I am the brokest Jew on earth. What is your biggest achievement?
My paypal balance is $47,02
Calling you a filthy kike on Chan
Weird thread to make again for a second day, what intel are you searching for?
Why haven’t you cashed in your Jewish privilege?
Send me half of that as reparations for white genocide.
are you braggin or complaining?
Sva, more like... gay
I'm just getting some attention before I go to bed
I'm black and I have 200k in my bank account and 40k in bitcoin
oh and i'm 24
My biggest achievement is using your paypal to contribute to trumps campaign fund. You dont want the MAGA hat, right?
I’m kind of jealous ngl, Israel seems comfy I wish I could be going to sleep there and waking up to the warm sun instead of this nightmare hellscape
Of course not cause all that money will go to Berine for this post
Mind sending some bitcoin this way? I know you have a soul, successful white people are terrible soulless mayonnaise scented monsters but I know a brother got a heart and I already know you were a Spider-Man fan as a kid.
the heroin busines must be booming
holy shit my sides
Why did you say you're black?
Can you also make minute rice in 58 seconds
So that we can know he is a drug dealer
Because it's harder for black people to be successful than it is for white people. We face systematic oppression.
Congrats and good job
Graduated law school. Failed the bar.
Fucking kike
kys KIKE
At 28, i'm still a virgin.
that fucking sucks dude. are you gonna retake?
t. 3L
>muh opreshun
blacks can get away with everything bc muh opreshun, for whites is harder bc all shit they do is raisis and taxed
I'm sure someone can beat that here
Also paypal balance != bank acocunt.
Post screencap of your accounts, you probably got a lot of jewgold stashed there.
Spend all your shekels on shills?
Israel is a ghetto lol, litterally go visit if you dont believe me.
You don't get it goy. My net worth is 47 dollars
Good night goyim
fuck you kike