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If the stupid bitch comes back in, she does 20 years in the federal penitentiary as a terrorist.

fuck that bitch

Absolutely based brown woman.
Can't wait to see the reaction of the Trumpentards and the MAGA discord shills when she is legally allowed to return to her homeland.

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how about pig food


Bring her back, to death row charged as a traitor.


The law doesn't say we feed her to pigs. But fighting with the enemy is treason. She could hang if she comes back.

Death penalty for treason sounds better to me.

Can't wait for the Dems to take this up as their next social cause

that is, if "birthright citizenship" is really the law of the land.

You are betting on Trump's SCOTUS to declare that the soil is magic

You have to go back.

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she can be charged with treason cant she?

if she's a citizen, she can be hung for treason.
If she's not, she can't come back in.
Why is this even an issue?

Ya'all are missing that she's called for every single non Muslim American to be killed. Drive trucks over them.
Hang this stupid bitch.

Can't Trump just start stripping these people of citizenship?

The precedent has already been set by Jewish groups who have had the US government strip several "nazis" of citizenship and deport them

It's the definition of treason, so he could do much worse than that.

>American citizen’s dad joins ISIS or some shit
>Obama blows him up
>media silent
>woman literally joins ISIS and calls for the death of Americans
>trump says fuck off don’t come back
>orange man bad
Really works those neurons

the dad should be in prison for supporting terrorists
she should hang for treason

If she had succeeded, the Dad would not be complaining.

anything is possible

>"birthright citizenship"
Her dad was a diplomat at the time of her birth.
The law specifically exempts diplomats children.

Turn her over to the lion

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There is no way.

These people are so fucking stupid like how could you be this incomprehinsibly retarded

Yeah she joined a recognized US terrorist organization. That's jail, years.

Maybe the Dad wants her to go to jail?
>be user
>lives in Bermuda
>spends its time on Jow Forums


>Even being so sucked that even this nigger Muslim with an IQ of 50 can see it.

God bless America

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I might support bringing her back as long as she did a serious stretch in prison but this bitch wished death upon all Americans more than once. Fuck her. Kinda feel bad for the baby but there are lots of babies born into shit.

>say you want to return back to America and escape ISIS
>WHILE still being in the hands of your captors
>AND your dad is now suing the president over the refusal
Gee man nothing suspicious going on here.

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> passed around goat fuckers as sex toys
> at least her hair is covered to protect her chastity

>Kinda feel bad for the baby

feeling bad for Arab/Muslim babies. why?

Let her come back and when she steps foot on american soil, immediately put a bullet in its head.

I guaran-fucking-tee she is pregnant with little future terrorists.

Not likely.

She will come back and there will be no consequences for her. This is America, we are fucked because we are docile. It will make the news for a day then memory hole.

This case is how you abolish the Anchor Babies dipshit.

Libs owned again.

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She was never a US citizen. She’s never had a right to be here to begin with. She’ll never set foot in US soil again unless it’s at gitmo

Not a citizen
Owes no allegiance.
Not treason, just non-uniformed combatant
Go to Gitmo, do not pass Go.

Dude we arent fucking britain. Stop mixing up them and us

I hope Trump deports him and the rest of that family for lit trying to get a terrorist into the us

i hope they kick her family out as well.