Why does Jow Forums hate reddit so much when the two have so much in common? I've never understood this.
>both hate trump
>both hate israel and support palestine
>both hate boomers
>both hate capitalism
Is it just like a high school rivalry or something?
Why does Jow Forums hate reddit?
Other urls found in this thread:
mass vote manipulation and heavy moderation
free speech lives here, not there.
same reason Athens collapsed so violently: tyranny of the majority
at least here you can have a legit discussion behind all the memes and shitposts
this too
it's legit just not fun or interesting to use
>Downvotes your post
>Post disapears
Filtered and ignored faggot
I was not expecting those digits
>the two have so much in common
you're the poster child for brain damage from infant genital mutilation
IIRC they took the rageface from here and ran it to the ground
Niggers smell bad, liberals are cucks, and we don't hate trump here. He's been the biggest troll campaign we ever pulled off. He's still paying dividends in salt. Fuck off shill.
>the two are the same
fuck off and dont come back
Reddit is the online embodiment of lowest common denominator mediocrity
Fuck Plebbit. Literal normies. Unfortunate that this board is getting overrun by their refuse. Sage in all fields for even reminding me of that shit site.
> I don't hate Trump. I don't like him either. I just don't give a shit [Not living in the US]
> I don't give a shit about Palestine and Israel. They can bomb themselves to the stone age if they want to. I have no sympathy for anyone, the least of all for sand niggers.
> I don't give a shit if you're a boomer, zoomer, doomer, henry the hoover. As long as you're not a brainwashed cuck, I'm fine with your age.
> I don't hate capitalism. Capitalism is the natural product of democracy. And trust me, the alternatives are far worse (communism, fascism etc.)
> The reason most of (or all of) /poll/ hates reddit is that here we actually have freedom of speach. We can say anything without being worried that it will be branded as "hate speech".
Reddit is great for a lot of things, but discussing politics is not among them.
I don't support Arabs over Jews. The arabs have the whole middle east and Israel cant exist? Especially when Israel is the whitest,. democratic state there.
Because posts like this get praised. Fucking retards, they scare a bunch of kids the world is gonna end if we don't do something about climate change.
The comments are beyond retarded, these people are so fucking brainwashed it makes me sick. How can you be so fucking stupid. Reddit is literally the new tumblr.
Its gone from global warming, and Al gores prediction that in 5 years the ice caps would melt, to climate change.
Link: reddit.com
>both hate trump
wtf i hate trump now
This Trump cracks me up every day. Can’t wait to vote for him again because liberals learned nothing.