If the election was today, would you vote for Andrew Yang or Donald Trump?
If the election was today, would you vote for Andrew Yang or Donald Trump?
Nope fuck that chink sage
Announcing sage is against the rules, enjoy your b8 crinofag
All American citizens are share holders in our country and should therefore receive a monthly dividend from our country.
Vote Yang.
>We need to tax the wealthy at 90% to pay for UBI
Thanks for stopping by. DON'T forget to vote.
And then prices on everything rise to make up for it
fake news
I'm not voting for a chinaman
>tfw Trump shills have zero argument against this guy except that he's Asian with a higher IQ than Trump
>I’m not voting for a chinaman
>But I’ll easily vote for a crypto-jewish man who married off his kids to kikes
My reply from last thread for visibility
I stand with Yang.
Yes easily. Fuck China.
I don't see why this would happen. We're not printing more money for UBI. We're going to use the money currently being wasted on welfare programs.
I voted for Yang but he still wants open borders and mass amnesty for the most part. the freedom handout or whatever he wants to call it. People will get $1000 a month but that doesn't mean your standard of living won't be better, you will be squeezed into living inside a sardine can. You can't have it both where you allow limitless people to enter while having this giveaway.
>thinking goes as deep as skin color and "drump is dumb"
oh lordy we got us a leftist
Both those things are bad though. Sanctuary cities shouldn't exist at all, and bringing in more foreign workers to dilute the market (destroying middle class and lower) is bad too.
But those are seperate things to the UBI question, but the point is that it's proven neither of the main parties care about this. They're happy to treat the nation as just an interchangable basket of workers because all they see is $$$ signs, that's why the elite don't care about cultural changes.
Don't want a fuckin gook president.
>that's why the elite don't care about cultural changes.
Which is why I support the one person in all of Washington that the entire elite rallied around to try and remove. Whether Trump kikes out or not we'll see but that comes whenever he's out of office.
>replying to someone in another thread that's still up
it hit bump limit
This is from his website
>Deporting 11.3 million people would be impossible even if one wanted to. It would cost $120 billion, gut the economy and be largely ineffective anyway. It would also separate 4.1 million children from their parents, which is inhumane and unconscionable on multiple levels.
This guy is supposedly all about statistics and he is going by outdated bullshit. Bernie does it too now. Who here really thinks we have only 11 million illegals living in the united states, because that's BULLSHIT.
hit me up with a Trump quote on an estimated number of illegals
>The former ambassador stated,” If you were to deport the 30 million undocumented immigrants in the United States that’s going to cost you about 130 billion dollars.”
>Sarukhan then stated later in the interview that there are 11.3 million illegal immigrants in the country, though he did not address his former assertion that 30 million are here.
If someone like Yang gets in you will have droves of illegals coming in for their gibs. Even just talking about it on the news increases this shit, they know what the future will hold for them if they come here, MASS AMNESTY. Fuck that bullshit. You want USA to turn into South America go ahead and open borders and make everyone a citizen. This is one issue I just cannot get with Democrats on, including this dickhead Yang. It's not even diversity, it's just an influx of criminals and scum whether they are nice people or not. If you gave these people the choice, they would try to go to some Scandinavian country just because it has more gibs. They don't give a fuck about the USA, same with their own country.
Trump : uhhh maybe lower taxes moar for israel
Yang: FREE Money For Everyone!!!!!
No matter your race, color, or sexual orientation free money is always welcome
30,000,000 illegals here
I am Chinese, and fuck free money, it is retarded
no shit would actual chicoms be butthurt about a Taiwanese president
Trump put the final nail in 'maga' when he signed that recent bill. It's a huge story that isn't getting covered enough, it's an amnesty in effect for 15million illegals + has banned the wall by causing it to be forever held up by challenges.
Democrats are now a fringe party where their supporters are illegals, criminals, LGBT, they want this BIG society and if that means squeezing another 50 million down our throats then so be it.
why should I care? they are the same race in the US. and I am not American
Moreover, no matter what race who supports UBI or socialism, he must be a retard
said an actual Maoist commie
and I cannot believe a well educated person would support the idea of giving free money. he does not have common sense of economics
shut up stupid libtard. labelling someone a commie without even using your braincells.
Now who is the commie here?
Debt ridden companies do not pay divends and have shit stock prices.
If the US was a company it woukd have failed long ago thanks to its deficiet spending.
Yang is based on immigration. He wants to educate them and make them assimilate.
>thinking illegals get UBI
kys chicom shill
no shit does a candidate who's fully redpilled on PRC make you nervous
posting a strawpoll should be a bannable offence
>educate them and make them assimilate
no, just keep them out
The fact that this gook is this close to the Gd emperor tells you alot. This board has been infiltrated by tranny glow in the darks funded by media matters and looks like they are some what successful. It doesn't matter though, there are no brakes on the MAGA train. You are all going to die soon!
who is hit by the nerve here?
I did not even know this candidate before even reading this thread.
You look upset because no-one support retarded socialism here.
>G-d emperor
nice touch
reee harder commie
I think it's more than just assimilation, it's just who they are as people. If they cannot fix their own fucking countries problems when they live right next to the greatest country in the world, supposedly, then how are they going to succeed here? I want REAL diversity, not just from one country, the VAST majority of these people are from 1 or 2 countries for the most part. Get rid of illegals and have all the mass immigration you want, but from ALL parts of the world, I don't care if you invited 30,000,000 from all the countries in the world. If you want to see real diversity go watch Masterchef Australia, that is what diversity looks like, not what Yang and Berni and all the others think where it's just one damn country. I can come to grips though that eventually these illegals are going to get their big amnesty so none of this matters in the end.
no, you are the commie, faggot. go educate your self
no wonder why communist supporters are retarded, you are one of them
Are you for real? They will get UBI once they are given a pathway and are essentially registered aliens. Then after couple of years they will become citizen and probably end up using the years they have been here as grounds for "good moral character", so even less wait.
But it'll all be fine because factories can make a lot of plastic pieces per hour now or something
It goes to literally everyone, so why wouldn't the market correct for it?
Consolidation of current programs, and the rest made up with VAT on big tech
I don't get that either, they want more people here but they know automation will replace these easy jobs in the coming years anyways and make it harder on others trying to make a living. It's all party bullshit, for votes, for cheap labor, for growth as they see fit, it's all in the package. We need a new party that is for no money in politics and anti illegal immigration and when I say anti illegal immigration I'm not saying Nazi germany here like the liberals want to potray, I'm saying removing them WITH respect but that'll never happen, even with Trump. You can build a wall sure, but you can't get rid of the ones here already. They are now part of this degenerate economy. We need someone who is not in bed with corporations and elites, and unfortunately, Donald Trump is the best choice now. even though I know there is a bubble being inflated with him as president.
For people who thinks a machine making a thing automatically prints money
Does not go to all consumers. It goes to adult citizens, or 20 and up if didn't graduate high school. Does not go to corporations or to prisoners.
Would Trump get UBI?
>Sells out the white race
>Mindset of scarcity
>Bankrupted his business
>Only helps himself
>stuck in the old left/right paradigm
>Wants to put Israel First
>Tries to placate antiwhites
>Uplifts the white race, isn't even white
>Mindset of abundance
>Sold his businesses at profit
>Made a career out of helping others
>Not left, not right. Forward.
>Wants to put Humanity First
>Not afraid to speak up for whites
It sounds nice but I don't believe him with those steps. Permanent resident 5-8 years, but I bet it's waived away if you have been here for that much time already. lets say they have been here for 10 years. I doubt very much they are going to make them wait additional years for it, they will just want proof of residency and will count the years, that's how it's done now.
The big question I think Yang has to answer for is where do we draw the line? Do we have no control ever?
You will have to amply for the UBI if you want it. I'm sure the top 3% or so wouldn't bother
But Trump had his lawyers apply for a $300 tax break, the MSM made fun of him for it. He'd of course apply for a free $1,000 and so would every other rich person
>replacing the human in the job with software will make no difference to overhead
Is that the point you're trying to make? That cartoon isn't even addressing this paradigm.
>wants to protect the rich
>doesn't care about middle class (ie white people)
>doesn't understand that US practices socialism for minorities on the backs of white people
>doesn't know UBI replaces all welfare
>doesn't know UBI only helps white people more, while helping minorities the same (since they leech anyways)
>t.neocon boomer
Sorry gramps, but you've gotten a little too comfortable screwing over the younger generations.
>every job done by a person now will be able to be done by a machine
Pop quiz, how much does a machine that can stack a pallet full of various size boxes and awkward shaped items?
I believe he wants it to be this way but I understand your points. He has to make sure they are integrated into our society as fully as possible, and the illegals that have already been here a handful of years are not at all. They should not get a free pass. I want to say that in the JRE interview he said he would announce a date that current illegal residents would have to "enter the pipeline" and come clean, start paying taxes etc...but even that statement doesn't nail down specifics on the idea of waiving time based on having been here for years.
Sorry kiddo but this isn't my first rodeo against a commie
>>wants to protect the rich
I want to protect the ability to be rich, because I think everyone living in poverty is worse than having a lower middle and upper class
>>doesn't care about middle class (ie white people)
>thinks giving gibs to every spic nigger and chink is somehow protecting the middle class
>implying it won't be the middle class paying for the gibs
>>doesn't understand that US practices socialism for minorities on the backs of white people
>somehow this is supposed to be an argument for going full socialism
>>doesn't know UBI replaces all welfare
>implying leftists won't argue for another form of foodstamps to protect niggers who spend all their UBI on jordans and are going to starve
>>doesn't know UBI only helps white people more, while helping minorities the same (since they leech anyways)
>implying white people need the government to help them and this isn't some projection of your inability to handle 'holding a job'
>>t.neocon boomer
>t.highschool toomer
What's your point? UBI is a way of paying back citizens for being a part of our society. Everyone will have a right to it.
Boomers are so fucking retarded about UBI. They already have big houses and they have already established wealth and they think the younger generation has it as easy as they do. Honestly if people don't want to give UBI to everyone at least give it to 18 - 35 so people can get their shit going.
Machines will replace many jobs, but not all of them. Maybe 40% over a long time. We will always need trad jobs and hands on jobs until we have robots like in iRobot.
Isn't it amazing how in a few weeks of bad decisions by Trump, Jow Forums has gone from almost blindly loyal to Trump to split over him.
>Andrew Yang
Fuck of with your brainlet shill piss.
No point really, just find it a funny concept
>Machines will replace many jobs, but not all of them. Maybe 40% over a long time. We will always need trad jobs and hands on jobs until we have robots like in iRobot.
And who knows what jobs will pop up as time goes on as well. People like you would have been crying for UBI at first sight of a plow
what happens when silicon valley agent jeff bezos buys a news media outlet is the same thing that happens when silicon valley agent andrew yang becomes president, you useless morons. kys
>IMPLYING I was talking about every job
>implying when I said software I meant hardware
To answer your question though...Eventually, less than the human. There is every incentive and ever increasing capability to make it so.
>pic related
Do you work one of these jobs?
No, also
>occupations with a 95% or higher probability of automation
By when?
The rust belt is expanding and expanding. The entire middle American area is being left to ruin and the answer that everyone gets is 'lol just wait they'll be more jobs'.
The manufacturing jobs are fucking gone, and more and more is getting outsourced. Welfare is already basically 'UBI' except with a bunch of stupid hoops to jump through which restrict everyone. Make it universal and cut all the excess strings attached.
>The manufacturing jobs are fucking gone, and more and more is getting outsourced
And we'll never hit 3% gdp ever again, I'm going to need you to show your flag to prove you're not obamaleaf
>Attempting to astroturf this nobody
Also, sage.
UBI might actually be a good idea though. Think of what Jow Forums could accomplish with every poster having a free 12k a year on top of whatever wagecuck job they might have.
Yang will easily win the rustbelt vote.
shows what you know what american politics, leaf. Yang is most likely our next president. You dont understand human physiology either.
i work fixing computers and eventually will work fixing robots
They could finally afford Asian gf
I'd honestly vote for Yang. Trump has been another kalergi shill exhausting white energy.
At this point we are literally accelerationist. Get some free cash in the process, tank the system before too many non-whites are here and let whatever will be be.
I thought the nazis managed to permanently deport 7 million jews with 1940 technology whilst fighting a war and reinvigorating their economy in the process?
World economic forum and McKinsey institute both put most of this happening by ~2030
>shows what you know what american politics, leaf. Yang is most likely our next president.
If that where true you wouldn't be attempting to astroturf him into popularity on Jow Forums user. He's a nobody and wont even get 3% of the vote next election and your attempt to do so is both pathetic and a waste of time.
>Also, still saging this shit thread.
That's so far from based. The civcuck position was tenable in 1990 when we hadn't tried bending over absolutely backwards for non-whites and didn't have the experience we do now.
Anyone in politics today knows, or should know, enough about racial differences to know assimilation is an utter pipe dream. Culture is emergent from behaviour, behaviour emergent from genes. Even an irishman will establish a slightly different culture to an englishman.
I would chop my dick off and eat it if that were true. How do I know that's no different than the "in 10 years we'll all be under water" fearmongering?
>Yang will easily win the rustbelt vote.
Look at this. Faux news retards BTFO
He already got invited to the debates. This grantees Trump talks about him. The moment Trump says the name "Yang" is the moment he wins the election.
>The moment Trump says the name "Yang" is the moment he wins the election.
Quit being delusional, he'll get less votes than the Libertarian party.
>American population - approximately 325 million
>UBI proposal - $1000 a month
>$1000 x 325 million = $325 Billion per month
>$325 Billion x 12 months = $3.9 Trillion per year
That's larger than the the WHOLE US budget. So where is Yang getting the numbers that it will only cost the same as the current budget used on welfare?
Just to put this into perspective - if you took ALL the wealth and assets of the top 500 richest Americans it would only add up to approximately 3 trillion dollars, in other words you would only be able to pay for public services for a year with this, then you have no billionaires left afterwords.
Inb4 UBI would only go to those aged over 16/18 - the funding problem still stands. How are you going to afford UBI?
Good on you user. There will be more jobs like this opening up, it's going to be a big shift for us. The problem here is we are terrible at massive retraining programs, and most of the displaced workers are going to be middle aged middle class without higher education
It's already underway. It's staggering to think about but if you search around for jobs lost to automation in the past couple years you'll see the writing on the wall.
Yang is most likely our next president. Screen cap this so you remember how wrong you were.
Theres 325 million people in the us (244 if you count people over 18) so if you give everyone $1000 a month it would cost around $2 trillion a year, boomer and nigger gibs make up more than $2 trillion and this is in 2015.
So the simple solution is to just take away boomer and nigger gibs and make that UBI
Paying for UBI is not and never was an issue
>Andrew Yang
And when Yang gets 1% of votes? Will you then admit your pathetic astroturf campaign wasted all of our time?