>be me
>Had some rando talk with father
>Tell him that USA is sending israel 22 Billion every year
>DAD:wtf you must be kidding...
>Nah its for real
>DAD: Well looks like Hitler was right
Americans with their dick sucking of Israel
Other urls found in this thread:
>America supports its ally in the Middle East
>Jews are at fault again
Seriously, how does that even work in your head?
>be me
>crazy guy shoots up synagogue
>dad is like "how could someone do this"
>say "WELL...." and proceed to redpill carpet bomb him
>worried I accidentally created another paddock level boomer now
isn't your biggest export in porn?
Now tell dad that Shitler evacuated the zionist ""Jews"" to Palestine before he killed real jews and Christians.
A Jesuit tool.
If he was right we wouldn't be in deep shit now.
love allies that do nothing but sabotage relations with other countries, steal nuclear secrets and influence our government to the point that "democracy" becomes superficial joke
fuck off divide and conquer shill.
Our only true based ally can be no wrong.
>>Tell him that USA is sending israel 22 Billion every year
36 billion you dumb faggot.
Isn't your biggest export subversion?
AHH I see the USSR slong sucker is reporting in.
Same faggot, different proxy.
kill america
A person that shit talks everyone around you, begs you for money every few days, and cries if you say something mean about him is not your friend.
Show your REAL flag you 'Russian bot'
Turn off your VPN, show us the star baby
Jews are nobodies ally you idiot.
lol I kept telling my parents that nothing actually even happened. Just totally dismissed the whole thing.
Feeling strong?
>be me
>Parents are avid Howard Stern fans, his show is playing in the background
>talking to mom about the jews
>"That's ridiculous user!"
>10 seconds later Howard Stern goes 'I want to see an interracial couple on the bachelorette
just listen to this retarded fat head fucking idiot and then realize there are hordes of people 50x's worse than this fucking guy
Ilhan Omar told the truth, I couldn't listen for more than 10 seconds.
Its 3.8 billion a year you dumb faggots