Why can't Americans into healthcare?

Why can't Americans into healthcare?

Attached: america health insurance.jpg (1242x1683, 197K)

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>has a monthly income of $250
ohhhh boy here we go again.

1) It's $325 in USD
2) That's his income TAX not his income. He pays $325 in income TAX per month, of which $13 goes to healthcare.

is 250/month a normal wage in euroland?

Well, at least I take home 20x more than a Europoor. Have fun with that healthcare.

Maybe if we didn’t have our taxes paying for 3rd world street shitters we could have nice things but no we whites have to take care of everyone. Fuck off kike

1) It's $325 in USD
i pay that in income tax a week, unironically

>money deducted from my paycheck for health insurance: $0
I have a PPO, can see specialists and pretty much any doctor I want with a $15 copay. ER visits are $100.
Why cant you into a job that isnt WalMart tier?

In the US, the reason that healthcare is so expensive is the government. There is absolutely no reason to believe that MORE government involvement will decrease the costs. EVERYTHING the government touches EXPLODES in cost. NO EXCEPTIONS. Our government isn't like European governments. European nations refuse to subsidize their own defense, but the idiotic US government pays for the defense of itself AND deadbeat Europe. Our government wastes money like no other. To make healthcare expenses, we need government to end its involvement. No medicare, no Medicaid, no "everyone gets treatment, no matter the cost.". If people paid their expenses out of pocket, the medical industry would HAVE to cut its costs.

>Why can't Americans into healthcare?
because niggers

Let's look at a list of the top hospitals in the world, oh wait look at that your country doesn't even have 1 hospital in the top 100, even bumfuck hospitals in America provide better quality car then that shit hole of a country.

Attached: Capture122hosp.png (981x986, 91K)

You realize that private hospitals and even private insurance still exist in countries with universal health care, right?

hospitals.webometrics.info/en/world here's the link, check out those so called "socialist countries" all their fucking hospitals are complete shit. I'd rather go to some small ass town in America then almost every single one of those fucking socialist country hospitals.

And you realize their fucking private hospitals are complete dog shit because of Universal health care RIGHT you commie fuck boi I wish McCarthy would of hanged your ass and America still treated you commie faggots like faggots.

his figures are totally wrong. but sure, you can get unlimited healthcare for the cost of a pizza/month for the rest of your life. believe that if you want

Yes, that's why Paul went to get his hernia treatment in a Canadian hospital, btw a hospital that accepts Canadian public insurance plans. How many of these private hospitals in the US accept Medicare patients?

The amount of taxes he pays per month is still tiny. Either they have amazing tax rates/brackets for the middle class...or he's a Walmart tier earner

Far too many niggers and illegals that do not contribute to the pot but have no problem with taking out of it. This is undisputed fact. If everyone in America paid taxes and the welfare system was shut down the government would have so much money they wouldn't know what to do with it because all sectors would be funded with excess funds.

>How many of these private hospitals in the US accept Medicare patients?
Why should medicare pay for top tier hospitals?

That's why Saudis fly all the way over here to get their families checked out at the Mayo clinic, and most have their own Private jets. Look it up fuck boi theirs tons of foreigners that fly in from all over the world to use the Mayo clinics.

And I also know first hand the Saudis fly in because I work with a doctor who also happens to work at one of the clinics.

Because in civilized countries with universal health care public insurance plans even pay for medically necessary procedures at private hospitals.

$325 a month? That guy doesn't actually pay any taxes guarantee he actually gets welfare. People like him should have no say in how the rest of ours money i spent.

Saudis also fly to clinics in Germany and France. What's your point. How many of these American clinics accept Medicare and Medicaid patients? The difference that in these countries people with public insurance plans also get treated there.

We have too many freeloaders.

>medically necessary
necessary for what?

Exactly. It's the tax-excempt financial aristocracy that has the financial power to lobby against it.

Your missing the point because you don't understand the Quality of care the average American hospital offers compared to the quality of care some socialist hospital offers. You just don't get it.

You associate expensive with being bad. Go reprogram yourself you just spew commie talking points.


Medically necessary, as opposed to plastic surgery.


>Medically necessary
for what?

he claims he pays 4% of his income tax towards healthcare, which i highly doubt

As an aside, doctors get redpilled real quick. Several of my doctor friends have told me that Arabs are the absolute worst patients...never get screened, then show up with stage IV cancer half the time because they wait so long to get checked out, generally needy, dismissive, demanding and treat everyone like shit.

My employer keeps pressuring me to fill out forms and apply for health isurance I'll never use so they can pay me less.

What I don't get is, that money they save in my paycheck, they still spend on the insurance plan itself, right? So why the fuck will they not leave me alone? Do they get some kickbacks for having every employee covered or some shit? Am I going to have to assassinate a couple of insurance salesmen before my HR rep leaves me the fuck alone?

Because your mom

They have been very successfully brainwashed into thinking "taxes bad, think of the poor job creators".

Congrats, you now realized that a system that makes workers dependent on their employer for healthcare is an absolutely retarded idea.

I was told when the Saudis fly into the mayo on their private jet, they pay cash and have their entire family checked out.

>bad diets making population sicker
>everyone and everyone living in a nonhomogenous cesspool sharing diseases
>government and big drug companies doing stealth operations to force new sicknesses to drive profits endlessly upwards
>stronk single mother women nurses getting paid a gorillion trillion dollars to give shots and do blood tests
>medical schools charging a gorillion trillion billion dollars to memorize books
>h1b "I'm a doctor" ranjeet and Guptas flooding hospitals
>doctor please give me 1000 tests in emergency room I fell on my arm and think I broke a billion bones
>Manuelo and rosita crossing border with tuberculosis Ebola ecoli poop flying out everywhere getting everyone sick
>eternal boomer with million dollars in medical bills with not enough health savings to cover health problems from years of alcoholism and eating glow in dark cancer TV dinners

The entire system thrives on fleecing the young and healthy like you, relying on your overpayment to subsidize the cost of insuring old sick fat boomer fucks.

The problem is that a country like the US could never afford universal healthcare because we spend so much on the military to defend other countries like the "socialist" scandinavian countries to allow them to have universal healthcare.

this is because our retarded income tax

Because we are the goodest goys and would never inconvenience Dr. shekelberg with something as evil as universal healthcare.

Cool it with the anti-Semitism.

the government is run by jews
why would I want to give them more money?

1. The US already spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet because of its bloated privatized system. Every developed public healthcare system in existence is up to 50% cheaper. Implementing UHC in the US would actually reduce overall healthcare spending.

2. American basis in Europe don't serve any defensive purpose at all. They are logistics hubs for American forces and their neocon adventures in the middle East. They purely serve American interests.

when Europoors have the same ratio of BLACKS in their society as America, tell me how that socialized health care works out

Attached: funwblacks840-sheboons-fight-in-patient-room-hospital.webm (540x720, 945K)

>The problem is that a country like the US could never afford universal healthcare


Attached: cost-of-blacks.png (756x768, 131K)

(((Existence))) is run by Jews.

>socialized health care

Attached: funwblacks434-ER-family-fight.webm (396x720, 1.95M)

I meant to post that with the image directly on my post. Embarassing.

Attached: 2000px-OECD_health_expenditure_per_capita_by_country.svg.png (2000x1054, 117K)

Are already on medicaid.

I don't use doctors unless I need a prescription for something for whatever reason, and then I show up with a list of my symptoms and a request for the prescription and am in and out in minutes. I'm not paying anyone a portion of my patcheck willingly, ever, on the regular so that occasionally some guy can sign a piece of paper for me, because they think I'm too stupid to know that I need some antibiotics to kill a sinus infection that won't go away or whatever else.

I can take care of myself and I don't want anyone taking from me to take care of themself. I will give if there is need around me; I'm a generous man. But I'm not going to be shaken down by some insurance salesman.


So lets cut it

May as well have an efficient healthcare system since we're all goy cattle anyway.

Good idea. Universal Medicare would render Medicaid obsolete instantly.

>20% for top notch health, having your own team of doctors the moment you walk into the hospital vs 5% for waiting for 3 months for an appointment for a pathologists that refers you to an endocrinologist for which you have to wait another 3 months.

There is no math here.

This really

Why can't we just pay for healthcare like we're buying a pizza. Why does it have to be structured in a way that obscures how expensive it is so there's no incentive to cut costs? Why does captialism fail with healthcare?

or we could just completely privatize it so I dont have to pay for worthless degenerates
>Medicaid obsolete instantly.
it already is obsolete

>1. The US already spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet because of its bloated privatized system.
Wrong. 75% of all healthcare dollars spent are from Medicare and Medicaid.

Except that this is another hoax pushed by the insurance lobby. Wait times in major European countries are on par with and even lower(like Germany) than America ones. The nightmare stuff you hear from Canada is more a result of their spread out population, population distribution and the coverage of doctors than a symptom of uhc in general.

>have private healthcare a good one too and i only pay 4%

Attached: If+people+werent+disarmed+pussified+cattle+then+maybe+you+knoe+_176fac8402164fb7ea4de122b41d9b79.jpg (326x246, 22K)

>Wrong. 75% of all healthcare dollars spent are from Medicare and Medicaid.

Absolutely not. Private healthcare spending dwarves public spending in the US by an order of magnitude.

>or we could just completely privatize it
Yeah run on abolishing Medicare.

Protip: it's popular because it fucking works. Way better than (((private insurance))) usually too.

Democracy was a mistake

The fash deserves the bash.

99% of patients in a social healthcare system are people with unhealthy lifestyles being subsidized by taxpayer money
universal healthcare is a mistake
fuck the poor

lol, what shitty list, by retarded american.

>The original aim of the Ranking was to promote Web publication, not to rank institutions.

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All governments fail in the end. Democracy is no different.

What we are witnessing is the weaknesses of Democracy coming to a head.







It's almost as if when the government is in charge of handing out enormous sums of money using arbitrary and overly complex rules and regulations that require doctors hire specialists solely to figure out how to untangle their bureaucratic red tape just to get paid, that it necessitates waste and misaligned priorities resulting in obfuscation and price gouging in the pockets where possible just to recover expenses to get back to even because so many resources were wasted in the first place even attempting to engage with the system.

Of course.

>debating the cost of universal healthcare based on a tweet as your main info source.

People with unhealthy live styles are actually a net gain for most healthcare systems. Of course unhealthy lifestyles make people more sick but they also cause them to die way earlier, sometimes even when they have not retired or dropped out of the contributing labor force. A smoker that dies in his 60s after his short battle wit cancer is way better than someone that lives on 30 years after his retirement. When people retire, they instantly drop from the most contributing part of the population to the least contributing one. Every smoker is a net gain.

Find me a source that offers a list of the top global hospitals, I'll be here waiting and when you find that list I bet they match almost exactly the hospitals listed on that website.

Amish don't even have healthcare beyond a quack with a black bag of tricks.

They do just fine because of their healthy lifestyle, have lots of kids, and die of the first serious illness they incur.

Now you know why religion is so important. It breeds fitness in a population by making people less fearful of death.

>implying we could pay for healthcare with 5% of our income

because this country is filled with brainwashed sheep

I don't see how paying a larger part of your income into personal healthcare is in any way comparable to being forced to pay for other people's healthcare.

Yes, a lifestyle so great they pre-emptively pull all your teeth out with iron work tools, so you don't die of an infected tooth in your 30s.

Thats not a quality ranking list you mongoloid. Even then, what use is having the mayo clinic in your country when only the richest kikes can afford even going?

>4% of income tax goes to healthcare

How much is the income tax total?

>your personal health
This person is economically illiterate and doesn't know how insurances work or that in private insurances healthy and young people also subsidize old and sick people and that a public system would just mean greater risk pooling that results in reduced costs for every one. Please delete your embarrassing post.

This, I don’t even use it AND I’m in a line of work that can end in a horrible fiery death. If I suffer an injury from work, more likely than not I will be horribly disfigured so I dont plan on sticking around after the fact. Just stop being poor, if My dumbass can do it anyone can

Yea but at least he’s not being forced to do it, he’s jus being slightly annoyed and inconvenienced

Come on commie fuck boi your just jealous because America has the best hospitals in the World.

Home Depot pays like 15% of their check for Dental, Health, and vision insurance, as well as a handful of other things, including (And you don't need to pay into it to get it) money to pay back college fees, marriage counseling, baby sitting, and more.

>don't die of an infected tooth in your 30s
I'd say so. Sure beats being a 30 year old virgin or single man that has to pay for the healthcare of Boomers on their third cruise this year.

This is a lie.

Come on commie fuck boi say it America hospitals NUMBER ONE, all other socialist hospitals can't even rank in the global standings.

This is true. Thank God they haven't implemented socialism here yet and I still get to keep all of my money while occasionally telling some HR lady to fuck off.

This might come as a shock to you but a Communist would not rank hospitals based the number of movie stars and Saudi princes getting their liposuction there but the number of people that do actually get the medical treatment they need in the respective establishment.

>Americans are willing to pay more for their own health-care than they are willing to pay for trannies they don't know to get hormones
Yeah those yanks sure are crazy amirite?
Umm...hello! US! there's ten year old trannies out there who need their dicks chopped off and you're more worried about your general health? Wow!!!

Because populations improve when the weakest die instead of breed.

Commie fuck boi rates his hospital on feelings, because FEELINGS OVER FACTS IS THE COMMIE WAY.

Here in Norway, depending on how much you make, up to 50 % is paid in taxes. Its fucking retarded, we dont even have a lot of wares to choose from because our rules are so strict. No matter what store you go to, almost all of them have the exact same merchandise.

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