What do you think of people who get Welfare?

What do you think of people who get Welfare?
If I was born with low IQ (that is not ma fault), why should I do a shitty job my whole life? Is it fair?

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I have a high IQ and my family gives me billionaire welfare because the companies we started (and all of the ones we didn't) all would prefer to hire low IQ brown people.

Employment is literally for low IQ people who do shitty jobs. It sucks and I'd like to change it back to smart European people doing everything, but it doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon.

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making yourself useful is a noble virtue; what should the alternative be, gibbs?

>making yourself useful is a noble virtue
jewish propaganda

I think welfare is good. IT helps capable high iq people who were born poor.

jfc LIFE IS NOT FAIR. If your only contribution to society is ditchdigger because of IQ reasons, grab a shovel ffs

what genes does one with heterochromia pass to their child?

Are people actually born with low IQ's though? I'm sure it can improve.

>if I was born with low iq
Not my fucking problem, son. Everyone since the dawn of time has had to take care of themselves, and there's no reason why all of a sudden it becomes smart people's job to drag all of y'all retarded ass mf's. I've got a bright future, don't fuck my shit up

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she really need to get blacked by a gang of nigger

Is it fair that some criminals get paid millions of dollars to throw a ball around? If a person is born unathletic, through no fault of their own, why should they not be hired for professional sports?

What shit mentality you have.

As if the Jews invented the ideal of contribution to society and your fellow man.

What are you a pagan larper? I can tell you now what was done with lazy do nothing leaches in ancient European society. It wasn’t fucking gibbs

All testing shows a maximum of 15 points gained over time in IQ scores. This can be written off as pattern recognition development due to more repetitions of the pattern. And it is less than the divide in the mean difference between racial IQ scores

>is working for my own upkeep fair?
>I was born with low IQ so it's not fair
so stupid that it will be argued for in the near future

When youre unironically not a brainlet, you should realize at a young age that people ARE CERTAINLY not equal, especially mentally. This brainlet awareness eventually should naturally rationalize itself into a worldview along the lines of NPC meme, "The common man is a fool.", humans always need masters, etc.

Welfare is good. Obvious need to soothe the majority and maintain order. We need brainlets to do labor, service jobs, pleb shit. Secondly, its easy to empathize with many such families who DO need welfare. Yeah the parents are brainlets, but they and their kids dont need to suffer given modern society and technology. If there wasnt any safety net, many people would literally starve. You can be some dumbass idealist and say only >tfw 140 IQ should exist, or you can be a realist and understand its somewhat your role to placate the working class, as the non-brainlets have done for many millennia prior.

Welfare is for brainlets, and thats a good thing.

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>What do you think of people who get Welfare?

Welfare exists to push those who can't out of the workforce so that employers can bring in those who can, cheaper.

It socialises the costs of dealing with people who have lower ability.

If you prevent employers from bringing in labour, or offshoring it, then they have to pay more for what they see as lower quality employees.

Essentially you're privatising the management (the cost) of this part of society.

I think welfare, tariffs, mass migration and walls are highly interrelated. Ideally, even low IQ'd people should be in work, it's good for them in many ways.

"Whites" on welfare are doing nothing wrong desu, as shitty as they can be. The system needs to be broken.

I unironically support UBI if it means ending welfare programs that only help blacks, Jews, and Spanish people.
It would be nice that after all those years that white and asians get a $1000 check per month.
But just as we saw with the early roll out of EBT in January (intended for Feb) that the ones on welfare will be unable to survive.

T German long-windedly quoting the gates to Auchwitz.



You shouldnt breed and spread that suffering. Thats for sure

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this! parents should be responsible and forced to do hard labor in order to provide you with lifestyle of middle class or above because they failed to abort you when they had a chance. Parents bear responsibility for their kids from birth to death! Anyone who said kids turn to adults at 18 and thus responsible for their own life should be hung publically!

> Are people actually born with low IQ's though? I'm sure it can improve.


There's 2 main components. "fluid, and crystalline IQ"

- Fluid is basically raw speed. And we have no idea at all what it is, or how to improve it. And it's highly genetically heritable.
- Crystaline iq is more how much you've picked up and is more like wisdom. It's related to fluid because the faster you are the more you pick up.

Crystalline is improvable, but fluid, not so much so far. Worse, the older you get, the lower your fluid intelligence gets.

The problem with being born with low IQ is you're never going to catch up, and nobody has any idea what to do to help.
And we're talking 10s of millions of people... 1 in 8 or so.

This is why it's important that manual labour positions aren't offshored to China. And why it's important that you don't just bring 30 million people in to compete.
It's an abandonment of your social responsibility to those who just can't operate as effectively.

Some people deserve it, a lot of people are just work-shy cunts though.

I was born with high IQ and do a shitty job. Life ain't fucking fair retard.

I have no kids, will not breed. But why shoul I do a shitty job my whole life? I have never asked to be born, why should I suffer now?

>I was born with high IQ and do a shitty job
Than you IQ is not high, you probably did a meme IQ test.

more of us should sue our parents and gov't for birthing us without our consent!


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So. improve yourself.

No, you should be euthanized and replaced by robots/software.

No kike I just don't give a fuck about money

I improve myself every day. What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said?

The higher paying a job is, the shittier it is. (Also your higher wage is probably just because you are stuck pissing it away in high rent).

>I have never asked to be born
Feel free to quit your job and wander off into the wilderness. None of us asked to be born but even less did we ask to pay for you and your ungrateful ass.

I know, but I cant kill myself, have no balls to do it

So don't pay nigger.

it's illegal to kill yourself or wander in wilderness trying to survive. you can't even fish for yourself without paying for license.

Low IQ children should be euthanized in the womb. Their low IQ parents should be sterilized.

you should be given welfare, only in exchange for injectable birth-control to prevent you from breeding. This would rid us of both the stupid, and the lazy in a generation or two.

The problem is associating a job people with low iq can do with shitty instead of what it used to be called
Good honest work
Progressive intellectual culture is killing the idea that people are different and everyone can fill a valuable niche in favor of a society where boutique education and high earnings and fame outweigh happiness and personal growth and supporting your family.
Plenty of dumbshit people work hard and are great people, and plenty of smart fuckers are filthy rent seeking communists with no morals
We lost the moral eye to tell the difference when we lost the bravery to point it out

>This would rid of us the stupid and lazy
No, the stupid and lazy who were born rich would still breed.

Having a low IQ isn't the end of the road. If they embrace a decent moral system and become conscientious in their work, they can often be as successful or quite a bit more so than high IQ individuals who are amoral and irresponsible.

Stupid and lazy people who are born with wealth tend to burn through it rather quickly.

Only more reason for their parents to kill them

Welfare is a safety net
>not a way of life.
people that use it to rebound - kudos
People that use it as a foundation - gas em

They are lazy because they can be. Remove welfare and most of those people will get their act together or starve. Or if not remove, make the requirements and process much more demanding to be put on welfare.

>If I was born with low IQ (that is not ma fault), why should I do a shitty job my whole life?
strawman, you cant lump everybody on benefits in the category "doesnt want to work". There are people with horrible diseases and crippling conditions DREAMING of a shitty job.

Country should provide all of their citizens with housing, food, medical, education. by providing all that as a guarantee of your citizenship then people would feel belonging to their nation and would work for its benefit!
why the fuck should I give my life up if my "country" does nothing for me and expects everything from me?

Country is just like a family but on a larger scale. If your parents provide you with everything to succeed then you'll make sure your house succeeds. Otherwise you'll burn it down with your shit entitled parents.

>This would rid us of both the stupid, and the lazy in a generation or two.
That you fail to identify the largest group on welfare means you'll be sterilized too.

In our systems of banking, every € on a bank account can be loaned ta a rate of 30 or so.
These welfare recipients bring in a lot of money for the banks and the system, it's the trickle up or helicopter money.

No welfare for anyone, UBI (just under the minimum of what you need to survive so you'd get a part time job at least) for everyone.

that's why your country is a shithole.

no one is DREAMING of a shitty job kys
no one dreams of spending most of their waking life doing something they hate

It's redpilled to abuse the welfare system

CR is not my country, I've been here 11 years and it took me 10 years just to get permission to work and residency. I can't find a job for past 2 years and gov't told me if I don't continue to pay taxes every month then they'll take away my residency and deport me. There are no gibs here

>You have to go back

If you are white then great. Better you get it then some 3rd worlder or native shit skin piece of scum.

>for everyone.
>so you cant work
Then people with real crippling disabilities will starve, Dahmer.

go back where? my parents shipped me off to USA when I was 14, 12 years later I couldn't get a residency so I moved to CR to be with my grandma who decided to retire in CR, she died and now I am fucked still. I have no country that would take me. I can barely speak the language of my birth country.

I am just waiting for the right moment to life stream my checkout

>no one is DREAMING of a shitty job kys
How is it to have no empathy ? They are dreaming of that if the alternative is the focused hate and spite of society for unemployed people.

people with disabilities should be euthanized
i would want to be if a became a cripple
there's 0 value in a life spent sittting around in a shat diaper with no social life, meaningful relationships and with a constant knowledge that you're a smelly burden to everyone around you

I think you need to die desu

The 7 billion number is just too much
As humans we struggled at 3 billion

7 billion is literally us maximizing our use of finite supply faster than we can create tech to sustain the number

I think if we curbed anyone below 90 iq and kept the population at a reasonable 1 billion we would have an essential utopia with the current tech we have now
At that number no matter what sort of government system is in place or how many immigrants a country gets we will be fine, as long as we never go above that 1 billion number mark

Statistically when you look around you, the majority of people are useless people

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Literally welfare, you dumb nigger

wipe out chinks and poondaloos and you've got rid of half of world's population. enslave niggers to some remote island as labor force. thin spik population by 70%. Everyone else can move around freely

kill you parents, live stream it.

nah, they are already dead inside.. I'd rather them live with their councisness and knowing what a true failure they are for failing their kids

I think you have a naive worldview where you think the potential of something is worth more than the reality

We like to think about that one smart kid who got stuck in a bad situation because his parents are fucking drug addicts or something, and he sits by the candle light doing his homework because he's a good boy who dindnu nuffin, but the chances of an environment that's devoid of a nurturing nature for intellect cultivating a high iq individual are so rare that the kid might as well play the lottery everyday because it'd be the same amount of chance to win

It's nothing
It's less than 1% to create that genetic high iq freak from an improvised home

But because we as moral humans are fundamentally flawed and think that 1% matters more than the 99% of retards we are cultivating

The welfare state just allows for 1 impoverished family to became 4 or 5 potentially improvised families, and the cycle repeats until it can't repeat anymore

We live on a wire's edge but a lot of people don't think that away, because unforseen consequences aren't part of a person's day to day routine

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Spot on. We need to broadcast this reasoning because it's exactly right.

What´s your IQ?

I dont know, but its very low, was always bad at school

Being good at School is obedience and responsibility, not intelligence, El Chapo Guzman has an IQ over the Mexican Average, he didn't even finish Elementary.