>Not owning guns in 2019

The writing is on the wall.
Making yourself defenseless doesn't make you safer.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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A man without a gun is hardly a man at all.

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Guns can be beautiful.

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Jow Forumsk/a/!!!

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Ready for the next civil war.

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The irony of that picture. That character is a model gun collector, those are modded airsoft guns in the background.

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>guns are bad
>raping jasper, however, is good

The absolute fucking state of lapis morality

>Jasper should be able to fuck over Lapis without Lapis getting revenge on her
Malachite was punishment, not rape.

I should buy some guns to protect myself from the peckerwoods.

>conservative chan best waifu ever
>high tier waifu

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Don't the Homeworld gems believe in genocide? Like what the fuck.

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>jasper is shit tier trash but lappis could be classified as mid tier

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thanks, /a/non
but yeah, japan has no guns 'cept the military and the yakuza, and they're fine.

>Semen Yuriverse
>worth watching

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No bully Dia

>racially, culturally homogeneous society is peaceful


>here is the waifu tier list so you can get an idea if you are not a weeb

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>Making yourself defenseless doesn't make you safer.

Especially as the time of use is drawing closer.

Some civilians do legally own firearms, mostly shotguns for hunting.

I'm a convicted felon in Florida.
So I've had to turn to other means. Ironically, by removing my rights they made me far more dangerous.

Where there's a will, there's a dead body.

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Useless in modern society
USA has a lot of gun but their rights are slowly eroded bit by bit, without the determination to use something you might as well have a personal army and it wont be of any use to you

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I have an old 10/22 and my Grandpa's Luger.

Tell that to Bundy, noguns Croat.

well, what if she had a gun?

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10/22's are a whole lot of fun.
Never sell that Luger, though.

Africa is homogenous
Europeans and East Asians are the only ones with inner earth Pleiadean DNA
Aryannic DNA

why do you NEED a gun? it's just strange to me

Why do we NEED guns?
To keep slimy Chosenites away from our liberties

It's like a fire extinguisher, user.
You don't need it until you REALLY need it.
Target shooting also the most fun you can have with your pants on and it's useful for harvesting meat, though I suppose that's not much of a thing in Israel, considering the climate.

Im scared of using a tablesaw, let alone handling a gun. Whenever I use nail guns I just imagine the nail going into my eye or my skull.

haha Americans aren't shit, they're happily pissing away their freedoms everyday, guns will be gone soon too.

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I mean, you’re not wrong
Most whites here are fucking retarded and welcome their slavery and diversity with a fluoridated smile on their face
The ones who are aware and awake are growing however so, let’s see what happens in the future eh shlomo

Firearm owners take safety very seriously. If you handle firearms in a dangerous manner at a range, you'll be out on your ass faster than you can say "range officer".
The difference between "fear" and "respect" is knowledge.
Guns are the line in the sand and you would be wise not to cross it.

I don't own anime figurines either

Maybe you should grow past your toys

Africa is tribal.

>this tread needs more waifus

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Nycfag... completely disarmed.

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Is that why your government has a stockpile of them? Because they're "toys"?
There are plenty of firearms you, as a NYfag, can own. Go get yourself a Maverick 88 or something, at the very least.
Sure thing.

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>the line in the Sand

lmao stop. you fat fucks will hand over your shit with a bit smile on your face

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I said nyc, not upstate ny.

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when you buy one you do so because it makes the bang-sound and makes you feel like a big boy

that's the difference

i see you are a men of culture as well

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don't live in niggertown
don't need a gun

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There are just shy of 2.1 million firearm licenses issued in Canada. This is approximately 28 times more than the total number of police, including pencil-pushers.
So, how many body bags do you think there will be if even 1% of gun owners put their foot down?
The government functions on either fear or consent, and the government doesn't really scare me.
There are multiple gun stores within city limits. Yes, the laws in your state, especially in your city, are trash, but it is still your right as an American to buy firearms to defend your person, your loved ones and your property. If you can scrape together two Benjamins, you can defend yourself.
My 12 gauge shotgun is a veritable multi-tool. It can function as a signalling device, meat harvesting tool, a defensive weapon or a piece of sporting equipment all with a quick change of ammo.

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Can I buy a glock? That will suffice until the future.

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Now, it has been a while since I last read up on NYC firearm laws, but I am fairly certain that long-guns, like the aforementioned Mav88, are easier to acquire. Long-guns are also quite a bit easier to fire, as you have more points of contact with the firearm. It is common for people to overestimate their ability with a firearm (or to underestimate the difficulty of accurately firing one). Whichever firearm you do end up acquiring, I would recommend mounting a flashlight to it, as you may end up needing it after sunset.

how do I get into guns in Florida?
I wanted to get a glock for reliability but chambered in 45 for stopping power, any advice?

>guns are for pussys true men fight with swords

>I don't own anime figurines either
Eeeh, neither do I. Is that even a thing? The memes are quite clear on them being superior 2D.
I do however own a few guns, and yes, some of them are just toys. Others, tools.
I'm going to keep both even if your reddit spacing arse think the 'toy' ones (plinkers and impractical hand cannons with no hunting value) are childish.

And yet you use it for none of those things

You shoot cans and take pictures for facespace

never bring a knife to a gunfight

.45 ACP is generally not worth it. "Stopping power" is a meme and none of the big 3 duty pistol rounds (9x19, .40S&W and .45ACP) have significant performance characteristics.
I would recommend taking a firearm safety course, especially one focused on concealed carry considering your home state, and then going to a range with rental firearms. Try every gun you can and remember that a .22 in the hand is better than a .45 left at home.
I do not use social media and you have no means of knowing what I use my firearms for. You are simply prejudiced against firearm owners, likely because you have never held, let alone fired, a firearm.

Thanks for the info, I'll try to apply for a license this year then. Living in a libshit state isn't easy.

significant differences in* performance characteristics.
I'm a bit tipsy, so bear with me. :)

I empathize. I've lived in the most anti-gun cities in the country. The misconceptions are deeply rooted.

Best entry-level rifle for a mix of reliability and not super high cost?

I do know some firearm lingo though.. that was a bullseye on you using it for fuck all else than shooting cans in your backyard.

lol y'all rednecks gonna get droned

See pic.

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Got nothing better to do, ishmael?

thanks leaf user good to know
I refuse to go to the range until I'm physically fit though, I don't want to be a stereotypical lard ass with a gun, already started losing weight.

Are you counting calories? It's important to not under-eat, as it'll cause your body to permanently lower its metabolism.
I'd recommend using a smartphone app like myfitnesspal. All you need to do is scan the barcode and tell it the number of servings. Makes it easy to keep a tally of how many calories you have left for the day.
And believe me, you wouldn't be the only overweight person at the range.

Oh god I just checked the rules to get one, it's so difficult sheesh, fuck this state.

Yeah, thus the shotgun recommendation.

>never was against guns, always felt comfortable with other people using them, but still had some kind of unexplainable "fear" of handling one myself
>moved to a red state
>started going to gun shows, talking to people at booths, handling what they got on display
>eventually buy one (ruger 9mm)
>go to a range to shoot it
>nervous as fuck at first having never been to one
>shoot muh gun
>at that moment realize it's fucking nothing and literally 90% of people have been completely brainwashed into an irrational fear based on social engineering and propaganda
i really think people who are anti-gun need to just shoot one. i know there are still libfaggots who shoot once in a blue moon and call for gun control, but on average i think if someone just shoots a gun they'll realize it's no more scary than handling a table saw (actually less so). anybody who is anti-gun simply does not know what they are talking about. all the comparisons they think are silly like cars actually are not silly at all and completely valid. once you start to shoot and own them, you realize the government is totally in the wrong trying to keep them from you.