Do Christfags forgive Jussie?

Do Christfags forgive Jussie?

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I worship the hawk

If he’s gay then he’s still living in sin

he hasn't repented and asked for forgiveness.
he doubled down.

not until he repents

Of course, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable.

fake and gay,
probably faking the gay too

He hasn't repented for one, and for two, he still has to be held accountable.

If I had it my way, Jussie would be fighting lions in the arena with NO WEAPONS

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Me forgiving him in a spiritual context has no bearing on his criminal liability under secular law.

>Can someone give me a quick rundown as to what is going on?
>A congresswoamn and her friends, a gay black jewish actor, were campaign to pass a law to make lynching "more illegal"
>suddenly that same gay black actor survives an attempted lynching downtown in one of Americas blackest and most progressive cities
>Chicago was experiencing one of the coldest nights the city had suffered from in 50 years when some racist trump supporters carrying bleach and noose happened to find the gay actor
>"this is MAGA country" they shouted, along with other nonsensical utterances dreamed up as a caricature of redneck trump supporters from Alabama.
>almost instantly people called bullshit on the story, and leftist websites started banning people for victim blaming
>main stream media sold this as a modern day lynching and reminded America once again that Trump must be stopped at all cost
>alt-right, dog whistling, and the usual buzz words make their way around to further villify anyone who doubted this story
>police find no evidence of the attack, and no video footage in a city covered in cameras
>turns out the attackers were black men from Africa, and one was an extra on the actors show
>turns out the gay black actor hired these men to attack him to fake the crime
>Fox wrote him off his only show.
And here we are...
>> Democrat VA Governor and AG wore blackface
>> Nigger VA Lt. Governor accused rapist
>> Liam Nelson went nigger hunting
>> Nigger chimps out in Aurora IL after getting fired, shoots 5 cops and kills co-workers
>> Jussie Smollett caught falsifying a hate crime
>> R.Kelly going down for 10 counts of child sex crimes, 30-70 years worth of charges. More on the way!
>This is the best black history month yet

its between him and god.... i dont really care

He's out. Also, the show is almost all niggers. Losing one isn't a big deal. I'll write his exit right now:
>*Opening scene of next episode: Funeral home
>*Sweep camera into entrance door, all family and friends are seated. Pan across front row. Family crying. 404: father not found. Brother all colored up, women wearing crazy hats.
>Mom, crying, says, "Why did they have to shoot him in the face? He didn't have to go out like that. We are a powerful family, and we should be able to be seen as respected even in death."
>Brother jumps in to console their mom.
>"Ma, of course he took the shot to the face. Jussie was a fucking faggot. Do you even know your sons?"
>*Mom stops crying, looks sternly at her son.
>Son replies, "How would I know?"

Trips decide his new job.

Reprobates go to hell




Forgive him for what? He says he didn't have anything to do with it, so I'm waiting for the trial. If he did it, I don't forgive him. If he didn't do it, there's nothing to forgive in the first place.

i forgive but he should still go to jail.

i forgive him but the law shouldnt as the law isnt based on any religion

Christfags are supposed to forgive 70x7 times
Therefore, they should forgive him for being a fag, a jew and a negro, for bullshitting twice and probably sucking the balance in dicks

Next time he fucks up out Jussy will be cast out!

No jews are the seed of satan our eternal enemy

He hasn't asked for forgiveness you dumb nigger

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for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

yes even if he doesn't forgive me, so i can
exodus and never see his nigger ass again.

OP is a faggot who should Ann Hero

Repentance and Atonemenet first

Is he sorry? I thought he's still claiming innocence. I haven't believed him from the beginning, but I guess it hasn't been conclusively proven he did stage it.

This. Forgiveness and Justice are two different concepts in the Bible. Forgiveness is encouraged to prevent people from holding grudges like those that have fucked up Islamic communities for hundreds of years with eye-for-an-eye reprisals that never end.

Justice is about correcting the cosmic imbalance caused by criminal actions. You can forgive a murderer and not hold a grudge but still sentence them to death for their crime.

Mercy is about easing up on the punishment demanded by justice, if the person shows real remorse.

Forgiveness is for faggots and so is Christianity.

>If he did it, I don't forgive him.

Nobody is talking about stoning the cunt, you fucking idiot. He's a sodomite reprobate and deserves death, but no one is going to execute him; God will kill him and send him to Hell where he belongs per Romans 1 and Leviticus 20:13.

He's not saved, he's a faggot and a reprobate, he's going to Hell. We don't need to help him; he's beyond help.

I forgive him, but I will never forget, never stop laughing, and always will remember that demonrats are the party of Satan. "In the name of Christ, we rebuke you!"

>Trips decide his new job.

That crime was adultery. Did you notice that the man she supposedly fornicated with wasn't brought before Jesus too? Was Jesus the local magistrate?

Forgiveness is tripartite. There's forgiveness by the individual, forgiveness by the Church, and forgiveness by God. Every Christian is obligated to offer the first kind of forgiveness in response to wrongdoing. The second kind of forgiveness is a pastoral matter which brings the sinner back into harmony with the church invisible. The third kind of forgiveness is strictly between God and the sinner. At no point should Christian forgiveness subvert earthly justice. Lawbreakers must deal with the consequences of their actions.


Does not mean that Mankind will show his His Justice, though :+)

Show him*

He broke the commandment of bearing false witness. I'll forgive him only after he repents (which he doesn't seem interested in) and atones.

True christians do. Those who say they dont gots some lurnin'n to do

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How original.

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Fuck Christians and fuck you

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It doesnt matter if people forgive because Jesus forgives everyone. I legitimately feel bad for the guy desu. Presuming its true (and the evidence is overwhelming) it just seems like an incredibly stupid thing to do. Work so hard to make it just to give it all way.

he is a jew. he is the arch enemy of christians.

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in the face of evil wield the sword

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he has to repent and ask for forgiveness first
then I would forgive.

I think you are retard….did you really think you were not a retard?

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>turn the other cheek
why is this always misused?
It's a "You only get one" moment
it's saying "Okay, you struck me in anger. Do it again, and there will be consequences"
It means "give your opponent the opportunity to step back"

That's between him and God, the mortal plain cannot suffer this evil lie.

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twats think you are not just a faggot...

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No. It’s not a Christians job to judge. The Bible says to forgive those that repent. He’s doubling down on he dindu nuffin.

and gaying the fake

>between him and god
That's unrelated.
The question isn't whether GOD forgives him
the question was whether we do.
A christian can forgive anyone who asks.
Some people mistake lack of forgiveness as passing judgement, but it's literally withholding judgement


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did you know?

cHRIST HAtes faggot?

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This Jussie thing has me thinking.
As an easternEuropoor living in burgerland for many years now your country fascinates me...but I have to ask: Why did black detroit go so bad yet black cleveland was so-so and black chicago is doing good? Anybody can answer that?

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I always forgive, but I accuse and attack sin until sin dies. So attack and denounce this nigger until he admits guilt and repents.

EU fag wants to be disrespectful...fux mom alot...

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So do i

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Yes, now burn him.

Jesus paid the price so that I don't have to forgive this faggot. I unironically hope they send him to Gitmo.

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Hasn't repented
Still living in sin
Isn't a human to begin with

God hates fags and so do I

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>Do Christfags forgive Jussie?
I forgive him. Now lets lock this nigger up


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Let him that is without sin cast the first stone. John 8:7
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Matthew 7:1
I forgive him but it's not up to me. He needs to talk with God.

Yes i do, now tie a noose for this nigger