Just found out I have some Jewish ancestry.

Wtf do I do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill them

how much? less than 25%? no big deal. they had an easy to read chart that even jews could figure out.

Neck yourself

Oven yourself?

stay where you are. no half-breeds allowed here.

Kill your parents, your siblings, and then yourself

i have a bit of kike in me from my fathers side. its not a big deal. maybe it means i will grow up to be a banker

flip sides and try to destroy the west

It depends on how much you call "some"

Like Mosley said

>put Britian first not Judaic interests

And you were granted citizenship in Nazi Germany with partial jewish ancestry as well. You're fine

you're not alone, every euro has some little jew in them

get over it?

Instead of listening to those who tell you to kill yourself, I strongly encourage you to make something great out of yourself.

Get a lot of money, and then use it against the Jews. This will be your absolution.

Good deal for you?

Pretend to swich sides and jew the jews.

This is what I did when I found out

That is basically what I am saying. Listen to us, OP.

Op need to be a modern Roy Cohn

Its a religion right? Religion is not genetic

Attached: 57.jpg (1585x1527, 140K)

jewish ancestry was not a big deal.
in fact you got your arierpass with at least 50% german ancestry (including 50% jewish not being a problem) unlike the narrative wants you believe

the ones with more jewish ancestry simply lived like parasites. they built their own semitic network within the state and ending up competing with the rest of the population, then wonder why they keep getting kicked out of every single place they go to

yeah, it's called debt

You're an actual retard

Every commies when you talk about jews and the USSR

Attached: Cat.jpg (480x480, 22K)

>1 post by this ID
gas yourself

Retard detected.

The good news is there is a final solution to your problem.

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Hey, he was joking you know that, everybody hate the jews here

Thats not what the OP said though, fucktard
Are you a malfunctioning bot or do you require an ambulance?

Prove religion is genetic, I dare you

Enjoy your extra IQ points.

insert yourself in the oven at 10°Celsius*%jew

>jewish ANCESTRY

jewish boys are adorable in a greasy kind of way

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Ho ok you are actually retarded, my bad folks

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What if he has sephardi jew ancestry? They don't have higher average iq's

Use your latent jew powers to jew the other jews
Godspeed user, godspeed

And you're interpreting it to a degree he never specified

lmao meet too like 2 months ago

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>And you're interpreting it to a degree he never specified
Excuse me what? I'm just saying what he literally said. What the fuck does that even mean

This thread makes (((me))) feel better about being part-Jude. Oy vey!

Explains why you pick up pennies out of the gutter.

>Jow Forums filename
Fake. Post your name then as well, not the cropped picture

Quit taking Jewish DNA tests, faggot.

You're pulling information out of thin air and making assumptions on things OP didn't clue us in on

chan filename
because it autogenerates it idiot ? its part of the extension and gtfo if you dont believe.

So long as it isn't one of your grandparents you're probably fine, though you won't be able to join any elite SS-tier orgs.



Learn to pronounce



one's family or ethnic descent.

being a self hating jew is lame as fuck. even lamer than being a goy

True. It should show up on the genetic profile if its Ashkenazi or Sephardi. So OP should hope for the former

We're you born to a Jewish mother? If not then you aren't a Jew to the Jews but the rest of us know better.

seriously though how cute is the half jew trap nat wolff

Don't breed, just to be on the safe side.

Attached: Nuremberg_laws_Racial_Chart (1).jpg (3250x2278, 2.11M)

And then you go and extend that to mean things he didn't say, moron

Everyone sage this thread.
This is a JIDF thread and the point of it is to peddle false Jewish mythologies and to make you believe that Jews are a real race when Jews are in fact not a real race. Some JIDF kike makes a similar thread every single day.

Attached: Jews not a race.png (772x685, 94K)

Yep very boring goyim!

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-76052-0335,_Schacholympiade,_Tal_(UdSSR)_gegen_Fischer_(USA)_Crop.jpg (363x303, 53K)

Go to Israel.

> stay

you poltards bounce back and forth on that every minute

stupid goy have fun learning christianity with our rabbis teaching you it. goy cant read and understand a bible. our rabbis translate it to you



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Nuremberg laws say less than 25% is fine

For all that can be interpreted from OP message the ancestry in question could be of any ethnicity


Time for a Finlandmutt meme.

Which ashkenazi ancestry encompasses

Jewish iq is a meme. It is roughly the same as whites.

A little-known fact is that Myanmar has something like that, probably targeted against the Bengalis or Rohingya.

>Myanmar nationality law currently recognises three categories of citizens, namely citizen, associate citizen and naturalised citizen, according to the 1982 Citizenship Law. Citizens, as defined by the 1947 Constitution, are persons who belong to an "indigenous race", have a grandparent from an "indigenous race", are children of citizens, or lived in British Burma prior to 1942. Under this law, citizens are required to obtain a National Registration Card (နိုင်ငံသားစိစစ်ရေးကတ်ပြား, NRC), while non-citizens are given a Foreign Registration Card (နိုင်ငံခြားသားစိစစ်ရေးကတ်ပြား, FRC). Citizens whose parents hold FRCs are not allowed to run for public office.

>Myanmar has a stratified citizenship system (from the 1982 Citizenship Law), based on how one's forebears obtained it:
>Full citizens are descendants of residents who lived in Burma prior to 1823 or were born to parents who were citizens at the time of birth.
>Associate citizens are those who acquired citizenship through the 1948 Union Citizenship Law.
>Naturalized citizens are those who lived in Burma before 4 January 1948 and applied for citizenship after 1982.

Not as granular, but still, imagine the outrage if a European country passed a law requiring your grandparents to be citizens.

hearty kek

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And talented!

>I inhereted an automobile from my grandparents

It's easy. If your jewish ancestry came from mother's and her mother's and so on line then you are 100% jew. If not, then you are clean.
That's how it works. You are either a jew or not.

ok i take it back, even self hating jews are better than goyim

>being jewish is fucking magic bro
imagine being this schizophrenic

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Why the fuck are you talking about transportation now? Can someone tell me what's wrong with him? I see the point of "gradually I began to hate them" now

That's the jews' law....

I wish I was jewish

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Move to Tel Aviv its 25% homosexual you fucking sodomite degenerate

Are you presenting that as argument for it being correct?

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>following jewish laws

but im huwhite im like 25% mexican

first question is how much? under nuremberg laws you'd need 3 jewish grandparents to be considered a jew

>you poltards bounce back and forth on that every minute
Because half of Jow Forums are kike shills.

No that's what they fucking believe, you try to tell them their abrahamic religion is the biggest cancer of earth. I'll wait

It isn't? Also jews knew about cuckery since the ancient times, this is the reason that being a jew depends on mother, since they already know that your mom slept with everyone so there is no 100% proof who your father is.

>siding with jewish laws

No, you didn't.

You most likely took some crappy DNA test, that no scientist takes serious.

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>It isn't?
No user, being jewish isn't magic

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Over three generations back, but probably on my maternal line which is what Jews need. Would I be screwed?

Death to Israel


wtf is slovenia

>1 post by this ID
yep hes jewish

jews are a faucking nation, a very genetically close one.

can non jews move to israel

Even the Pharaoh unknowingly cucks Abraham (thinking Sarah is his sister instead of his wife) until God tells him with a plague.

All the DNA testing places are owned by jews. I may not be legit anyway. Sometimes they plant jew DNA in white nationalist people's shit just to fuck with them.


becaus esome of us are retards who go for every layer of conspiracy isntead of just accepting as much complexity as needed to explain phenomeny, we see in the world.

some literaly think spiritual stuff is more deciding than genetics.