>EA new shit game >blacklist the one honest reviewer saying what everyone not on the shill payroll thinks of it >he spills the beans, turns out they're all being paid in one way or another >RESETERA STARTS DIGGING INTO HIS PAST AND ACTUALLY CALLING HIM SEXIST AND RACIST FOR USING THE WORD "SJW" 4 YEARS AGO lulz.com/ea-games-blacklisting-anthem-controversy-2386/
Why are liberals always taking the side of huge corporations any way?
>Why are liberals always taking the side of huge corporations any way? Because they're literal foot soldiers of the elite but too stupid to realize that
Ryan Wright
Who cares about EA anymore? Do people still buy their games fr?
Juan Nguyen
no they're not taking the corporations side they're just that easily triggered and derranged
Owen Allen
>Do people still buy their games fr? I was planning on buying anthem because the beta was pretty enjoyable, but thank God I watched some reviews
Gabriel Edwards
>one honest reviewer saying what everyone not on the shill payroll thinks of it What? Theres nothing but negative reviews for it.
Christopher Nelson
They dug far back into his past to find something, anything, for no reason other than knowing he's causing problems for EA.
Aiden Turner
Some of the trash gamer rags have positive articles about it
Jason Miller
Its very true but in this case they're afraid bioware is gonna go out of business and they won't get Degenerate Fetish Manager 2020
Jace Edwards
>Jow Forums >the absolute state of it
Asher Rivera
That's standard corpo behavior, more so EA. Being surprised after GG that reviewers getting paid for good scores, is like being surprised that water is wet.
>CALLING HIM SEXIST AND RACIST FOR USING THE WORD "SJW" 4 YEARS AGO I thought they were proud being called "SJW"? Kek, seems like it seeping in little by little. >RESETERA That's a forum for mentally ill people, so only mentally ill people (or doctors/researches) visit it or care about it.
Carter Adams
>bioware is gonna go out of business and they won't get Degenerate Fetish Manager 2020 Fuck I hope they crash. They used to make fun stuff, but it's just shit now
Josiah Morales
I enjoy Gggmanlives' videos.
Wyatt Flores
Anthem isn't political game though, as far as I know. I don't think they've had any SJW shit as part of marketing or as focus of the game, and none of the critics have attacked anything by technical flaws and boring gameplay.
Bioware just made a bland, unpolished and tiresome shooter/looter this time, which makes it even weirder any SJW types would stand up for them. They really got no reason this time.
Pretty sure bioware went hard into hiring (((diversity))). If their game sucks, their declaration that diversity is the best thing ever could be challenged. Can't have that
Nicholas Rodriguez
You can tell that they wanted diversity shit at some point because the hub world is just a bunch of muslim people. Somewhere along the way EA challenged them to make it fun and they choked.
Gavin Bailey
Nobody has been cum gargling anthem, almost everyone has been saying it’s unfinished shit