What the hell do I do? My girlfriend has never been good with communication, or telling me the truth. I’ve been with her for 2 years now, and for the past couple of months I hate to say it but I’m losing interest, she lies all the time about the smallest shit.
Recently I’ve gotten to the point where I’m secretly checking her phone, I know that’s bad but I didn’t know what else to do because I don’t want to ruin anything? I found out a dude that she’s been talking to a lot recently has been asking her for threesomes, for nudes and constantly trying to hang out with her. Regarding this dude, me and her went to his christmas party just a week ago, I had to leave early cause I had work in the morning, but she stayed longer. She told me she’d get home and call me yaknow the classic, but then I find out that it ended up just being him and her, and she stayed the night. This rose my suspicion hoping nothing happened, I check through the messages and found out she cuddled with him and everything. My heart sunk hearing this, as she speaks on how she’d do nothing to cheat or harm the relationship.
Then I find out another second guy are asking her out, telling her they love her and asking for all sorts.
The last guy that caught my attention was a dude that she was “roleplaying” with, and I put that in qoutation marks as fuck was this roleplaying. The two were calling each other “honey” “cupcake” all this pet name stuff, the dude would say things like “You should just get rid of that dude you’re dating” “I’ll be waiting for you to break up” “I can’t wait for the day we can be together”
After reading about all this, and my girlfriend acting all humble and shit just really made me feel like garbage. We’ve been together 2 years, what the fuck do I do?
Honestly I didn’t read your whole story about this other guy because it doesn’t matter. She lies to you and you don’t trust her. It doesn’t matter if she’s cheating, or might cheat, etc. Your relationship has no trust in it. End it.
Camden Baker
I can't believe there can be a faggot like OP. Grow some balls and ditch the bitch!
In her mind she's single and all the guys know she is available. If you think calling her your gf applies go right ahead but you are the only person that does.
Benjamin Phillips
This She lies, you're onto her shit-- you COULD keep this relationship but it'll just be you checking and balancing her every time she walks out the door.
Just fly solo, a girl like this will never be worth the trouble.
Kevin Kelly
Stop being a beta male faggot and dump that Stacey, but make sure to ask her permission you might hurt her feelings.
Carson Carter
Dump her NOW
Ethan Watson
She's not serious with you. What do you want to do with her in the long term? If you can't let her go to parties alone because she can't behave, and you can't trust her not to flirt on her phone, your life with her will be hell.
Robert Myers
Break up with her bro. I just got out of a relationship similar to this and I am so mad at myself that I hung in there so long. It was a complete waste of time. Don't make the same mistake I did bro. Break up with her right now and get on with your life.
Kayden Brown
Couple of things op
first of all, all girls you date will get lots of male attention unless they are god awfully ugly, so you have to learn to live with that.
You can never know for sure that shes not cheating on you and you should stride to be so good she does not want to cheat. Checking her phone is probably not the only thing you did, you probably acted all jealous without even realizing it.
Jealousy is usually a self fulfilled prophecy, you give her lots of power by doing that and she will end up doing it just cause she can.
That being said, some things in a relationship are a no-no. If you have confirmation taht she cuddled another dude then NUKE that shit.
Rip the fucking bandaid.
Elijah Morales
Break up with that cunty bitch.make sure she feels super guilty about it just so you can enjoy her life getting worse and worse because she didnt see your price
Brody Collins
holy shit op fuck that bitch get out now
Ryder Sanders
Sorry man, but if there is no longer trust, it seems like a walking dead relationship.
Adrian Butler
Have respect for yourself. I won’t suggest beating her, sounds like she’d overpower you since youre a bitch.
This is your life. You can make decisions. Dont be a joke in others eyes.
Matthew Nelson
You might have to put her down like a dog ill bring my shotgun
Charles Carter
dump her nigga u can do better my g
Colton Edwards
Jaxson Butler
I just don't know what's happening with people these days but it's obvious insecure shit and you gotta just leave it for yourself beacuse it's not OK.