I'm in a pickle here

I'm in a pickle here.
>gf is open about getting married and wanting kids
>I tell her straight up I do not want kids and marriage is not what I want in the 21st century
>go on to tell her two people can love one another and just be together without meme marriage with high divorce rates and no added baggage
>she tells me she feels a bit sad but loves me enough to stay and that maybe in the future her love for me may sway her opinions on the matter
>she keeps bringing this marriage and what she'd love to wear on the big day and play dates with future kids etc
I know this won't last because women are pretty much childish and stick to their "plans". So Should I just break up with her or just enjoy the sex until the inevitable happens?

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Be honest about it. It was the same in my case, i wanted kids but she didnt. You eventually learn that relationships with different goals don't work out. Just have sex for a while till you find someone else.. might be hideous but i don't really know any better

Good goy, if you're white then you shouldn't have kids. If you have kids with the woman you so clearly don't deserve, it would make problems for the brown future we've worked so hard for.

xd good troll fellow redditter deus vult

No it's serious though. This MGTOW mentality of not wanting kids because you're not enough of a man to make a family with a good loving woman is repulsive. OP is a classic numale.

>women are childish sticking to their opinion
>she says she's opening to consider your opinion
>you completely deny the possibility of her opinion
>plan to use her for sex while she's emotionally invested in you

mgtow is truly the downfall of decent society

imagine surrendering half of everything you own to parasites voluntarily.

Imagine going through life with a loving woman who bears you sons and daughters and supports you in everything you do because she is your soul mate.

Imagine believing that that's a common thing in America anymore.

Lmao stay miserable then.

!!!!! CRAZY ALERT !!!!!
Listen up, faggot. She is eventually going to get herself pregnant with your spermies without your consent. Then she will try to force you into marriage. Even if she is unsuccessful she will get a cut of your paycheck.

There is really nothing much you can do. You clearly don't see eye to eye. Leave her. If she was a sane woman she would have left you already.

nice imagination. maybe use it to invent a time machine or something, so you can live our your dream.
regardless, sounds like slavery to me.

>she literally tells him her ideal future and he still believes she won't simply baby trap him and have those children without his consent

you're a failure

best case is her getting impregnated on your dirty cumrags. actually, best case is that her inevitable cheating comes before common law marriage laws allow her to leech off your income. worse is that she gets someone else to do it.
face it, OP, your relationship will end over this. that, or you will end over this.

MGTOW numutt mentality in full swing right here folks. These are the people that we can be glad will never produce offspring.

She has that rod implant in her arm to prevent pregnancies for three years. 99% success rate and like the first user said I'll just hunt for another girl in the mean time.

Nobody gives a shit about your bullshit crusade. Fuck off and die.

oh no, i wont participate in this rigged game.
you sure showed me.

t. miserable low test numales

And you're a pathetic NPC desperately trying to make people conform.

im quite happy, thanks. its you who feels the need to have other men enslaved to justify your own slavery.

Ah the MGTOW poster rants and raves, but at the end of the day he's unhappy and childless. Classic.

>pretty much childish and stick to their "plans"
Doesn't sound childish to me at all. She has a plan and working the plan. What is childish and being a dick is wanting to keep fucking her when you know this whole relationship is all about your dick. Typical man

>implying she can't go to her doc to remove it

again, failure

Hey OP. I was like you. Trust me on this.
Marry the fucking girl. You're right. It's meaningless, and divorce rates are high. There's no difference to you however whether you divorce in 10 years or break up in 10 years.
But to her it's something she's dreamt of since she was young and she wants it with you.

Why you gotta trust me? I did the same to my girl. That turned into a year and a half slow ass breakup I was unaware of because she started slowly distancing herself.

I actually did ask her to marry me a year later because I changed my mind, she said yes, flipped out, cried, called her mom. But it was a momentary reaction. The damage was done, she had already moslty moved on.

She broke the engagement a few months later and I lost her. And yeah, that was essentially the reason. We had been together 6 years by that point.

Marry. The fucking. Girl.

Lol this dude just can't believe not all women are like this.

Oh look a crazy woman, probably in a similar situation to OP's gf.

most women want to have children.
some go to extreme lengths to have children, including justifying enslaving men through their biology.
its a good precaution.

What's crazy about it dude? She wanted to get married since she was a kid, she loved me, she wanted me to marry her, and I hit her with some buzzkill shit like "lol I don't believe in it".

Sauce? Please no allegories, that's not a source. That's just stories you heard of the oddtime a woman poked a hole in a condom. Yes it happens. "Majority" is just you projecting your hateful view of women on a statistic you made up.

As a man I want to inject my seed into a good woman and have her spawn many copies of me and her. Modern society seems to be killing this natural urge to procreate, as evident in this thread.

i have no source? its just sounds like pretty common knowledge to me that most people (not just women) want children.

then do that. im not stopping you.
but dont come to me complaining when she takes everything.

No you're claining that women would go to extreme lengths to have them and based on context of your previous post it's implied she's going to pull some sneaky sinister shit to get pregnant..

Most women who want kids and are with man who doesn't would more likely just leave him for someone who does.

How could she take everything when I'd give her everything I have? My heart, my soul, everything I own is hers to share in with me. You just sound like you've had a terrible experience with a mean woman. It's usually how MGTOW guys get their start, from women not giving them the respect they think they deserve.

NVM, I reread. I see you said "some". Fuggeddit.
Ya bitches be crazy.

stop being a faggot
marriage is fucking great u get married and BAN a partner for live

divorce rape, user. im considering worth case here. you might have fun sharing your life with her, im not saying its impossible (although it sure sounds horrid). but its a gamble that seems to be getting worse, due to modern society, as you said.
i havent had bad experiences, i plain havent had experiences due to my lifestyle.

I guess I got lucky growing up in a rural environment instead of a city full of drugs n weird shit.

how so?

The girls and guys here are all country boys and girls who have seen the city and come back because they don't want any part of the degeneracy of modern society. We'd all just rather make lots of babies, enjoy the land and peace we have, and be happy. The countryside fucking rules. Just last night me and gf went to my neighbors house to drink moonshine and shoot guns.

This isn't a mere plan, she wants to lure you into her trap. Marriage means to her exactly this: I can enslave him, and if things go awry due to my selfish actions, I can either forge domestic violence or divorce that faggot, leaving with most of his earnings and his offspring.

If everything is right why won't you marry? are you sure you don't want to marry because it's the 21 century?.

If you think that women don't perceive most men as tools, then you're just naive (although it's just an attempt of aggravation):
Women consider men as either fucker (donor of good DNA) or a provider (donor of means of wellbeing).

If you think you know more about evolutionary and behavioural biology than my cat knows about trigonometry, you probably don't know what the dunning Kruger effect is.
You're also probably an incel.

That's a sad and cynical way of thinking about women my friend. Women are awesome companions who have the ability to make copies of you. It's fucking sweet.

user, i wouldnt call a parasite an awesome companion.

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

If you're not going to develop some crazy career, your conviction in this will either waver or destroy you. Kids and career. When you're spun out and old, you'll want one or both. Your party friends will be gone, the new generation of party kids will think you're an old creep, and it'll be a gray march to an ignominious end from there.

You want two different lifestyles. Won't work.

I can tell you one thing, don't have kids. You'd probably be a shit father while you make your woman miserable when all she wants is a loving man to make her a mommy. Break up with her and save her years and years of grief.

Jow Forums 2.0 is looking good, fellas!

>implying id let a woman leech off me in the first place

The not wanting kids thing is probably a deal breaker. Not really anything you can do about it.

But the marriage thing is easy enough to handle. What she really wants is a wedding and all the stuff that comes with that. Have a wedding, don't sign any legally binding papers. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

My only issue with marriage is I don't want to marry someone I've only been with for 2 years. Like slow down girl, let's at least live together first and see how we vibe.

Sad little man

You pol autists are so dumb.

you plantation slaves are so dumb.

Not OP, but I just don't see the point in it. I'm already committed to my girl, and she knows that. A marriage isn't going to change my level of commitment. I don't do religion, so I have no spiritual need to by married. The only possible reason I'd be interested in it is for the tax break, but that would be offset by the fact I'd be tied to her shitty credit and having to deal with that. So there's not really an upside to being married. But if something happens and my marriage ends, the downsides are huge. So why would I want to get married?

If your not willing to compromise with her to have kids then you really dont love her. No point in wasting either of your time. Just brake up with her or she'll just brake up with you. Either way who cares. You sound like your above the age of 21...do you really need advice from fucking people who never kissed a girl? cmon my nigga

It's a good thing user. The fact that these low test söy drinkers don't have offspring is literally just natural selection.

Women don't think that way. Put a ring on her finger or she will always have a shadow of doubt.

>implying that it's your choice to be single and not just the fact that you can't form a decent relationship in the first place

Dude, stfu. Not everyone needs to have kids. You don't even know if OP
is white.

that is my implication, yes. i dont form relationships (which include so-called decent ones) out of choice.
not everyone is a pathetic slave seeking attention from parasites.

According to her, she doesn't. And if she does, it hasn't been an issue for the past 12 years, so I'll take that risk.

good folk. you are one step closer to being enslaved by your white maiden.

Yes. Your choice. We all believe that as much as you do.

Hell yeah, she can enslave me all she wants. I'm all hers man.

Absolutely agree. The genetically inferior (you) don't need to breed.

what a strong man you are. truly the sword of the white people, worshiping women.
good luck on your divorce.

Can you tell me the story about the woman who broke your heart, or are you just a bitter incel who's achieved nothing and just expects things to fall into his lap? I'm guessing the latter.

not an incel, dont expect shit because i dont put any effort into getting shit. believe it or not, there are people out there who dont pathetically seek attention from parasites.
thus, there also is not woman who broke my heart.

If a man likes it, he should have put a ring on it, or another man will. It's really that simple.


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t. Mutt

She's childish sticking to her plan.
Your childish sticking with yours.

Can you find another?
If you dont feel up to that.

Have a kid, get married, but on your terms. Find ways to protect yourself going in. Do your research on the the commitment, and all that. Get an education and jobs lined up. Take your time.

>has gf

How does it feel to have a perfect life and to be pampered through life?

I have it rough here, yet I'm succeeding academically.
You'd think people with gf's would be twice as successful since they get more from life.