Is the introduction of women into the workforce the cause of many of our problems

Is the introduction of women into the workforce the cause of many of our problems
>Delayed family formation leading to lowered birth rates and more immigration
>Declining female happiness
>Worsening the effects of hypergamy (women with wealth and degrees are less likely to marry down which worsens their marriage/family prospects and social stratification)
>Difficult to raise children on a single income, which used to be more or less the norm (an increase in the supply of labor because of women entering the workforce contributed to lower wages)
>Single motherhood (mothers who can be self-sufficient because they work or whose hypergamy/hedonism leads them to break up with the father of their children)

Is this sustainable? How can forcing all women to become wage slaves (two incomes to start a family; delayed marriage means women need to work to support themselves) be liberating?

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female incompetence and hysteria kills workplace

I guess Jow Forums just likes replying to twitter screencaps and shill threads

I honestly think that men are the problem.

incels are weak men and weak men should be looked down and mistreated by women

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What do we do about it?

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That comic is really good. But it's both men and women who have suffered from premarital sex. As far as the workforce go, women should be allowed in but not have special privileges. They have to work on their own merit.

the people that are on board with this are basically getting naturally selected and dying out. working mothers are having fewer children, they're below replacement. therefore it's not sustainable

Spreading knowledge of the two income trap and women’s declining happiness. Ask questions about women’s liberation (whether being forced to work is liberating) and appeal to people’s self interest.

You're beating a dead horse. Of fucking course it's the cause of so many problems.


we dont have an effective way of dealing with men and women working at close proximity
i dont have a problem with women working, they have worked in the past, but their hours are more flexible and the things they choose to work on are more people oriented or care oriented as opposed to STEM and arenas that men clearly excel in.
when you force women into STEM with diversity hiring or lowering the bar to let them in, now all of the sudden not only men and women are working in very close and intimate setting, but also they are in direct competition against each other. this is very problematic. and even if the woman is competent, she will have to answer to the call of biology and make a decision. so really, as a company, are you willing to lose one of your more competent worker should she want to think about starting a family?
women can work, but they just cant really work on very very important and high stake jobs unless they have made it clear from the get go that they will forsake forming a family. in that case that's a decision she has made, much like a man who's decided to chop his balls off. hey man, you do you, but dont complain when you're in your 30s and none of the good man want to marry you because your achievement doesnt matter, your degree doesnt matter, and now that you have lost your youth and fertility, you sure as hell aint worth marrying.

It is. Women in the workplace has created a demand for government child care and has led to the education system being another extension of day care. And of course to advance women need to go to college, take out a loan with interest, and go into debt making any future children unaffordable.

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you can see the false rape allegations in her eyes

>being so cucked you want a parasite wife

Working in a professional setting with NPC roasties fucking sucks so bad. Maybe 10% of them are based but the majority are just every bad stereotype about women. Also you will want to Kys if your managers and bosses are all women. Fucking sucks

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>wearing shoes inside the house.

Good one, roastie


its fine, she needs more to do anyway

So sad

Found the asian

Whenever I see a woman preaching feminism while acting like a slut, I get the insatiable urge to fuck her. It might be a brat taming kink or something but it's fucking weird.

>Being so cucked you want other people raising your children so your wife can visit Chad’s office all day (the larger an attractive woman’s social network, the worse her hypergamy).

fucking kek, and so fucking true

Checked but that’s bigoted in the year 2019. Women are just as capable as men in areas like desk work and coding