I'm a socially conservative atheist. Why does Jow Forums make fun of leftists as NPCs but not religion, which is the biggest NPC activity there is? Not only that, religion is also an activity mostly engaged in by iq79 shitskins (Mexicans and Indonesians). And all this support for religion on an imageboard for sharing dickgirl anime porn. Or are you just trolling or larping as christcucks? In case you're not though, see my first question on NPCs.
Jow Forums and religion NPCs
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don't mistake your misunderstanding of religion for meaning it's followers are NPC. critique your own false criticisms of religion before attacking others.
i venerate my ancestors and homeland, not some filthy sand nigger
Ghosts and demons are real, and I'm a direct male descendent of ruddy King David. Suck my holy dick, reddit-tier faggot.
*tips Jared's cock after blowing him*
>Why does Jow Forums make fun of leftists as NPCs but not religion,
pol does, but there are some nu-pol boomerburgers and polishcucks here who keep praising cuckstianity like it's not a disease 24/7
peak of atheist """intellect"""
You can have a religion based on scientific facts, moral values and esoteric expierience: traditional paganism, there's nothing cucked or illogical about it.
The average normie NPC these days is an atheist faggot though.
Nice >2deep4u "argument". It's no false criticism at all, the most religious countries in the world are basically "shitskins", i.e. subhumans. And I've taken a look at the source material as well and it's all bullshit and myths.
>You can have a religion based on scientific facts
Yes all hail the Navier-Stokes equation! Today we will be reciting the Taylor series expansion of cos to the 100th term...
In terms of genetics of course, that big brain nigga shit ain't for me man.
2deep4u if you are a mong, my argument is fairly simple. it has to be written as myth because morality can't be articulated without narrative or context.
>i punched that man
>i punched that man because he punched my friend
without context you can't garner meaning
In all fairness, a lot of the social restraints that come with religion are pretty based and redpilled.
Wanting to have a prosperous family
Hating degenerate gays
Burning witches
>this last one is the most interesting, because many of the women who were burned at the stake for witchcraft were midwives who sucked at their job or medicine women that helped with abortions
You don't need religion for that context or for morality. Religion isn't even about morality.
First off. You’re not atheist. You’re anti theist.
Learn the difference.
>muh false dichotomy
I'm not atheist, Cletus. I just don't waste my time arguing with retards.
>it has to be written as myth
So you admit that it's basically a myth, as I said? Then why even bother pretending to believe in it?
I don't think you realize that people like you, and (((objectivists))) are a tiny almost nonexistent minority within atheism
If pic related separated atheists from unaffiliated that group would be far more leftist
Because Jow Forums is Cuckstians who have never actually read their holy book and pretend a VIRULENTLY pro-Jew Jew named Rabbi Yeshua is going to somehow BTFO out of Jews because of occult numerology. It's the single most bluepilled shit on this board.
You can have all of that without worshiping a literal Jew who avoided Gentiles like the plague and never preached to them. The "muh tradition" argument is even worse than nihilist atheism because you're still enabling kikes WHILE KNOWING it's all fake.
Stage 1 is being a Cuckstian who loves Jews/Israel. Stage 2 is you becoming atheist because you realize how dumb that whole thing is. Stage 3 is being an edgy nihilist and wallowing in despair. Stage 4 IS NOT GOING BACK TO KEKSTIANITY, but rediscovering your traditional ethnic beliefs which are rooted in the veneration of nature, ancestors, culture, and community.
this is why religion is a curse, it binds people to an ideology that they will defend not realizing it is enslaving them. The Habiru learned this while infecting Egypt with their cutdick brain damaged ways and use the knowledge they gained from the Masons to create Freemasonry and every fucking abrahamic religion that has cursed mankind for the last five thousand years.
There was a chart that showed what percent dem, rep, or other for each religious demographic, it was much better than the one I posted, but I couldn't find it
>I'm a socially conservative atheist.
Obligatory fruitfucker gif.
Can you show me a functional atheist society that did not either turn into a communist dictatorship or become a morally degenerate hell hole?
You're only conservative due to your religious heritage. There are no atheist conservatives. Conservatism is an off-shoot of religion.
Leave. Go to China.
Atheists, like Muslims and Pagans, are set against the wider White European Culture.
Take your marxism and relativism and go preach atheism to the jews and muslims.
>but rediscovering your traditional ethnic beliefs which are rooted in the veneration of nature, ancestors, culture, and community.
Sorry dude that shit is all bullshit too and basically nigger tier, not to mention it's been lost in time and what we have was recorded to us from Christian monks. It's just larping. Make your own morals and beliefs, become the Uebermensch, but ffs at least try to stay in reality. Larping that you believe in Wuotan because you had a German (actually genetically slavic) ancestor is just cringy.
Notice how jewish tops non-affiliated in every catagory.
>lets play the anecdotes game
All atheists engage in degeneracy. This is why they shouldn't be permitted to hold public office.
Why don't you go to the shitskin countries then to be with the other religious brainlets?
I know which one you're talking about but I didn't save it either because I was on my mobile at the time. Catholicism, the supposedly "BASED" Jew-crusher religion, was +10 Lefty. That doesn't seem like a big deal until you realize there's a billion of them. Which of course leads to picture related.
Except it had done fuck all about keeping women in the home.
>Then why even bother pretending to believe in it?
Because when you have a high enough IQ to be secure in your intelligence, you don't give a shit about what other people think and believe whatever you want. It's not like you midlets have any credibility, falling for jewish tricks left and right and fucking over the White population with degeneracy and low birthrates. A tribe who unironically worships rocks would have better reproductive success than you antilife jewish ideology worshippers. Not talking about Christianity btw. Talking about legit Edomite Pharisaical ideologies like atheism and leftism.
Can you show me a Christian society that wasn't built on feudalist oppression or barbarous slavery?
Don’t Jewish people hate Jesus though? Purportedly in their holy book, Jesus is burning in a lake of excrement and semen; I don’t know how that translates to supporting Jesus somehow means supporting Judaism. Also, Judaism is everything that happens after Jesus, everything before that and the oral tradition are technically not Judaism.
No, let's instead play the 'cherrypicking meme images for my infographic' game.
>high enough IQ
>posts anime
You have me so convinced.
You're only an atheist because you have been brainwashed into thhiking there is no scientific or mathematical proof for god
Goldbach,'s comjcutre , 3 , 7 holy numbers
Godels incompleteness theorem
are just generic examples
ask something that bothers you about god and il show you how youve just been brainwashed
> But muh fags twerking is Atheism
CHRISTIANS don't follow god or jesus
they worship a demon and satan and i have proof
Exposing yourself to strangers is not socially conservative at all.
Nothing about that obese retard is.
I lived in a socially conservative region for the first 20 years of my life (Rural Alberta, the heart of Social Credit territory) and that manchild would have been soundly beaten for his faggy hair long before he even said a word or got a chance to display his tiny genitals.
Wtf does the Fibonacci series have to do with proving god? You are a literal retard.
... wut?
Get out muslim.
Go shill paganism in mecca.
What the West needs is a new crusade and homogeneity. Not more religious diversity.
Im not even particularly religious, but I understand Christianity built the greatest civilization the world has ever seen and O would rather have Christian neighbors than anyone else.
Now go. Fuck off and shill elsewhere
America is like 70% Christian but only 15% of marriages are interracial. And interracial marriage is much more common now than it was 50 years ago. Clearly it's something other than christianity causing that
Well of course I want you to hang first when I see you distracting from the racewar.
>ask something that bothers you about god
Why did he create the world then 12 billions years later tell some desert niggers how to behave
So we'd better just worship a Jew, then?
> It's just larping.
Literally everything you believe is made up. 100% of everything in your religion is made up. Sorry to have to break this to you, you're LARPing. Nothing you think is so "traditional" and "has been around forever", has been. Some asshole, at some point, thought it up. Jews weren't even monotheistic until 200 years before Rabbi Yeshua. Their religion is a mish-mash of Canaanite and Arabian paganism. You're saying European paganism is invalid but Jewish paganism is DA TROO RELIJUN, because some Jew somewhere said so.
>still doesn't provide any argument
you're embarrassing yourself Caique
Can you show a christian society that didn't?
You know what, don't bother. The charge is not that the christian god is retarded so people should be atheists instead.
The charge is that the christian god is retarded, full stop.
I think you mixed that up with Islam.
Can you post a Muhammed cartoon for me?
Fpbp, good image
Poland only became communist because it was taken over by foreign communists who invaded it, then they killed and expelled all of them and are the best European country right now
Fucking faggot Hollywood and its jew muslim alliance
Fibonacci doesn't do anything besides appear in nature and let programmers do obtuse bullshit.
Fibonacci in Bullshitenese
APL: +.×/N/⊂2 21 1 1 0
J: fibN=: (-&2 +&$: -&1)^:(1&0)?(fibb(b, a+b, n)):(a); }
Python: fib = lambda n:reduce(lambda x,n:[x[1],x[0]+x[1]], range(n),[0,1])[0]
Oh wow guys based Jews! I love those BASED JEWS so much! I love Jews! God's Chosen people! I can't wait to go to my synagogue knock-off this weekend and learn about how GREAT the JEWS are! Then I can drop in my shabbos bucks into the collection plate so the open borders NGOs can get all the funding and brown babies they need to ethnically destroy me! I love Jews so much!
>So we'd better just worship a Jew, then?
No, you're better off living in reality.
"Entities should not be posited unnecessarily."
- Thomas Aquinas
Can you show me a christian society that isn't a shitskin shithole? Inb4 muh declining birthrate former gommies.
Yes you do because there's no other way to ground your epistemology of your moral values. What are you appealing to to determine your morality is correct? Reason? Reason itself is rooted in Christian mythos that Man has the spark of divinity and therefore can create order from the universe via the Logos.
Wow you are doing a good job of uniting Westerm people with this atheist faggot shilling.
Is your name Ahmed or some other inbred muslim name? Pr are you a media radicalized jew shit tard that spergs out to Tool albums and Richard Faggot Dawkins?
> Christians
> White
The only reason why atheists get so much hate on Jow Forums is because atheism is popular on Reddit. The *tips fedora* meme actually made many Jow Forumsacks convert to Christianity because they don't want to be associated with redditors.
Poland? The entire northern half of America? Hungary? all of Eastern Europe minus the areas taken over by mudslimes?
Gotcha faggot!
Look at my posts you dotard inbred fuck. Fuck the jews too. Islam is the bigger shillfaggot army here.
You faggots always push this divide the White man shit. We see through you here Muhammed.
Go push your shit on mecca.
Abortion trully is evil, and actually the libshits support abortion, lol.
Jews hate Rabbi Yeshua the same way they hate Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. There have been many failed messiah claimants in Judaism. And for the uninitiated, the litmus test by Jews for whether or not a Jewish messiah is real is that he KILLS or ENSLAVES the rest of us.
With that in mind, go re-read your fabulous New Testament and realize why Rabbi Yeshua never preached to Gentiles and actively avoided them (unless he couldn't).
Secular Humanism created that problem with jew bankers and atheists.
Bit you knew that right muhammed? Considering they are your allies.
do you not understand that the fibonacci makes fractals?
and guess what , everything is a fractal, why do you think that is?/
First of all, universe 14 billion, earth 4.5
We are simply one of God's planets and creation
and if you want me to explain why, thats hard before explaining other things.
The solar system is simulated,
Jupiter is a failed star, that GOD stopped so that it would create an arranged system instead (google it, scientists agree jupiter is a failed star)
the size and distance relative to our son and moons, with earth, is actually unique? Another things scienctists have found
All the planets fit between the earth and moon
The comets are arranged at the outer cloud in perfect mechanisms to have cycles, and furthermore planet x isnt a planet but big chunks of this, that makes the rest of the solar system move in a specific way
The sun is tied in revolution with Sirius Aldberan and The Pleiades
this is why in works about GOD those stars have so much proninence
7 stars
sirus is lucifer
aldebaran and orion etc
The us, it wasnt just sand people dude
The god of the native american, indians, middle easterns, and south americans were all the same god
this is why they all have flood stories
Islam is a David Koresh-tier faggot cult just like your Jew worshiping cult, traitor nigger.
Every anti-christian thread is from a subversive kike.
>poland is the best European country right now
lol, go back to facebook boomer
Aquinas is smarter than any of these faggots could ever hope to be. Logical utilitarianism and mimicking success like Catholic tradition (old tried and true stuff, not anything recent) is the proper way to live. Mid IQ Whites don't realize this because they're not smart enough to do what works and know they're not galaxy brained so they're too insecure to break from the lemming herd.
Lmao you're such a dumbass. Even the writers of religion didn't need epistomology (which came up in Greek thought), where's your god now? It's passed from parents and social mores. That's why morality can vary in communities with nominally the same religion. Religion isn't even the primary vector for morality.
If you need religion to not kill someone and the thread of punishment is the only thing keeping you from doing it, you are a psychopath.
Leave muhammed.
Go fight your own jew wars.
Nothing "proves" the Arab fiction. At best, proof of the universe as a fabrication, a creation, but by an entity so far beyond our ken that to think man had communion and relevance to it is just pathetic.
I support religion and can't refute a creator/creators, as long as people are logical about it and don't take ancient cables as historical fact and follow it in its entirety verbatim.
It doesn't matter if it's myth or not. That's the point. It has to use myth as a media to expose why the values are so important and vital to the human experience. Myths only work if people find something deeply true about them which means they point to fundamental realities about being human. The Bible is the most widely read book in the history of humanity because (myth or not) it's the closest representation to the actual patterns of existence.
tl;dr you're a schizo
Thanks for playing
God isn't a jew
>If you don't worship my Jew, you worship an Arab!
The absolute state of Muttmerica.
your comment alone articulates how fucking dense your brain is. ask yourself why some values are passed on and others aren't? ask yourself how it's possible for humans to step outside a materialistic reality and critique it without appealing to some divine notion of consciousness.
Hinduism is literally anti-NPC. It's only response to "there is no god" is
>Yeah, no shit
>You... You thought Brahman meant "god"?
I agree though. Instead of trying to understand true aryan philosophy, people choose jew books that are closer to Islam than any other belief system, because they need a community of schizophrenic tards to cope with their shitty lives.
hey retard
those mathematical formulas significant in th ebible
3,7 making Goldbachs conjectures
You're the one detached from reality
you're a literall squizo
i just agve you mathematical and science proof and you say its not real
fuck off
>Bible is the most widely read book in the history of humanity because
Actually the Ikea catalogue surpasses the Bible as the most published media. The Bible is just a meme. Its position as being "most read" (it isn't) is just an artifact of circumstance and history.
>quantum theory is one of the most solid theories of all time
>everetts many worlds interpretation of quantum theory is the only logically consistent interpretation
>according to mwi all possible timelines and arrangements of space-time exist in a timeless multiverse
>if all possible arrangements of energy and time exist then the timeline in the holy scriptures also exists somewhere in the multiverse
>tfw modern science supports a literal interpretation of the holy scriptures
That's because god doesn't exist.
It's actually because Europeans were indoctrinated by it and then proceeded to spread it during colonization.
>lol the bible isn't important
ok bro
tower of babel
hey schizo
ITT: slaves defending the ideology which enslaves them.
It's no wonder you're all called sheep, or goyim, you all act like animals that need to be herded and controlled
yeah people who worship crosses and dumb ass statutes are legit enslaved mentally and spiritually
Cherrypicking and misinterpreting facts, fallacious generalization, you're too low IQ to argue with sorry
I'd bet almost all of the religious nutters are also genitally mutilated because it helps make a better programmable slave