I dont believe in democracy anymore

People are too fucking ignorant and stupid for democracy to work the way it was intended - make independent decisions about life.

Instead, media controls people completely, without people understanding it. Smart people tell dumb people what to think, how to act etc. How is that democracy?

Dictatorship, with restrictions on violence, is the way to go. Democracy has failed, and the US and the EU has shown that clearly.

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Thats why every year I get closer and closer to being a Fascist

What constituted a citizen 2000 years ago, 200 years ago, and now is the problem with democracy.

You are one the right track , liberal democracy is fundamentally flawed . These essays are good intro to anti democratic thought .



>Dictatorship, with restrictions on violence, is the way to go
Obviously. Tyranny of the majority is not good

I want a strong leader who lay out the rules, so this minority madness can end. People are too dumb to have any power anyway

representative democracy is a scam, always has been. especially since the turn of the 19th century and the invention of modern social engineering and propaganda

direct democracy is legitimate, switzerland is one of the most successful and peaceful countries, in large part to their democratic system

i think you have a point though, maybe a have powerful excutive elected on 10 year terms, and then have swiss style direct democracy underneath him to reign in the corruption etc

this is a necessary step in the development of mankind.
People will begin to realize what they are. They are what they consume. It doesn't matter if it's food, or if it's media. It'll only be as people realize they must be cognizant of the mental manipulation of ALL stimuli will be they be able to move forward.

It doesn't matter if it is a Democracy, or not. It's never been about *who* governs. It's always been about *how* they are governed. The unjustified transgressions against individual liberty. We've only been concerned about the *who* so that society can better manage the *how*. To start worrying about the *who* before the *how* is guaranteed to end in failure.

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this is larpy bullshit, and psycopathic as well

>how do we beat the jew?
>become the jew!!!!

Democracy has always been a failed form of government. This is common knowledge fren. Problem is that you fell for the Democracy meme. Why do you think the Constitution was written the way it was? There are some Democratic ideas in it, but that is not the type of government we were intended to have.

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the average pleb, while having greater access to information than ever in history, is just as dumb as ever.

switzerland is more successful than muttland

>Dictatorship, with restrictions on violence
= utopia

there is no such thing retard, dictatorship it totalitarian, end of story, does not work even on paper.

again you are an idiot, please get out of fucking internet

In some ways I am sure it is. I cringe every time I hear the word Democracy. Can you imagine a country the size of the US as a Democracy? That would be utter chaos.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.

>Smart people tell dumb people what to think,

No, it's worse than that, actually.

Dumb people give the finger to the informed and vote for shit policies like "Socialism" and shit political parties that support street riots like Democrats and Labour

Here's a bunch of dumb-fucks who can vote cheering a hitler speech:

Not necessarily. You could have dictatorship that still abides to the supreme court, but where plebs are not allowed to vote.

Read up on Mosley's thoughts and writting on democracy, I have a feeling you'll find a lot you agree with. Although he was arguably too weak on it and should've strived for a tougher hand

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I think people are less educated and less intelligent now. Journalists communicate at a 12 year old level. AOC is likes in part because she is dumb; dumb people relate to that.

Our electorate isn’t something to brag about.

Who was claiming its a utopia? You don't need violence in the slightest for a dictatorship, a dictatorship isn't like abolsutism you know that right. You can or well must still have parliaments

>Can you imagine a country the size of the US as a Democracy?
this is the dumbest argument ever, why do amerimutts keep spouting this shit

>Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.
all you have is koch talking points. i can be a reductionist retard too. durrr da republican form of government is only a tool of da rich propertarian class to enslave everyone elseee!!!!1!

You're fucking stupid too. You fell for Trump, admit it.

Naw, Fascist Republics are better.

Direct democracy is the ONLY viable form of democracy, but you have to do it like ancient Athenians. So only people that are native ethnic citizens that are male and are adults

The whole idea of popular sovereignty is actually just an illusion anyway . This civilisation like all others is still ruled by elites .
The reason we have immigration and demographic problems is that in an unsecure power system like what we have now the elites (the high) will ally with the low ( immigrants degenerates ect ) against the middle ( us) to secure their power .
This process is call "high low vs the middle " and appears consistently throughout history .
See the neoabsolutism link above for historical examples and more on this .
The key to fixing this is the abandonment of democracy , divided power and liberal political theory .
Only with a secure ruler atop a transparent hierarchical structure without built in power conflict can overcome this process .

>have a country where the populace can vote for things they want
>import billions of foreign people that dont care about the culture or values of the native populace and decide they want to vote for the things -they- want
>it also just so happens that these foreign people tend to be nearly-retarded gibsmedats who explicitly vote at the expense of the native populace

real smart system we got going desu

i mean democracy is shit for a billion other reasons but we really fucking killed it off quick i'll tell ya

What’s your problem? Just like to attack people? Hope there is more to you than that. I believe Democracy sucks, our electorate is full of the ill informed, etc. my beliefs. Willing to listen to other opinions, but that’s not what you are doing. I have a copy of the Federalist Papers next to where I sleep. Worth a read if you haven’t read them.

Another much shorter description of the basic concept I mentioned .

are you thinking at america? is damn simple dude, the problem is america is not an ethnic group, your black population will never understand europeans values, same as latinos, i am sure more problems will come in the future as their numbers grow

So many people vote according to race, religion, and any other dividing thing the politicians can find. Wish people paid more attention to the local and state level politics than the federal level.

don't you get the irony of calling people too stupid to vote when you just got obamad? you are one of those ill informed. it's ok, i was fooled by trump too. basically youre saying that you're too stupid to rule yourself, demanding a big daddy government to control your life

im not a fan of some kind of absolutist democrat, i dont think absolute democracy is the ultimate system, that is another trap. voting to deport individuals you dont like and shit like that. fuck that. switzerland is still the best example of a functioning real democracy

That would basically make the nation subject to a bunch of unelected and often unaccountable judges. Law is also one of the most jewish things people study so if you want to give absolutely scummy people the most power you do that.

Not just that, at the advent of our Democracy/Republic there was a property and tax requirement in order to vote. And women couldn't vote either. That system in itself was way better because the emotional manipulation by education and media was far less effective and people couldn't simply vote themeselves free shit because they knew they would be paying for it.

If you're like a good-for-nothing layabout you can basically just vote yourself free shit in perpetuity and then once you economy collapses you go to a different country, get voting rights after a couple years and then repeat the same process which is basically happening with Venezualans right now. I won't be suprised if the Venezualans in Columbia and Brazil will vote for the most Chavez-like candidate as soon as they are able too.

Athenian citizens basically emotionally manipulated themselves into executing all their top generals and consequently lost the Pelopenessian War, became a subject state to Sparta and permanently lost it's status as a superpower.

Not sure why people think Athens' direct democracy was so great when it managed to fuck itself over like that after only a century of it's existence.

>People are too fucking ignorant and stupid for democracy to work the way it was intended - make independent decisions about life.
>Instead, media controls people completely, without people understanding it. Smart people tell dumb people what to think, how to act etc.

>a lot of people don't care much about anything and just want to go along to get along

So, how does your first redpill taste like?

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poor people voting to enrich themselves is one of the smalles problems in america, the real problem is that a tiny minority, the jews, got control of all the media and education and brainwashed you to open borders and other such stupid things. that is more an error of unregulated capitalism than of democracy

>Instead, media controls people completely, without people understanding it.
Yep, because you have to be completely free of media control to decide between Candidate A, who will raise taxes and flood my White Australia with chinks and poos or Candidate B , who will raise taxes and flood my White Australia with chinks and poos. Democracy is a sham and we should all feel bad for letting it get such a stranglehold on our nations.

Blacks are a steady 13% of the population and generally share more culture with whites here than any other group. Latinos will be of the most concern in the future. As a nation we are pretty divided and like you said this will increase over time.

>absolutist democrat
What the fuck does that even mean? It doesn't exist. Demographics is destiny, no wonder you Swedes are cucked

I want to put all white people into gas chambers. Then we will be free.

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you fucking illiterate retard en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_democracy

>Democracy is a sham and we should all feel bad for letting it get such a stranglehold on our nations.
Blame the French revolution, its because of those fucktards they made it popular again and it just spread everywhere

"Behavioral reality knows only one iron law: Whatever is subsidized is promoted. With a necessity no weaker than that of entropy itself, insofar as social democracy seeks to soften bad consequences – for major corporations no less than for struggling individuals or hapless cultures — things get worse. There is no way around, or beyond this formula, only wishful thinking, and complicity with degeneration. Of course, this defining reactionary insight is doomed to inconsequence, since it amounts to the supremely unpalatable conclusion that every attempt at ‘progressive’ improvement is fated to reverse itself, ‘perversely’, into horrible failure. No democracy could accept this, which means that every democracy will fail.”

Nick land

your post is evidence that multiracialism doesn't work

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why dont you suck establishment cock you fucking retard? you basically already have the system your asking for, they just have extremely advanced mind control and propaganda

America was never a Democracy. Nowhere in the Constitution or Bill or Rights does it mention Democracy

the USA was founded as a REPUBLIC and as such women and men under 30 should not vote. This would literally solve and would have prevented all of your problems.

Yeah, and democracy is the driving factir behind people getting along and constantly being on disunity. It's why there's almost never any action just talk, and if its action its the kind that hurts the natives.

Democracy has only ever been successful when only white men were allowed to vote. It's what the founding fathers wanted for the USA, so not sure why it ever changed - now the country is doomed.

I actually believe it could if, big IF, there was a shared culture and goals. Unfortunately that is not likely.

>I want to put all white people into gas chambers.
Who will operate them, retard?

hurry the fuck up, we're waiting

& this

Making peace with establishment is a sign of maturity. What kind of system are you proposing? Have you ever been to Switzerland? They are full of shitskins and their democracy didn't stop their government from signing the UN migration compact last year.

The Bong gets it. States have a lot of rights still too. Just not used anymore.

>Blame the French revolution
If it hadn't happened there, it would have been some other place. Hell, Germany kicked Democracy to the kerb and the rest of the White world tore them a new one.

The Chinese will steal the technology and the poos will be paid to operate them after graduating from a diploma mill.

Haha oh boy you are naive. Different ethnic groups don't share the same goals, we should all stick to our own kind the best we can strive for is peace between nations. Snap out of it the world is not sone fairy tale where we'll live happily ever after

Restrict the franchise to white men age 25+ who are net tax payers. Maybe also require that they be married and have children.

The chinks and poos would end up gassing themselves. I've seen enough China Rekt threads to prove that.

I said it wasn’t likely.

Not unlikely, but probably impossible. Never once worked throughout all of history, why would it now

anarchist flag posts: I don't believe in democracy anymore.

Great fucking insight. Next I'll go to planned parent hood for their opinion on abortion.

How will transgenders fit in?


No one has rights that aren't granted to them by a sovereign power . Any argument to the contrary just hinges on lockean social contract bullshit or lolbertarian pseudo philosophy . The sooner we stop thinking in terms of rights be it individual rights , states rights ect the better it just ends up confusing the situation .

They don't exist

Kek. I mean he is right though


If only burger retards didn't alter early usa republic system it would be the best thing ever.


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Every social structure works very well with a small tribe of like 1000 people, but with larger societies everything begins to turn into fucking shit.
Democracy? Communism? Anarcho-fucking-capitalism? Each one will work perfectly with 1000 people, but with 200M people it will go to complete clusterfuck of bullshit.

Don't take too long.

Yeah but do all of that and restrict voting rights to those people, they're slowly persuaded to vote against their interests, women are persuaded to fight for their rights by mass media, men vote for them to be able to vote via being persuaded by mass media and the cycle continuees on and on and on

I don't think its the solution. It's always going to lead down the same path, people will always want more and more rights to make them individualstically feel more important since all sense of collective importance is gone

The anarchists actually have some useful critiques of democracy , Hoppes book democracy the god that failed is the most famous example . Even the left anarchists ie Deleuze figured out democracy is bs . Of cause no anarchist comes even remotely close to offering a viable solution though .

So much like Marx, he had good critique of capitalism but his proposed solution is utter horse shit

>people will always want more and more rights
We're substantially less free than when we were at the founding. People have done nothing but vote away their freedoms, not the other way around.

Stop being a bitch. Be a real nigga. Do it.

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Yeah both , left and right wing anarchism are dead ends . Neoreaction basically took everything that was useful from these and other previous anti democratic traditions and came up with more practical options.

Yeah vote away their freedom, ... by wating more rights. It's always going to end the same way, always. And amm mass media did is just accelerate the process, before it it was in decadence but much slower

and all mass media*

rein in

>People dont act like how I want them to act
>I want to coerce them so they act exactly as I want
>Use vague words like 'disunity' 'goals' failed government' 'the white race'

Most democracies are actually republics. What democracy actually had citizens vote on every law and not just elect representatives to do it for them?

They will fit in the woodchipper just fine.

>People dont act like how I want them to act
Yeah that's why mass media is on a 24/7 propaganda campaign to convince them to act differently and vote against their interests
>Use vague words like 'disunity' 'goals' failed government' 'the white race'
People want to by nature protect their tribe and vote in their ethnic interests


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>convince them to act differently and vote against their interests
so in reaction you want to FORCE them to act on what you BELIEVE to be their interests? Nice

>People want to by nature
There is no innate knowledge, teamwork is a survival tactic but is a means to an end -- no one works as a team for the sake of working as a team.

The major problem isn't as much with people are stupid, but "people don't do research".

Ask your random voter what brought him to support this or that policy and you won't hear anything interesting. In a way it's not wrong, the perfect rational voter would have to be absolute fucking nolife. Especially since in a way, the single vote matters so little that even when picking bad policy you can rationalize that your vote didn't win the elections for this party(chances for 1 vote swinging elections is lower than for winning lottery 10 times in a row). The only way to make the voters feel any compulsion at all to do research before voting is to make them vote on issues that are entirely local, so their vote matters relatively more and it's bound to influence them.

I won't attempt to debate someone as ignorant as you
>so in reaction you want to FORCE them to act on what you BELIEVE to be their interests? Nice
You really think people would willingly vote to destroy their own country convinced life is some kind of fairy tale where everyone gets along? Really? That the only action that happens is action that hurts native and everything else is just talk? Do you honestly believe they would vote to destroy their own inner self and cause decadence out of their own volition? Really?
>There is no innate knowledge, teamwork is a survival tactic but is a means to an end -- no one works as a team for the sake of working as a team.
You contradicted yourself there

We are making progress!

if you spend your days caring about the mob, it will kill you. these braindead fucks barely have an opinion on their own other than what the echochamber tells them.

All you need to BTFO them is innocently ask them to elaborate on their sophisticated opinions.

>The only way to make the voters feel any compulsion at all to do research before voting is to make them vote on issues that are entirely local, so their vote matters relatively more and it's bound to influence them.
That doesn't sound too bad actually, but what makes you think it would matter to them then? Country policies are bound to influence them as well and more than they think they will. It would be very hard to convince people to do research en mass like that maybe even impossible, if not maybe through the education system. Even then there'd still be dozens of different parties so it would be just "no u no u" ad infinitum

>You really think people would willingly vote to destroy their own country convinced life is some kind of fairy tale where everyone gets along? Really? That the only action that happens is action that hurts native and everything else is just talk? Do you honestly believe they would vote to destroy their own inner self and cause decadence out of their own volition? Really?

See the origins of socialist, and marxist thought. See how the first saints of religion literally self-immolate. How men willingly die in battle for his group, his nation and race.

Like how given to his sudden impulses man would murder, rape and destroy his world.

>You contradicted yourself there
Elaborate because I dont see it.

Also that their very desires and conception of the good are shaped by the social and moral framework that they exist in. Now who who manipulates values and culture of this society - the "high" aka those in power .

Shut up and take your vaccines. Do as we say!!

Retard. No one “believes in democracy”. In fact that expression “Western Democracies” is one of those phrases like “martial music” or “military intelligence” that doesn’t mean at all what it appears to. Jumbo Shrimp.

Only animals would allow their values to be shaped by unchecked influences, and deservedly so.

Stop fighting for beasts and work on those who are truly important - and worthy of your help.

I'm glad were finally in agreement
>Elaborate because I dont see it.
You said teamwork is a survival tactic, our main human instinct is survival first and foremost, and you claim its a means to an end see how you contraticted yourself

That’s what they have in California.

When it was a white majority, boomers voted to lower their taxes and mandated spending on education. Now latinx are voting all kinds of shit for themselves.

Basically, 90% of the states budget is allocated via direct democracy and they’re hopelessly insolvent.

Democracy of any kind doesn’t work. Maybe with an educated landowning European male population. Anything else is suicide.

And, are we not animals? Who is truly important and worthy of help?

No because a tactic is not an innate knowledge.
It is learned, and with most ideas - fallible

>Democracy of any kind doesn’t work. Maybe with an educated landowning European male population. Anything else is suicide.
And it would still inevitably lead to the path we are at now still

The ones who by your reasoning - that the animals dont use - deserve your help.

If you want a philosophy on which groups are more important than the other, I won't provide you falsities.
The choice is solely important and necessary to the origin of the choice.

>No because a tactic is not an innate knowledge.
Wew lad you can't just claim that, survival tactics are hardwired into us. Elaborate further

Because democracy falls down with bigger populations