Can any of the pay pigs give me TDS 408? I had a paywall subscription but it lapsed and I will be rejoining next week
TDS 408 link
Other urls found in this thread:
jazz and jesse too plx
Fuck off nigger quit being a poorfag
this is the third fucking spammed thread.
Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11
Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)
Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)
Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)
These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.
they used the correct image though so I'm cool with it
Because you're a kike shill.
ok i will just this once. where do i upload
Learn how to make a thread you retard.
TDS is The Devil's Synagogue
Cat box, .moe, whatever.
>2 shows this week
>takes federal holidays off
>not feds
>show ends promptly, not a minute past 2hr 15
Anyone who trusts TRS is a retard.
But I still listen to their shit. And I never pay.
based and piracypilled
But muh comedy
based and redpilled
Bump with a hairy girl
ok im uploading because i personally believe more new listeners is important and so is spreading the message. get a $10 sub, please. it's totally secure. you can even buy a visa gift card and do it that way. im also doing this to spite the kike-enoch spamming and fed shills.
HH brother
Wouldnt they need to do stuff like that since they are a buisness or is that only for banks and post offices and stuff
Still, fuck sven
One has to wonder if accepting a file from a transotherkin antifa might lead to malware though.
The 9 likes is the most disgusting part.
Okay, this is based
Dont trust catbox
Pls post on
Reminder that Jesse makes these threads to shill his podcast
Okay guys it was funny the first couple of weeks but we're bleeding subscribers. Please stop.
nice try, sven
ok, this is ebic
where's the canada bro that uploads this shit
sup bro? come on now
Thank you, sir. I am really getting my subscription back next week. Ran into a couple extra bills last month and had to sacrifice it for about two weeks
This is what all women would look like if they didn't pluck, wax and shave. It's a hard pill to swallow.
God damn he is such a faggot dude, Jesus christ.
no prob dude. i've been there too. sometimes this show keeps me going through these blackpilling times
>Wouldnt they need to do stuff like that since they are a buisness or is that only for banks and post offices and stuff
its only for banks and government; most of the US does not follow federal holidays
either feds or giant excuse to do even less work which is roughly a 2hr and 15 minute day, 3 days a week while they collect thousands of subs at $10 a month; ill let you do the math
oh, and then they will say how you the listener needs to donate to RAM and send them stuff
catbox is Jow Forums, please kys redd*t
do they still let you buy subs with btc
>thousands of subs
yeah but it's trickyer than a money order
They deserve a 6 figure income for putting themselves on the line, and divided between them all it doesn't add up to much, probably around the same as a medium income job. Mike said he is making half as much now as before he got doxed.
thanks fren
probably AstroTurfed
You're a good man.
Any chance you (or someone) could share FTN? TDS is getting harder and harder to enjoy with fucking McNabb every week, so if there's any chance you could share The Cope Show I'd appreciate it. Getting my sub back in March.
FTN is in the archive
and Sven, I know you're in this thread so let me say this
gib us mike and mad wop to!
Where the fuck has Jay-oh been?
>these guys are totally jewish fed shills but i consume everything they put out so please someone post a link please i need this
Please explain this thought process.
Who else feels like the antis are trying to get us to DL the catbox shows?
Really? Checked it last night but I'll try again. Thanks.
I really don't get the hate for Sven. At least he's amusing. McNabb is just fucking worthless. I get sticking up for your friend because he gets canned over some bullshit, but let him write articles or something. Ice cold takes and funny as fucking cancer.
Not really. That much hair is so extreme it has its own medical term: hirsutism.
I don't know why people even still listen to TDS. That show has straight become unlistenable. It's a complete fucking waste of time. Sven thinks he's funny. He's not. He's fucking annoying and derails the show. TDS is a thing of the past.
>need this
Yeah that pissed me the fuck off too
Mike and Alex were talking about Job and the old testament god and gnosticism. Sven just cuts them off because "im bored and this content sucks and not funny" . Completely derails the whole tangent.
I want to support them as I think its important for dissident right wing people to be able to make money off their message, but damn sven can be annoying with his whole "im tired im gonna end the show. Im bored lets change subject".
And hes made it clear that he wont accept any criticism what so ever because "fuck you this is my show"
mike makes it up with big brain content tho
Who gives a shit? I download them on an old Kyocera in case there's a virus, they can't cost someone who's self-employed their job, and if their goal is to 'find' me, they should be careful what they wish for.
I don't really trust any of these downloads, but if you do it on an old device with a VPN you should be fine.
>actually paying to waste 2 hours of your life listening to pseudo boomers talk about food and to listen to sven stroke his own ego with shitty cover songs and dad joke tier faggot jokes
>actually supporting two faggots who coerced hundreds of young white men into going to Charlottesville, and not taking any responsibility for the matter
>actually giving money to people who tried to force Ricky Vaughn down our throats. Who purposely don't talk shit about that faggot Dickie Thpenthur and everything wrong he's done
>actually paying for Mike "fucked a kikes" Goldsteinbergs alamony payment and for Svens electronics via pay wall sub
These people give nothing to the white race or the white cause. They are complete brainlets. They are idiots. They are actual fucking clowns who riff on things they find on sites like Jow Forums. Their fanbase are fucking FOREVER ALONE losers.
>Mike and Alex were talking about Job
That's like AOC and Bernie discussing economics. Glad Sven shut that horseshit down.
VPN+VMWARE=kikes be gone
he got repilled since, he said that was Israel recently
sure here you go. i know what you mean about mcnabb. i don't think he's a bad guy and sometimes he has good takes but he just derails constantly. his connection is always fucked up and i'm just tired of mike's rants coming to a screeching halt every time he starts getting some momentum going. both mcnabb and sven need to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes. i wouldn't mind listening to a show where mike just sits alone and rambles on steam-of-consciousness style for like 3 hours.
someone plz reup to mixtapemoe. this is fishy.
This is unironically sven. On the old 504 he acted like God's gift to earth.
He's legitimately a fucking narcissistic asshole.
oh ya no reason to misinform folks
thanks borther
this is no place for low agency cowards
also no one of these shills ever explains how trs helps jews
>still waiting
Yeah it's fucking gay
Anything is better than mixtape.moegay
He used to. Now it's 90% sven derailing and pretending he's funny, and 10% mike actually providing content. I don't even know why people are bitching about Mcnabb. Sven ruined that show well over a year ago.
TRS thread are always full of technophobes lol
they should stick to amren and ramzpaul content then
they still have best shows on the alt right
I think they feel obligated to keep him on since he got canned doing shit for them. It's admirable in way, but there has to be some other way for him to contribute. In the end they still put out better content than 90% of so-called /ourguys/, but goddamnit he's annoying and those faggot guages don't help matters either.
Thanks for ftn man. Appreciate it. Going to listen now.
The Mike-Sven TRS entity is doomed. Mark my words: Mike will splinter off and go and do something on his own and be successful. Sven, being too dumb, lazy, and arrogant to realize that he needs to provide something of value, will pull a warsky and scrape together enough morons to actually squeak out a living so he doesn't have to start painting houses again.
Mike will probably take Mcnabb with him for being a bro the whole time.
TRS as an entity is done. There is no coming back from Sven's failure in totality, and you can see it all over Mike's face and voice. Mike knows it. He just hasn't admitted it.
That says more about the the alt-right than it does TDS. In truth, the alt-right has been in a state of intellectual arrested development since before Charlotesville.
The reason is for the same reason the all left libertarianism in the first place: it was edgy and fun until it wasn't, and there is literally nothing there is terms of an actual, real philosophy.
can someone give me a tldr on trs drama.
I stopped following TRS when they put everything behind a pay wall.
strike and mike is a better show
It was brainlet tier
>Satan, also called Accuser in the original language (this is really important for some reason), was basically putting God on trial, therefore God is not omnipotent
sven hates wignats and had a temper tantrum meltdown 100x this striker abandoned his wignat position, but still likes it
highly unlikely but why do u care
WN is moving on because attack on all Whites is not stopping no matter what happens to alt right or trs
For two reasons:
I used to enjoy TDS. It was funny and intellectual, irrespective of whether I agreed with the content itself. Sven single-handedly destroyed that, and Mike let it happen. Mike is being held-back by a lesser man. He's better than that. It's a matter of justice.
It's less that I care, and more that I can't see any other way of it happening, unless Mike is for whatever reason willing hang his hat on a more-than-shitty show. I would be interested in seeing what Mike would do on his own, without a yapping Chihuahua in his ear.
The only credit I'll give to Sven is he saw Charlottesville as being the trainwreck that it was going to be and wasn't ever OK with it.
lets actively undermine the financial foundations of /ourguys/ xDD
[good god, will you give up? your divide and conquer shit hasn't worked, why still try? its been so fucking long, you just don't give up
>Sven got an ego trip
>banned a shit ton of people from their forum because he can't handle bantz
>Can somehow afford thousands of dollars of new electronics / instruments for "producing" the show and doing his faggy covers
>forcing Ricky Vaughn on every TRS podcast more or less
>cuck box and guilt by association
>Dickie Thenpthurs fuck ups
>cope posting Charlottesville well into late 2018
>TDS is quite literally 20 minutes of content, and the rest is Sven interrupting content while STILL MAKING THE GIFT REFERENCES, or references to anal sex
One could argue he was being pragmatic. I'd say a more likely scenario is that he doesn't care that much, and has been in it for the money and ego since the beginning. But let's not kid ourselves. Sven lacks the agency required for prudence.
This was a case in which Mike was principled and stood for what he believed, no matter how ill-advised it might've been.
>low agency slav can't focus for more than 10 minutes
Alex McNabb ruins ever show that he is on.
He fucking did it again last show. He had his fucking baby crying in to the mic again whilst Mike and Sven were trying to do the bit.
Also he looks like a capybara.
I largely agree but again, WN does not stop or fall without trs or mike and you can hear him on other shows without annoying sven.
He saw shit, nobody could have predicted that in its entirety and that is all history now and just another step to our destiny.
Please tell me Jow Forums isn't falling for these honey pot links
Yes, not pegging WN to the success of TRS or Mike. I'm speaking strictly in the context of the latter.
My friend, can we trouble ya for Mike & The Mad Wop 16 and Jazz & Jesse 64? It's hard out here being an autiste completist AND a freeloader. Thanks bro.
According to him. Never give anyone any credit for their private positions they claim to have had after the fact.