Getting ex back?

I’m 38 years old, was with the same woman for 16 years, married 13 years. We got divorced last year.

When it looked like things were over but we were still having sex and working things out, I discovered tinder. She found out I was banging a 22 year old through Facebook stalking, and got enraged. So things between us have been pretty hostile since then.

In the meantime, I’ve been dating this really amazing 27 year old who has her shit together. Career. Porn star body. Funny. Fun. Great with my kids (oh ya I have kids).

But it’s just not the same as being with the woman I spent 16 years with. I want my ex wife back.

How far up shit creek am I? Gimme some options here.

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You're gonna have to end it with all these women and really fucking try and have no expectations

Who left who? How old is your ex? Does she have a boyfriend? How long have you been dating current girlfriend?

You left out many crucial details here. That being said, you’re probably fucked bud sorry.

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I don’t want to dump my current girlfriend then have no chance at getting my ex back and end up with kaput.

My ex wife left me. She’s 37. Very doubtful that she had a boyfriend. She’s not ugly but she works full time and is with the kids when she’s not at work. And she’s ultra stressed out all the time. Dating current girl for 10 months.

I think your main problem is you’re a dick.

I’m not though

You are. You think you can fuck some bimbo while trying to win back your wife? That's dumb and naive. And you already failed her trust once when you two were trying to work things out, with you porking some young chick on the side. You are a shit husband material and your wife knows it. Let it go and just enjoy your hedonistic lifestyle.

Roastie RAGE!

But I love her. Pretty sure she banged some dude while I was traveling for work a while back.

Also current girlfriend is not a bimbo. Masters degree + high paying career. But I don’t love her as much as I do my ex.

Why is it that when men are trying to decide between romance options it’s somehow triggering, but when women do it it’s the plot of a romantic comedy aimed at the demographic that gets triggered?

Incel here, i agree with him so it's not just roastie rage
OP is clearly a piece of shit, so he either gets his narcissistic ass dumped, or gets back just to break up again with his ex-wife because he clearly hasn't reflected on shit and will definitely fuck it up again, now with the bonus of it not being just one poor woman, but two that he will fuck over

Why is it when men are fucking one girl they can fuck a second and call it romantic? Literally the opposite of romance bruh.

Can't have both. You gotta choose, man. You're very far up shit creek on your ex-wife, but less likely things have come to pass. You've got to decide: give up an okay situation for a slim chance that won't work out for a while if it works out at all. I'd seriously consider your kids' well-being as well.

Stay with the one you're dating now. The more your ex-wife's pussy will dry up, the more you will wish you hadn't gotten back with her.

Do you miss your ex-wife specifically, or do you miss how life was like with her?

Do you actually miss her or the just the relationship and being comfortable? People tend to miss a relationship because they're attached, their ego is hurt, and being safe and comfortable.

Man, you guys have given me a lot to think about. Why do people pay therapists?

For real appreciate the input. Happy new year. We’re all gonna make it.

This one though. This one got me stuck.

Of course you still love her, feelings dont fade until a long time pass, which they may or may not, especially since you were together for a long time. Technically you guys can date since you're divorced but it was a bad thing to do when you both were trying to work it out. What caused the divorce? Reflect on your relationship and try to see what you and her did bad in it. I also dont advice you date after a serious relationship, you might need at least 1-2 years being single since your marriage was long.

Faggot advice.

What I don’t understand is why women go for guys like this?

It took OPs wife 16 years to realize he was a dick and now she’s old. That poor 27 year old is gonna go through the same thing.

Why do women insist on going for assholes who just waste their life and they are destined to not end up happy? There are so many decent guys who get left in the gutter who could provide love and happiness while idiots like OP are out there complaining about not having enough women.

>I don’t want to dump my current girlfriend then have no chance at getting my ex back and end up with kaput.

Then you don't want your ex back. It's that simple. You're just pining for what you know, instead of exploring what you could have with the new girl.

They are easily manipulated if you know what to do, are confident and charming.

Just ditch your ex and your kids, and start a new family with the new woman. That's what my dad did and he seems very happy.

Because she is just as dumb as he is with relationships. He's 38 and playing games. Time to decide gramps.

This all depends on one crucial detail: Why did your wife leave you? What was her reasoning?

gross. it’s one of those guys who goes with minorities so he can be assholes to them. hopefully he gets hit by a car.