Venezuela Pt 2

US-run border ‘provocation’ to topple Maduro set for February 23, Moscow warns.

Moscow has warned that a “provocation” intended to topple Nicolas Maduro is set for this Saturday,
which will involve a US-run aid convoy that could spark border clashes between government and opposition forces.
Crisis-plagued Venezuela is now on the brink of sliding into all-out turmoil, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Friday,
warning that Saturday would be crucial for President Nicolas Maduro’s government.

A dangerous large-scale provocation is scheduled for February 23
The US-run “provocation” may take shape of an aid convoy crossing the Venezuelan border
and provoking clashes between “supporters and opponents of the current government,” Zakharova explained.

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Other urls found in this thread:

when the dust settles we go fuck their women

When the US media and politicians say the US has a "moral obligation to accept Venezuelan refugees and send aid to Venezuelans" after their interventionist agenda there needs to be mass genocide of all media and politicians in the US. They know Venezuela could get out of control and put the US in risk. They deserve to die if they allow that to happen.

>still thinks we have the nice women we used to
lmao, wait a couple years for them to come back from Miami and Colombia.

Too late broheem. All the hot ones already flew here. This country is bursting of veneco prossies now

>RT ((news))
>Russian officials

Adds up

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Daily reminder any poster you see defending Venezuela are paid shills from media matters corporation. These glow in the dark agent provocateurs will stop at nothing to slander our President and derail the MAGA movement via in fighting. Do not lose faith in him for he is here to save us from ourselves. In Trump we trust! MAGA!

>when the dust settles we go fuck their women
Or maybe, when the dust settles Americans go and put in body bags their dead evil money greedy blood thirsty war hungry soldiers

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We got the hot but also poor ones who couldn't get a plane ticket. Literally the goat prossie profile

Fuck off Maduro. You're killing Venezuelan people to stop them from getting food and medicine.

Tomorrow its do or die for guaido, so a habbening is imminent indeed if he doesn't cuck down

>Daily reminder any poster you see defending Venezuela are paid shills from media matters corporation.

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I love the people I've met from Venezuela here honestly.
Guys I know work hard, have pretty wives that go to church with them, and pay there own way in life. Also based af, dudes hate commies.
Step up from many of the beaners from Central America and Mexico.

>Tomorrow its do or die for guaido

>tfw we got the hot but also the rich/gold diggers

Can't catch a break

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that's the day he pushes across the border with the AIDS caravans

>I love the people I've met from Venezuela here honestly.
I'm not shocked that a burger loves non-whites.

Are you a boomer?

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Guaido doesn't have to do anything. Maduro is the one "living on borrowed time".

Look I agree they aren't all paid shills. But Venezuela is a shithuhole now because of its leadership. Socialism is literally retarded and while I don't support invading. Im all about helping Venezuelans solve their own problems.

>he thinks just because women come from 3rd world that they are desperate for a Jow Forums user
You have to be seriously retarded to think you'll get any pussy at all

Every pretty Venezuelan woman is a gold digger my dude. It's just how it is.

Bring it bitches

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you are full of shit you evil American swine
you fucked up so many countries in this World already

>Entra si o si!

I think there is going to be habbenings for sure, but i can't tell how big. I wonder why don't chavistas just let it through. It's not like their situation would get any worse for it. It is already pretty bad.

Most would fuck you for a green card so go nuts

Guaido to Maduro:

>I'll go to Colombia to pick up the aids (heh)
>I'll bring the aid inside Venezuela (hehe)


>Lol sure good luck

>Guaido actually makes it to Colombia
>Has promised he will cross the border with the aid tomorrow

Will be fun

>Every pretty Venezuelan woman is a gold digger my dude.
White women too.

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Just buy one from chaturbate.

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>Maduro is the one "living on borrowed time".
The USA need more immigrants to keep the working mans wages down, and creating a bunch of refugees that the USA is obliged to take in, fixes that problem.

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No unfortunately Im the border of gen x and millenials. Im a son of the boomers.
But as a mutt the Venezuelans I know here are as white as Central Tuscan Italians to me.
Im Greek/Swedish/British mutt so no fucks given here.

You're so spiteful for an alleged hippy. Venezuela is a product of failed domestic economic policy and authoritarian leadership, nothing else. That said, the US is ready and willing to invest in the country once it knows the funds won't go to corrupt politicians.

So were on the same page then?
Maduro must hang..

Ironically this. They'd be better off letting the food and medicine in and waiting it all out and keep indebting themselves to the Ruskies and Chinks while overpaying the generals to stay alive than giving the Americans an excuse to retaliate

>Socialism is literally retarded
And it will come to the USA, when the mud Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan invited make America majority non-white.

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What? You can buy a venepussy? Unless she can physically come here no thanks.

Tomorrow will be the date where we could see who has now the real power.

If Guaido wins:
The lesser ranks of the military revolts.
Maduro loses all support except for a few generals.

If Maduro wins:
There will be some major conflict between Guaido and it's supporter troops and Maduro forces, happening incoming and the situation becomes really unstable, possible military action from the US.

I often wonder if cash is a requirement to bang this specific kind of insta ho, or whether I could do it with my usual well working charms and beer gut combo.
What do you think?

>USA need more immigrants to keep the working mans wages down
There no causal link or even correlation between low skill wages and immigration policy. You can google this and see multiple studies/ articles on this very subject at your leisure.

All women are gold diggers, newfags.

Do girls like this have nice smelling butts?

they make new girls all the time

and then we fuck their widows

>Will be fun
If Maduro is smart, he bombs them from the air, and blame the USA.

I still don't get why the republicunts don't try to gain hispanic support.

most spics are religious and conservative and republishits could win every election if they gain a major size of hispanic votes.

is just retarded.

Sure. If its Venezuelans that do it.

Yeah but no food- no fat - no bunda

You're clueless. This is the inverse of a siege, not a battle line. It will go on, on every border crossing until aid is allowed in. There's no ulterior motives. Just aid.

>most spics are religious and conservative
Keep believing this nonsense

>I know here are as white as Central Tuscan Italians to me.
You haven't been to Tuscany, obviously.

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Nigga you truly autistic

Norwegians are supposed to be smart, are you a dindu on gibs by any chance?

Of course they will, I mean the Iraqis were the ones doing the hanging, the Libyans were the ones doing the lynching haha and Maduro is no exception, his people will deal the killing blow in the world stage lol all they need is a little American guidance is all haha.

That train already left the building for us buddy. You should look to the Muslim filth incading your lands as we speak before islam ruins another continent.

a-are you saying that Jow Forums lied to me?

I am just memeing. I am Venezuelan/American so i have no issues with Venezuelan women for the most part, other than being a Jow Forums autist that is.

I just want to travel to Maracaibo, i get more girls there because i am technically '''''rich''''' for those standards. I am unironically saving my vacations in case Maduro leaves this year.

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Central Americans want gibs.

Like the good commie he is, he and Chavez have been blaming the USA for every bad thing caused by their own incompetence for 20 years. It doesn't work anymore.

Republicans aren't against hispanics at all dude. We just don't support open borders and amnesty for illegals.
The Venezuelans and Cubans I know are all Republicans and don't want a flood of people coming in either.

>she's thick

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Beyond memes, refugees are destabilizing the social order of several countries.

It's like hispanics in the US, illegal inmigration.
Most latino nations want to remove maduro.

yeah, because there's not massive country wide protest when there's the suggestion of teaching kids to be gay in schools.

leave your basement, latinos are religious as fuck.

this is why socialism is popular everywhere.

Then the republicans should change their marketing towards illegal inmigration, from what I see democrats market themselves as the party of minorities.

Sure. But I didn't support the Iraq invasion and don't support invading Venezuela or any country that didn't attack us.

>There no causal link or even correlation between low skill wages and immigration policy.
It's economics 101.
Increased labor supply lowers wages.

That think tanks paid by the rich pay economists to lie about it, is why you spew this retarded shit.

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I mean it's really ingrained in our culture, kinda like the whole "mejorar la raza" thing. Girls are raised to become gold diggers, it's never seen as a bad thing.

I don't like 100% ad hominem posts so I'll post the obvious:

>Presidents of Colombia, Chile and Paraguay (lel) will be there
>Full of media with cameras everywhere

But the main thing why would the US bomb them?

Victor Yanukovych and many other dictators have abandoned ship and lived the rest of their lives in quiet humiliation in other countries. Maduro has options, for now he does, anyway.

Poor Mexicans and other border jumpers represent most of the hispanic votes. They prefer gibs over not letting homos marry or any other religious policy.

Based. Tell em Pedro

>yelling about provocations
Is it Russian shill time already? Fuck you people are a broken record, I remember the exact same line being endlessly screamed in Ukraine too. I’ve never heard the word “provocation” said as many times in my life.

Sure kid whatever you say
He is sandwiched atm and his "options" are non existent, he will HANG.

>I still don't get why the republicunts don't try to gain hispanic support.
They have tried since Reagan, but brown people are naturally socialists.

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Evil greedy goddless USA was setting up Venezuela for many years to fail (same as you did with many other countries in that region)
so you can scup it out when it collapses. You set all this up, you conceived this in your evil greedy minds over several years.
But you will fail and will get defeated

oh come on
i've been waiting for the supposed skirmishes at the frontier for days.

>tfw it's 23 February here now


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he is probably selling that white looking girl

>and then we fuck their widows

>Nigga you truly autistic
How would you solve the problem?

Boming them from the air, don't make good TV, like trying to block the border or arrest them. There will be armed men that will shoot at the Vuvuzuelans, and then Vuvuzuela will shoot at the aids caravan.

The USA have staged too much shit, for everybody to buy that Maduro did it.

women biologically seek a male with economic resources.

a woman married to a rich guy has better chance for their offspring of survival.

It's been proven by experiments ugly dudes become atractive after the girl realizes he has money.

Is completelly biological.

This is why the more sucessfull male has prettier wife and why people from rich families are more attractive than poor people (smart guys marry attractive girls).

Republishits could give them some incentive to switch sides, like dems do.

I still hear that democrats are the ones that goes after spics and illegals, not republicans.

>from what I see democrats market themselves as the party of minorities

Democrats are pro illegal immigration. Republicans are pro legal immigration.

Destabilizing is code for temp discomfort and no country in the Western Hemisphere wants to see blood come from this.
>it's econ 101
>proceeds to conflate the issue and insinuate Jewish conspiracy
People like you can't even pass community college econ classes.

Based flying Dutchman

>leave your basement, latinos are religious as fuck.
Religious doesn't mean conservative, you're the one who seems to live in some sort of bubble.

Will ilegal inmigration stop if the wall is build?

Lol, this right here is why I support Maduro. This filth that depreciates their own country and culture, begging to be colonised.

I'm fighting for Maduro comes war.

from my understanding being conservative means supporting religion.

I think you're projecting malice, Maduro. Quit holding the Venezuelian people hostage for your arepas and PRC/RF kickbacks.

>speak before islam ruins another continent.
It was the USA that forced globohomo on their European subject, and then had 6 wars after 911.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Syria all ended in civil wars and rapefugees for Europe. One time might have been a mistake, but 6 in a row is policy working as planned.

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Your anus biologically seeks cock, that's all I know, automaton.

That's why cuckservatives support African Religions right.

It would definitely help. It wont completely stop it though, but a good chunk if done right.

>nigger supporting another non-white
Wow I am utterly shocked and appalled.

>being conservative means supporting religion.
For the most part, but being religious doesn't mean supporting conservativism, and this is the reason why GOP pandering to hispanics who will NEVER vote for them is laughable.

>Like the good commie he is
So why not just bomb the Aids caravan and blame the USA once more?

The important part is not creating good TV where Maduro shoots at the caravan, as that will be the other option.

You need to understand something:

>Maduro doesn't want war
>Porky Pig doesn't want war

Not because they don't hate each other but because both armies are poor and pathetic. Thus no one will give casus belli to the other, or an excuse for the US to enter. The smartest thing for Maduro is to arrest Guaido as soon as he reenters and make him languish in prison until people forget about him just like with Leopoldo Lopez


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Name me one country that improved after evil money greedy soulless American swines decided to "help" them.
After you evil swines brought "democracy" to them.
you ruin countries, you pillage their resources, you lie to them.

>But the main thing why would the US bomb them?
That is a possibility as well.

>US-run border ‘provocation’
You mean the humanitarian aid we are sending them?

The Venezuelans are starving to death, we will NOT allow that fucking communist prick to starve our cousins to death!

If they so much as shoot 1 bullet toward us we will fuck them up big time!

As long as single person is cursed to live under communism, there can be no peace!

If you are a real freedom loving American, you will back us up on this!

>will NEVER vote for them
Reagan still lives in the hearts of many Hispanics.

>Using US terms and classification of ethnic groups.

Kill yourself, please loser. Or I'm gonna personally do it comes war.

conservatives seek to protect social order and the status quo, this means, protecting religion.

It's like being a leftist mean destroying the social order to archieve social progress for equality of minorities.


Also, political parties should have strategies beyond the next four years.
This will mean republicans trying to gain hispanic votes after a couple decades.
It's not like there's already some hispanic groups that are republicans as fuck.

You are indirectly responsible for the mass starvation and death of hundreds of people, the fact you post this with a peace sign makes me utterly disgusted of hippies!