Wealthiest people in the world

Wealthiest people in the world

>1. (((Jeff Bezos)))
>2. Bill Gates
>3. Warren Buffett
>4. Bernard Arnault
>5. (((Mark Zuckerberg)))
>6. Amancio Ortega
>7. Carlos Slim Helu
>8. Charles Koch & David Koch
>10. (((Larry Ellison)))
>11. (((Michael Bloomberg)))
>12. (((Larry Page)))
>13. (((Sergey Brin)))
>14. Jim Walton
>15. S. Robson Walton
>16. Alice Walton
>17. Ma Huateng
>18. (((Francoise Bettencourt Meyers)))
>19. Mukesh Ambani
>20. Jack Ma
Jews make up about 0,03% of the world population.

In Finland there are 10 billionaires, three of whom are Jewish. There are only 1800 Finnish Jews.

What is their secret?

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fuck Jow Forums

they study hard and they help each other, crazy huh?

>Wealthiest people in the world
you're forgetting the families above them

That isn't even a list of the worlds richest people user. That list does not include people who inherited their wealth and that is an intentional subversion.

Glad you asked. I know the secret, it’s a VERY simple secret. But none of you will do it, so does it even matter if I tell you? You’ll find every excuse not to do it.

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It's what is visible. I'm sure this would make even normies think.

Forbes says Putin is the richest person in the world tho..

Bezos isn't Jewish.

i,TOO know it.
it's maseer(tithing)
if you give money to someone the universe pays you back 10 times more.
that's why they rich. the know the secrets of the universe.

This list doesn't include dirty money, huehuehuehue.

Wtf. I could have sworn he was Jewish when I checked. WTF?

i tithed to the church and now im richer than ever.
it's a universal law,even scientists can't figure it.
its the secret behind Rockefeller's money.

Pushing a religion that forbade goyim from engaging in usury for centuries

what do brazil traficantes do with their money?
just buy stuff or do they invest in politics and stock market?

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You’re actually very close to how they do it.


>Not mentioning any Rothschilds.

Bezos isn’t Jewish.

They also help each other out.
secularists as always chalk it up to the fact they have community fund and nepotism.
but there's a"magical" issue too

plenty if you know what I mean

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But that’s also not the real reason. Blacks show nepotism too, but they have nothing so it doesn’t matter. So how do jews control everything? I know the answer.

Hes not though

>So how do jews control everything? I know the answer.
tell us,I desire to become rich so I need to study those who are rich.

I'll bite, what's your secret.

Please pol user, gift us your knowledge.

If you don't have rich parents, there are still a couple of ways to become rich today:

1. Have really good social skills and make loads of connections who could hook you up to good jobs and opportunities.

2. Be really talented in a specific field, like in the top 0.001%. Same as professional footballers, be good at programming like bill gates, Zuckerberg, etc.

3. Very hard and consistent work in one particular field for many years. I think this is the worst way to do it because you'll waste your youth doing it. It's better to be poor and enjoy life than be a corporate slave.

should I infiltrate USA zionists to learn the secret of jewish wealth?

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All of it, it is too much money and they need to launder it.

what a fucking joke you are
are you 12 ?
>be good at programming like bill gates, Zuckerberg, etc.
must funny shit i've read today what's next
Elon Musk is a rocket scientist ?
there's 3 ways to be rich
be at the good place at the good times
win lottery
be born rich

what is this secular BS?
tell me the kabbalistic secrets of millinaries!
i KNOW rotschilds used a form of money magic.

You won't be able to but it would be funny, so yes.

i read jewish websites saying jewish charitable habits made the jews rich.
Just pick a charity and give cash to it.

you'll earn a tenfold return.

>i like infiltrating stuff

i think i know how its done

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I was talking about how to become rich without luck like being born rich or winning the lottery. Bill Gates and Zuckerberg were ahead of their time and really exceptional at their fields. That's why they were in the best universities in the world. It's not pure luck, except if you consider being born smart, then ok.

Bill gates was born into money, his grandfather was a maxwell and was president of the Seattle branch of the San Francisco FED.
Bill gates went to the most exclusive high school in Seattle. Going to that high school cost $2000 a term at a time when Harvard ccollege cost $1700

Jews aren't allowed to charge interest when lending money to other Jews so they can literally take a giant loan, put it in a bank account or invest and make it pay for itself through interest and generate a profit from nothing.

>Bill Gates and Zuckerberg were ahead of their time
much like they were both pathological liar and thief
they are both the face of governmental projects
Microsoft was the worst monopoly to ever be created it's a total wast of potential and purely a control tools
Also both of them never programmed anything by themselves but stoles works and ideas from others and ran on it

Bezos IS Jewish. His mother’s name is (((Gise)))

could bezos conquer a country with his money if wanted to?
like,the conquest of bolivia?

Bezos IS Jewish. Mother’s name is (((Gise)))

>Bill Gates and Zuckerberg were ahead of their time and really exceptional in their fields

Are you serous? they were both thieves. So if you mean they were good at stealing others ideas sure I guess then.

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That list is fake AF. The people above Bezos are Trillionaires, Rothschilds, Rockafellas, and many others in the NWO


Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

Attached: Above the Rothschilds.jpg (367x464, 45K)

>what is their secret
Tribalism, nepotism, conservative values, prioritizing education, teach children two languages
They are pretty much the model race for ethno-nationalists

source? who is this snacc

this. it is sephardic, though this information isn't widely known.

>In Finland there are 10 billionaires, three of whom are Jewish. There are only 1800 Finnish Jews.
>What is their secret?
They lend money to each other at 0% interest, most of them are well connected to (((banksters))) at the synagogue. Google and Facebook, both got government funding by the US Department of Defense to take off, so there is also that. So, nepotism basically.

jesuits are just a bunch of priests.
however made that chart is a protestant hillibilly

I've been considering this for a while: Is it possible for me to fake Jewish heritage in order to get in?

I'm a white Hispanic, and there have been times where people have mistaken me for Jewish. I have blue eyes and white skin, but I also have nappy, afro hair and a larger than average nose (Since I am a mix of Dominican and Argentinian)

If Obama can fake his identity, then surely I can. Right?

Why do this? Why post outright lies on an anonymous forum? Bill Gates programmed tons of shit. He was the programmer, Paul Allen was the business guy when they started up Microsoft.

> (Since I am a mix of Dominican and Argentinian)
why do argies have negroe fever?
An study must be conducted on the subject.

Gates was definitely a good programmer; he overlooked and developed large portions of the original Microsoft operating system. You are using some of it right now. He was a proper nerd; one of the few on that list which legitimately earned his wealth. Microsoft has had shady business practice undeniably. In regards to the list I am surprised that there are not more Jew's. Post a list of the upper 1000 richest, and you will see random Jewish names that you have never seen before; most having made their wealth in the markets.

jesuits run the GOP and are aligned with Jewluminati as well. Every supreme court justice is picked and approved by them if its a GOP in office
Jesuits also have a shit load of D's and R's working for them:

You have to get circumcised to get in, (((they))) now who's in and who isn't.

Google's saying it's a Norman-Anglo name. His maternal grandfather's name is Lawrence Preston Gise, which sounds WASPy, not Jewish

why don't jesuits stop abortion or gay "marriage" then?
do you know whats it like to be a jesuit?
you just study theology and such.
t. knows about the church

We have no verifiable evidence. You can only make sound conclusions with evidence, otherwise, you are speculating. I am not saying you are wrong but the official "Rich List" is all that we have to work from.

the country was founded upon it. Italians left Italy for Argentina in droves for skme of that sweet native dark meat.

Look at Messi for example, completely Italian, but he definitely still burns the coal

already happened to me. Wasn't my choice, since it happened after birth.

Interesting I will try and if it doesn't work at least I'll turn into a better person.

Look at his face and his skull you retarded fuck.

now do it but make it white
(non hispanic)

to be clear, im a pro ethnostate guy. but this graph is cheating by grouping mexicans and potentially ayyyyyrabs into mwhites

Do it for a meme, we managed to convince the entire school a friend of mine was a jew so we could crack holocaust jokes

I would rather keep my intact white European foreskin, than have them cut it for any amount of money. Not even a billion dollars. Foreskin is literally priceless. American mutts need to understand this.

i don't care what you says bill gates was an opportunist like Zuckerstein and Musk thats all
corruption and greed is all they are good with


>why don't jesuits stop abortion or gay "marriage" then?
propbably because these are sacrifices to moloch, keeps the nog population down, and because they make $ off the parts
>do you know whats it like to be a jesuit?
>you just study theology and such.
>t. knows about the church
That's just the bottom rungs.

when I travel abroad ill say im from chile
keep a diary,you'll be surprised once it works

Well, he's not. Shocking I know.

if you really think the jewish controlled press will list the jew controllers in the NWO, then I have a bridge to sell u

>In Finland there are 10 billionaires, three of whom are Jewish. There are only 1800 Finnish Jews.

names, give

Attached: kikebook.png (637x316, 265K)

I did
Bezos isn't Jewish


Fuck the 1%, or as I like to call them, ultra-rich giga kikes (URGK).

Jeff Bezos is not Jewish. You also forget the Rothschilds. And John Rockefeller who was, inflation corrected, richer than Gates and Bezos COMBINED.

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Don't forget the largest land owner on Earth, who is also a kike.

>Queen Elizabeth II is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.


Attached: queenkike.jpg (702x1026, 77K)

totally wrong

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that list is incomplete.
I have a quadrillion dollars.


send me some and I'll had you to the list. You want my BTC addy?

-t naive fools

What are you going to claim next? That Stalin, Lenin, Eisenhower and Truman weren't jews? That May and Macron aren't jews?

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>You want my BTC addy?
are you a tomboy?

>earned his wealth
He had a fucking trust fund, which means he could fail as long as it took to succeed.
He was truly privileged,
of course he “is smart” he had high school classes with only 8students so the teachers could actually teach him advanced stuff.
, practically private tutors
White privilege is a myth but rich privilege is fucking real, his grand father was a fucking central bank president. His full name is William gates The Third.
>I was a self made millionaire, just like my daddy before me.
You have to be brainwashed to think he earned it all on his own merit

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Yip. Protcucks and their hardon for Jews and hatred of Catholics. Stupid shit with 0 evidence

Bezos isn't Jewish you mongoloid fuck.

Sauce on that pic?

Bezos runs the largest mercantile company in human history, has spying devices in the home of almost every onions-being in the US and Europe, and owns a press wing that likely publishes the most left-wing propaganda by tonnage in the world. He is the Platonic archetype of a Jew in all areas - it logically follows that he is a crypto, which would therefore him the Jewest of all Jews to ever Jew.

Theyre all globalists who figured out to gain the system well, Bill Gates stole his software and destroyed all his competitors so he could take over the whole market, they're all psychopaths and anti capitalist anti free market.

Actually the real wealth is the Rothschilds and Dupont's.

>Wealthiest people in the world
1. Jeff Bezos

You have no fucking clue, don't you.

Attached: wealth.png (1168x4386, 1.43M)

Still not a Jew.

How high are the Bogdanoffs?

according to the pasta"rotschilds bow to bognadoffs"

When the jew and the secrets guy left, the thread went to shit..

This is a reflection of how it is IRL.
Only a few are in the know, the rest are a bunch of loud stupid animals/goyim who show up late, are distracted and derail the rest with pointless banter.

i mean his mother is named Jackie Gise there's 80% chance he's at least a biological jews
his father in law worked all his life for exxon and used to finance Amazon until it magically started to grow
he's most probably jewish

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This. We are constantly inundated with the idolization of people like Jobs and Gates, both of whom lied, stole, and usurped their way to the top. Fuck them, fuck apple, fuck Microsoft, and fuck Silicon Valley.

>black nobility

thats not a reference to their skin colors if you know what i mean