So we all know who John Podesta is but did anybody ever ask any of these other people identified in this leaked email...

So we all know who John Podesta is but did anybody ever ask any of these other people identified in this leaked email (Eryn Sepp, the "realtor", "[email protected]", "Susaner") what this was all about and if they could please describe the handkerchief in question or define what a "pizza map" is in this context?

Wouldn't that help clear John's name, wouldn't that be a "good thing" to do?

Can we get to the bottom of this and dismiss it or not, shouldn't be too hard, should it? Unless we were to be stonewalled on the whole thing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'll start: does anybody know what the Sandler Foundation is or does? Does this Susaner/ses person work for them or did work for them and are they available to ask about this? They didn't die in a freak run-away car accident a couple of years ago, did they?

predicting this thread will be slid fast in 5... 4... 3...

strange that nobody would be interested in this, sounds like an opportunity to "do your good deed for the day" if we can clear this guy's name

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How many times did he ride on the plane user

Did the last thread just get shoah’d?

Fuck jannies

One of the ladies in the "pool party" email was the Head of Pharmacy at the hospital Seth Rich was murdered.

Do you play dominoes on cheese or pasta, OP? Tony Podesta needs the answer.

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None of these people will ever admit to anything unless you have them tied to a chair and are electrocuting them, or cutting their fingers off, or some other torture.


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no but some POS showed up and shit up the thread with pics to try and scare away everybody, I didn't want to see him succeed, maybe he did succeed and it got shoah'd

wait, really?

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Why no pedos come out and tell us what the codewords mean?
We all know they're here.

bump. i think there was a boat thread on this that got deleted

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>voat thread

all news have been paid off its already declared by them as "debunked" but with nothing against the evidence. just that its absurd so it means its debunked. this is waste of time imo , normies have already made up their mind and news dont care about it.

It’s a fucking pattern like pic related

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Yup, I highly recommend you check yourself. It's been probably two years since I read those emails and did that research, but please feel free to fact check me.

Right on cue

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probably just a coincidence

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What’s the name and sauce?

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the most insane part was all of the implying by assange and how it connected to breitbart
breitbart called out podesta by name, implied he had skeletons in his closet, then threatened to reveal what happened to him, and he died a couple of months later of a "heart attack" at the age of 40
assange implied the exact same fucking shit and made a point of releasing the emails
i bet the only reason assange isn't dead right now is what would happen if a political refugee was assassinated inside the embassy of the country giving him asylum

Often times when they rape these little kids they put a cloth down under them to catch all the blood and seaman. Sometimes they keep them as a memento.

>I highly recommend you check yourself
but I thought we would make it a fun group project!

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yep, this

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this is what I understand it to be

assange is a hero, he legitimately deserves a statue

Did they ever disclose the location of his underwater private bunker and medical research program that employed 400 kidnapped biochemists after what he discovered in that abandoned inferometer where reports surfaced that his previously deceased family members were being cloned and prescribed a cocktail of genius inducing longevity stem cell tech and then sent to lead from behind the scenes what was it seven or eight central banks after they found two Russian submarines off the coast of Oregon that he owned and used as nuclear blackmail to get the fuzz off his tail??

Nibber what the fuck are you on about

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>From: (((sandler))) foundation

I really wanted to be lazy tonight, not make paint images that make me feel like a schizo. Anyways, proofs all there.

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nice work user
thank you for your service

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Maybe the kids are wild and that’s entertaining ?
I wanna believe too but this is crap

There are other emails that better prove that shit was going on, I was just throwing a quick proof for a claim I made about a person in the email chain. It doesn't even necessarily need to be pedophilia though. The shit they use that's clearly code could be for any illicit purpose, and I don't put any past them (drugs and weapons dealing, etc.).

Stop being a fabbot and answer the question.

Thank you user

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Ok user I do remember seeing better shit desu


mods have been deleting pizzagate threads and podesta threads like CRAZY today

what are they so afraid of? It's clearly politically relevant.

here is my dump though not that updated lately

Guess this is gonna get slid off the board
