He's running the country and none of us voted for him. Screw this asshole.
Jared Kushner hate thread
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Just gonna drop these here
They flipped a coin to see who runs things. Ivanka called tails and lost. Jared attained the power fair and square.
He's a jew who literally owns a property called 666 Fifth Avenue. What more do you need to know?
Nobody wants to screw your asshole you faggot
He is the son of David messiah
Yared= God has come down
Corey = Into a hollow place
Kush = gaining strength
Ner = God's light
this is why he receives the clearance
this was a sign because retard christians think the Jewish messiah is the anti-christ because they have never read the bible where it is clear Yeshua the Savior is not a son of david
Isn't she that hot blonde from Glory Hole Swallow?
>Screw this asshole.
Show asshole so I can simulate screwing it
this slut has been BLACKED. no interest.
who dis pale bitch
i thought rush Limbaugh was running the country?
who do i vote for bernie or biden?
>Coping this hard
Nobody mentioned democrats, faggot.
Trump owes Jews money. His daughter is part of the payment plan.
Jared Kushner is the Jewish devil on Trumps shoulder and Stephen Miller is the Jewish angel on Trumps shoulder.
loved her gangbangcreampie scene
her hubby is a lucky guy
why does the cuck like seeing his wife fucked/degraded? mind helping me understand?
Can't stand him. It's funny when liberals perceive him as a darling of the MAGA crowd
inb4 that kushner shill
The tribe of Kush were cannanites. And yes Jesus was of David. GTFO with your blasphemy.
>brainlet general
How does he run the country? Post sauce unpassing tranny.