Why should I be against this?
Soda Tax
Because you don't need the government to tell you how to live your life?
Soda is disgusting and only retards drink it
if it takes the tax burden off of non retards then it is a good thing
But we actually do?!
seriously Humanity is fucked if we don't start CULLING the weak
I only drink tea and water, but if we let them tax this then what are they going to try and tax next?
Natural selections. Let the fatties die off quicker
>if it takes the tax burden off of non retards then it is a good thing
But these taxes rarely replace other. Its just more taxes.
all of this board would be killed.
Why don't we tax obesity directly?
The federal government lets welfare recipients purchase soda and it will also fund their medicaid diabetes treatment.
it discourages niggers from buying soda in their own neighborhoods. this is horrible. they might lose weight on the added walk or, worse, quit drinking their poison.
Because you don't feel the need to tell other people how to live.
Shitty liberal cities do this.
Hey pal, the government is setting the agenda whether you like it or not.
The whole game is making sure the government is pushing an agenda that benefits society, or your particular group.
darwinism. it is destructive to prevent the dumb from making mistakes
Better tell that to all the natsocs on this board.
Exempting fruit juices from a sugar water tax.
the government is literally the population, fool. allowing government to interfere too much in people’s lives is like praising fritzl as a hero
It should never be a tax on products, but an obesity tax. Men, are you above 18% body fat? Get taxed. Women, are you above 25%? Get taxed. Don’t tax my shit I can enjoy responsibly, tax those with no will power.
micromanaging people's lives isn't culling the weak, it's coddling them. let people be free to destroy themselves and they remove themselves from the gene pool
Because those sugars are naturally occurring.
since socialized medical insurance or care is only matter of time, i completely agree with this. Honestly soda should be nationalized. Then one day replace the corn syrup with a nerve agent.
>dude just let the government take care of it
this is the soda of arguments
personal responsibility is just that, personal
1) The cost will be given to the consumer anyways so it wont hurt the companies
2) People would still buy it because shits that cheap so it wont make people stop drinking sugar water
3) Tax money is probably gonna go to some zog shit anyways
The state should be interested in healthier poeple for multiple reaons but the soda tax is just feel good while doing nothing trick
>taxing soda will fix the problem
Yeah, tax increases on cigarettes sure stopped smoking.
Doesn't make a difference for your body bro. It's all the same. The effect of sugar is fruit is mitigated because of the fiber, not because it's natural.
natsoc is a fine balance between isolationism and participation in international trading. literally the best possible system since it secures the needs of the population unlike globalism or communism, which go into extremes
Imagine if EBT only covered things like beans, rice, chicken, fruits, and vegetables. Nationwide chimpouts in seconds.
A weight tax would be more effective, with exemptions for those who work out and have normal/low body fat percentages.
Don't punish the normalfags who want a soda with their popcorn at the cinema because there are niggers and white trash who drink this shit with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
>Yeah, tax increases on cigarettes sure stopped smoking.
Did smoking decrease?
I remembered NY banned large sodas. People just buy 2 smaller ones instead.
What's stopping people from driving to another state that has no tax and buying it there? I heard lots of people in Utah go to Nevada to buy alcohol.
You should always support taxes that have a direct impact on the people. Use their dissatisfaction to drive anti-government sentiment.
Fat fuck
the weak cull themselves
fuck off libtard
^mostly because you are a moron that needs mommys tit^
otherwise you might rely on your own brain
>regressive burden
>fatty confirmed
you are a little too idealistic. government and pharmacy are inherently corrupt due to individual interests within - it takes a strong opposition to force them to do the right thing every now and then
It doesnt kill fatties fast enough. They just end up going on gibs and reproducing since they dont have to work.
It ends up fucking the tax payers on the back end through medical bills.
I wonder what would happen if you make bodyfat percentage a job requirement and have companies from a certain size have mandatory gyms
truly an american thinker
I completly agree, money and to some extent capitalism makes persons backstab their own people for personal gain
^said liberal retard^
If they did this to only soda I’d actually be okay with it.
>tax all undesirable behavior
when will you pay the terrible argument tax
hopefully you have enough money to pay the children missing school tax when your kid is sick afterwards
and the non-fuel efficient vehicle tax when you drive to wrok
Why would you support it? Fat tax makes more sense. You don't punish people who are not part of the problem.
Did smoking rates decline?
why isn't there a sugar tax yet, we could use it to supplement our universal healthcare funding
I can tell you...
you are a moron
you fail to realise humans suc
and that you are a human
Individualists get the bullet too.
you clearly don’t understand how things work, tyrone. too much freedom and you get anarchism - you want to aim for a government that has as little power to interfere in lives as possible but offers opportunities for people to improve their lives (debt-base education and military training as example)
They did it here. All the companies responded by replacing 50% of the sugar with artificial sweeteners which tastes even worse than no sugar versions. I used to occasionally drink Dr Pepper but now there's no option to because it tastes like shit. There's almost nothing that remained at full sugar content for a higher price.
>sugar tax
Do they put sugar in anything anymore?
>Why should I be against this?
Yes and I made a thread about it earlier but got zero interest because I didn't shitpost enough in the OP. The whole "lets punish them economically through a tax" a slippery slope
>raising the price on something so it becomes unaffordable causes people to not consume it
well, yeah
and if you commie faggots got your way, this kind of policy will be coming to every item in every grocery store near you
>muh tax
You guys got nothing to bitch about. My city is the 5th most expensive place to live on the fucking planet.
Sugar tax, kek. You fat fucks don't even have VAT on absolutely everything yet. Not to mention a tax rate in the 40s
Yes, but they have been on the decline since the 80s
How many people go down with them though?
Its too fucking long.
yes and it literally doesn't matter because autonomy is infinitely more important than placing tax hurdles in front of things people want to do and will continue to do
there's a significant body of evidence that suggests meat is just as much of a carcinogen as cigarettes. Do you think we should double the price of meat with taxes like we did and do with cigarettes and alcohol?
Stop taxing workers
You shouldn't. Humanity needs fucking cleansing and the 90% of pure, unfettered shit that cries out for it rights and freedoms wants you to support its self-destructive lifestyle.
^look retards are commenting^
humans are dumb
>the absolute state of nu/pol/
That term upsets me more than it should.
Black people really are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions. Drinking liquid diabetes is a human right. Eating healthy is white privilege!
>Everyone else is competing as a team
>I'll beat them with my individualist big brained principles
>there's a significant body of evidence that suggests meat is just as much of a carcinogen as cigarettes.
Smoker detected.
give a tldr next time and bump a bit
>Yeah, tax increases on cigarettes sure stopped smoking.
Cigarettes are so expensive in many places many cannot afford them, so I guess your right.
Because they would be (are in Philadelphia) taxing a whole shitload of beverages, not just soda. Because the liberal retards who run the place don't understand human nature, their expected massive boost in tax revenue was instead a fucking deficit as almost everyone just got their soda outside of the city, losing the city all tax revenue from those drinks. The majority of lower&middle class fucks are willing to spend a half hour and a few pennies on gas to save a few dollars on sugar drinks, meanwhile the poor fucks who chug that shit are the ones spending a lot more.
My local supermarkets have had nonstop sales on soda and fruit juices at the front of their stores for the past two years, desperate to get rid of the soda and juice that no longer sells. It is effectively a tax on the poor and is financially retarded.
Lucky for me, my favorite drink evades the Philly Beverage Tax as it has no added sugars nor sugar substitutes.
Because fuck you
nah I only drink, but that's also considered a carcinogen
Smoking decreased but only because ecigarette and vape rose as well as far more weed use.
everytime you type...you look like a moron
your own fault if you work for a government that imports migrants to outbreed you and have amazing lives
>internet tax
why should I be against this?
Put the Hospital and Insurance company CEO's in prison for telling everyone it's okay to eat this way.
You must be retarded. or fat. or both. Because liberals are all for your BS healthy at all sizes. I hope you have a heart attack.
Nah. They'd just buy it, then resell it to their dealer for 20 cents on the dollar. it's already happening.
The truth is if you want to stop obesity you have to change the culture to make it completely socially unacceptable to be fat.
People will self police.
Nothing else will work.
culling the weak is what obesity is doing. the fat fucks that cant control their impulses will die young and the plantbased people will outlive everyone.
Because taxation is theft
^when UK = moron...^
even though no1 gives A Fuc
I bet you like that...
Because everywhere it's been tried it failed miserably. You get sales tax, then add a sugar tax on top, then people go outside the county to buy sugary drinks resulting in you getting neither.
>there are people who can't handle a fucking soda.
>Because you don't need the government to tell you how to live your life?
You don't, and I don't, but >80% of people are no better than cattle. It turns out "one size fits all" liberty has its drawbacks.
Soda is a nigger drink. White men drink milk.
It didn't work in my country. People still buys Coca Cola and shit, not caring about the fact it practically double its price compared to 5 years ago.
allowing "FREE people" TO VOTE"
allowing the most retarded dumbfucks in your neighborhood to vote
>make it completely socially unacceptable to be fat.
Then eating disorders will increase.
And now they want to change the voting age to 16. At let you do it through an app.
>White men drink milk.
We're all gonna make it.
Why not outlaw it? If you know is so harmful why just allow companies to create that stuff?
I'm completely against taxation. It's the State's cut on drug selling. They don't want you to stop drinking it, they want to profit from it to keep looking the other way.
people will pay for soda no matter how high the price is. when i worked at a convenience store the foam cups went up a quarter and all the regulars still came in and got it twice a day
I'm disabled and diabetic. I can't safely eat carbs (beans and rice are carbs retard) and since diet soda is one of the very few carb free drinks available, it's my go to choice when I get sick of chemical infused (by govt) water and the shit taste of unsweetened tea. My food choices are already limited severely by a combination of deadly allergies and diabetes. I'm fit, not fat. The diabetes just runs in my family, so go fuck yourself you simple-minded, heartless nigger.
Would that be such a terrible thing in Obese-S-A