with young children.

>Do they even know how many times Bill was on that plane? The records are fucking public.....
"From lock her up!" to "Hillary has suffered enough.", the fucking pussy that Trump is, he was just asking for this.

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i was able to find proof for that, but none that Cohn was factually involved with any sex ring. is there proof for that?

Not at all. And that's exactly where you are wrong leftypol. 40% of billionaires at 2% of the population and pushing the hardest for censorship, deplatforming, literally behind all of Americas wars since 30 years at least and they also killed Kennedy. Nevermind 9/11

the guys who post those infographs only have a small amount of pictures that they have to reuse. Notice how 3/4 of the infograph is secondary sourcing or stock images. They've been trying to shill this for months but it's not very plausible because of the sheer lack of primary sources. We know they had contact once or twice, and then the connection was severed. So that is valid reason to doubt they were any more than acquaintences, and since Trump was the one who cut ties it is probable to say he was the one who wanted nothing to do with Epstein and his antics.

None I've ever seen. Could be out there tho. Cohn took Trump under his wing to teach him the horrors of the Jew because he himself was a deeply self hating Jew.

hands on the shoulders, not creepily staring at child, you guys are stretching things pretty thin.

>frame the Don
yeah, frame, yeah, that's it

Yet all the sources I can find that aren't obvious Stormfag propaganda puts the percentage of Jewish billionaires at about 12%.


>zomg DAE JQ??????????

Right, and how many of that 10-40% of intellectual Jews actually support Zionism?

How many of them are brainwashed puppets themselves, sacrificing their covenant with God for earthly shekels?

Secular Christianity invented the West, replacing the Almighty God with the Almighty Dollar. Jews have a higher-than-average rate of winners due to a genetic advantage that Christians weren't thinking of. The question "how could praising idiots live in museums bite us in the ass?" never occurred to them. This is the West's fault for turning God's chosen region into a den of money-grubbing vipers.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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How about this: We throw both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump in jail with Epstein. I think that's a fair trade that will make everyone happy

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this is pretty close.

there's alot of other random old acquaintance/witness testimony floating around.

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That depends on if you are searching globally and USA very obviously

Well spoken, Golem. Have a shekel

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If Trump even diddled 1 kid, he should be gassed right along with clinton

only if hillary goes with them

Ok fine. Can we throw Jared Kushner in as well?

A tad more complicated than that,user.

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Keep on memein'.

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Way too sensible. Political hacks wouldn't be able to use it in Red vs Blue.

Donald "I only hire the best traitors and family members with no qualifications" Trump. MIGA!

Trump is still better than any other democrat they are shilling
So I say, elect him again and if he turns out to be a pedo hang him at the end of his second term

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yes, i know about the frog connection, but what wasn't discussed was the fact that Roy was responsible for everything related to the Franklyn Credit scandal where Boys Town came to light and the "Satanic Panic" was created to cover it all up

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Part 1 of this interview covers the topic:
>Jim Rothstein NYPD interview about Roy Cohn

100 years from now when all this has blown over, there will be a documentary on the brave DNC journalists who coordinated this attack. We'll be treated to a behind-the-scenes view of the inner-workings of their busy newsrooms, the loud contemplations of the journos at their desks, "Should we go with the Epstein angle now?"
"No, it's too dangerous, Noah. Mr. Shekelstein said it poses too great a risk to the Clintons."
"I just think if we put all the pressure on Donald Trump and use our twitter army to put the focus solely on him, the republicans won't even have a chance to attack us, much less defend themselves."
The jew thinks to himself for a moment. "Well, we'll drop it right before the 2020 election. If Hillary doesn't run, that is."

The documentary will be like one of those documentaries on those brave nazis who deserted Adolf Hitler. There will be interviews with the extant journalists of today and they will be sitting in chairs in front of dull backdrops like the ones these documentaries usually have. Don Lemon will be there, he'll be 98 years old, slurring slowly and with a rasp, "Back in those days... you got... you got a noose around your neck for being a gay mulatto. News anchors were frequently assassinated. It was very dangerous... a very dangerous job–and it was our duty to depose... that evil man, Donald Drumpf."

And this will be broadcasted to every millennial and zoomer in the future. They will all learn how evil it is to advocate for the protection of white people through the example of Trump. First Hitler made it unacceptable to declare war on jews, then Trump made it unacceptable not to bow and scrape before every last jew command. The Overton Window will have been entirely shifted. That is, unless we vote Zognald back in again.

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