Does anyone still watch primetime local news?

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that's fucking gay

Wow, what a gay way to die.
I use to watch Tucker Carlson.
>Its not Local of course
>Stoped because I changed jobs and it was on during my breaks
There is some local news I sometimes watch but its boring and nothing happens. Maybe thats for the best

I had it on one night a week or two ago. I honestly don't understand how the business model works today. As far as I can tell it's 30 minutes where they read yahoo news headlines and then have either a good looking woman or gay guy read's page for our local area.

It's not too bad when it's in such a large market like Los Angles. But complete shit when it's in a smaller market.
>deploy reddit spacing for completely different topic
Burrous used to have this segment called Burrous's Bite, where he would showcase a good small restaurant. Ate at one last night that he had on. Pretty good tacos.

I understand its basically regurgitated news. To me its just entertainment sorta like how so many youtubers regurgitate news for views. I just wouldn't recommend rely solely on a single source

I do like it during natural disasters. The local stations really shined during all of the /AHSG/ threads.

>Good times
>Flash backs to 9/11 and that terrorist attack in Toronto

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Only see it when I visit my Boomer parents for dinner. It's infuriating. Makes me realise just how stupid people are. Can't believe anyone watches it.

So do you guys actually have a local nightly news broadcast? I've noticed it's phenomenon that's fairly unique to the US.

The market I am in has an hour and a half (1700-1830) every evening and three hours every morning (0400-0700) of local news every weekday on at least five different channels.

There used to be a station where I live that did the whole morning schtick leading in to GMA or something then they had a half an hour at 4 and a full blown hour at 5 or 6 leading in to the network news at night.

Almost all newsmen do this. It's very common.

We have national broadcasts. The regional ones were scaled back. But the networks still do the downhome crap 'man bites dog', but it's become more clickbaity 'lesbians offended when old man stares at them at a kfc'.

That's a good part of our local broadcasts as well. I think a lot of it is social engineering for boomers.

>social engineering for boomers.
I keked.
One time I was over at my parents, the lead story on our regional station was about a protest at a local high school against rape culture.
Lots of shouty pink haired zoomers shouting at the camera about how looking at someone is literally rape.
My parents were eating this shit up. I breathed deeply, counted backwards from 100 and focused on my peas and carrots.
I had no idea news was this bad.

Ha, it's bad here, but not that bad. I suppose we have a lot more carjackings and murders for our local reporters to dig in to. I'm pretty sure every time I've seen a local news report it's been some ethnic reporter standing in front of an apartment complex surrounded by police tape.

nothing of value was lost. degenerate sodomite.

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Jesus Christ. I live in Sacramento and he use to be on good day Sacramento and he was such a fucking faggot. I was glad when he left but I’ll miss miss marianne. I met her once and she’s hot af

Local news reminds boomers and others who really does all the crime in America. It's 20 minutes of nogs who just committed a murder or some other violent crime. Followed by weather and sports.

They don't have the same narrative as the national news.

>Remember this guy from local news

>Mfw he died in a motel called "The Extended Stays"

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No. Tuned into an hour about a month ago. They are cucked.

>According to the report, Burrous was engaging in “various sexual activities with his companion” when he inserted a “rock” of meth into his rectum. He reportedly inserted a second rock later on in the encounter, placed a mask on and “doused the filters with ‘poppers.’”

Attached: dan the man.png (254x277, 84K)

Don't forget the fisting! OP might be a fag, but not nearly as close as the ex-anchor.

Sorry, should have dropped the link too

Boofing meth. Based