Why is Feinstein so condescending?

Who really voted for her? And why are there still no term limits? Why did she try to ruin Brett Kavanaugh's life? Is she Satan?

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Using kids to push your agenda is weak and spineless no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.
Those kids and their parents deserve gas, along with Feinstein.

meanwhile on Facebook... oy vey!

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She wasn't used to seeing children alive when they're in front of her.

based and redpilled.

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Holy shit those youtube comments claiming shes out of touch and AOC is totally in touch

if they wanted her to listen it should have been Chinese kids with wheelbarrows of cash

She was set up
Liberals eating their own
Good times

>why is a scheming Jew so condescending

AOC is playing dirty with kids now that she's a laughing stock. Chances are these kids are the ones that wrote the green deal.

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Were the kids pushing for AOC's green deal? She mentioned how she has her own green deal.

I voted for her, while also voting for Trump in 2016. It was either her or Kevin de Leon, and I couldn't let de Leon win. If Feinstein is moderately left (except on guns, far left there), de Leon was only a few pages away from Stalin.

What's going on here? Is Feinstein based?

based Feinstein has my vote now

>condescending to ignorant goyim children
How is this surprising?

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I'm no fan of Feinstein, but what the fuck is this "the children are always right"-thing going on now?
They're pushing kids to front their political agendas, especially on environmental policies and gun control. Most people don't know shit about these issues, and least of all kids. Yet, we're supposed to listen to them, because "they're our future".

Never thought I'd say this, but Feinstein was absolutely right in the way she responded to those entitled brats.

entitled would imply they knew what they even wanted. This is literally "my woke 8 year old" enacted irl.

children are idiots who still naively believe congress does good when we need a dictatorship. heil trump

>"And then the whole bus clapped" ("the entire train applauded", "everyone stood up and cheered", etc.) is a phrase associated with stories posted online, typically on Tumblr or Facebook, in which the teller or another person allegedly gains admiration of the surrounding public, usually after defending someone from social injustice. The line is often considered a giveaway sign of a fabricated story, or used sarcastically to express doubt or disbelief, similarly to and often together with "X's name? Albert Einstein!"

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Nobody takes it seriously don't worry. CNN wouldn't be covering it if it was honestly damaging for Feinstein.

She owned those smelly brainwashed kids. It’s the only thing I’ve ever seen her do that I liked. Fuck those kids and their brain dead handlers.

California has a commie problem.

While I dont like Feinstein I like that she told these kids to fuck themselves.

>using kids is weak and spinless
>so we should gas the kids

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>we voted for you!
>how old are you.

>How old are you?
>You didn't vote for me

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She positioned herself to be forced into the "omg 12 years" meme. She could have shut the whole thing down by refuting it. Deserves all the hate she gets and an army of her golems turning on their creators.

I hate when people use children as political pawns

>muh children
Republicans should take notes. Diane doesn’t give a flyin fuck what some douche bag 12 year old has to say. Children are retards.

>"I'm a paid professional that has done this for 30 years. Fuck you"

How did she fuck up this badly?

You should at least PRETEND. It's like if you receive a letter from a kid and you're a president

>Hi Kiddo, good job being u, have a signed autograph. Thanks, Presidente.
You don't send
>Hey kid, stop spamming my mail box with your garbage.

AOC is so dumb, she made me like Feinstein.