Peterson BTFO'd

This is probably the best teardown video of Jordan Peterson's paper thin argument about the JQ

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Other urls found in this thread:


Of course he is redpilled about the JQ. He knows better than to go full 1488, or even a little. The façade he holds is to protect his career.

YouTube says it's offensive. So I'm not gonna watch it. Get a life loser.

Youtube's trying to get this video taken down, save it before it's gone then spread it.

His "career" was largely created because he pandered (lightly) to members of the right. But now Peterson has basically wholesale rejected the fundamental idea that in-group preferences are how societies are built.

So suck your rabbi's cock then faggot

I'm not jewish...that's dumb, Jews are stupid. I'm just not gonna waste my time on some hateful propaganda.

But you just called Jews stupid. Sounds pretty hateful.

It's okay to hate jews. Duh. I don't need a YouTube video to further propagate hate. Stop shilling it, I'm not watching, and most people won't either. For the reasons I've said.

>He's secretly redpilled, le powelevel!
what a fucking retard

Jordan Peterson Dismantled

Jordan Peterson and the JQ (mirror)

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>in-group preferences are how societies are built.

"in group" preferences didn't save Europe from almost completely obliterating itself twice in a century. It enabled local ethnic particularisms too thrive insofar they were construed as the opposite of their neighbors. So Kraut "in group prefference" effectively set them up against the Pole and only fueled hatred between them

He's too intelligent and educated to fall for simplistic shit like "da joos is why i'm not a winner". He does a great job at dismantling the antisemites psyche, that's what drives them mad.


>Everything he's wrote has been 4D chess!
Fuck off, seriously.

got a re up? it's blocked

Think you need to open it on youtube for it to work.

Actually it was the outgroup that lead Europe to dismantle itself. The Jews started WWI. They funded the Black Hand, they pushed for England to fight in the middle east, the pushed for the English to give up Israel, there's considerable evidence that high level members of the Ottoman Empire were crypto Jews including some people who worked under Envar Pasha.


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>Jews started WWI. They funded the Black Hand

Black hand was a pan-Yugoslav nationalistic group led by a ethnic serb monarchist Dimitri Dimitrijević, when advoacting for Slovenes to join the Kingdom of Serbia them they literally used the slogan; "In Yugoslavia the peasant is treated like a Prince in Austro-Hungary he toils under the yoke of the Baron and the Jew".

>jews pushed for England to fight in the middle east
No. Completely on the contrary; It was the anti-imperialist movements in the Middle east and North Africa which led the British to start stirring up shit. It was the British who supported minorities such as Jews and Christians against nationalist muslims in order to prevent the dissolution of the empire.

That is a very good video. There is a clip where some guy asks Peterson to talk about the Jewish involvement in the Holodomor Genocide in Ukraine. Peterson thinks for a while, and he says, "I can't. I can't do it."

>Of course he is redpilled about the JQ
Yeah, without a doubt, he must know. He's read Solzhenitsyn's book Gulag Archipelago.

>already in JewTube cage
It aint real dough, bucko. Ayyy aint no gatekeepurrr, buckolobster!

Attached: Jew Bait.jpg (1024x683, 312K)


>Youtube's trying to get this video taken down, save it before it's gone
Saved. I thought the same thing. When I see something good, I save it because I know it might not be up there for very long.

shill 2

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>His "career" was largely created because he pandered (lightly) to members of the right.
Do you think the Jews chose him for this job before or after he got famous? I think he was involved with the United Nations before he became well known during the gender pronoun dispute. Now he tells White males to be individuals and that Whites should not be proud of their race or engage in identity politics. But the Jews and aboriginals can. He doesn't talk about the Muslims, Chinese, Sikhs, etc. who all have strong in-group preference and engage in identity politics. I really hate this fuckin' guy, actually.

He's blatantly redpilled on jews, the nervous pacing, deep breaths & stuttering when asked about his favorite goy author Solzhenitsyn's book says as much.

Before. It literally says in the foreword of his book how a Jew selected him. Can't make this shit up. fans don't care

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He's fucking acting you retard

>Before. It literally says in the foreword of his book how a Jew selected him. Can't make this shit up. fans don't care

which book of his does he write that and which jew selected him?

Gas kikes

>It literally says in the foreword of his book how a Jew selected him.
Yeah? So I'm not surprised, then. I don't think I'll read his book, but he has millions of young White males conned.

The foreword to 12 Rules for Life discusses how his shtick was basically conceived by a Canadian Jewish TV producer.

Jordan petersteing worked under the protege of GORGE SOROS in the UN
he's a kike in training MARRIED to a kike

>The foreword to 12 Rules for Life discusses how his shtick was basically conceived by a Canadian Jewish TV producer.
Is Peterson's wife Jewish?

I haven't known any intelligent person to hate JBP.

>MARRIED to a kike
So HE IS married to a Jew?

nice gaslight bucko

Long before. He's worked for the UN and a few other "globalist" organizations. Let's not forget that he also paraded his mentally ill daughter around on TV either. The guy is 20% legitimate and 80% charlatan.

Unfortunately you're right. Although I will say that his Bible series is pretty good.

Jews started WWI to get Israel.

>Although I will say that his Bible series is pretty good.
No it's not. Maybe you should read the Bible and ruminate on it, instead of listening to charlatans that try to rationalize it with Freudian postmodern psychoanalysis.

You're probably right. The series has inspired me to start reading the Bible and going to Church.

fuck your gay cult
he's just trying to stop white nationalism and he's doing it very effectively
he IS the jew

just read this, it's faster

Attached: Jewish-IQ-Destroyed.png (610x3754, 691K)

H-hes based I swear!

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>Here is your daddy, goy
>Listen how Jews are amazing, white preservation is Nazi and remember the holocaust
>Hitler is even more evil than you think!

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KEEP POSTING THIS VIDEO UNTIL IT'S 80% AS FAMOUS AS JBP HIMSELF. Instantly shoah'd. Mirrors get shoah'd. Even though it's just a guy expressing non-aggressive arguments and being a little skeptical about whether Jewish power works in the interest of White people, i.e., supporting the radical notion that Jews are human too.

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Ask yourself if you are being the best version of you user. Would this post make your ancestors proud?

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Look at all his statements directly attacking White groups' attempts to defend their existence. And look at how his lobsters are getting affected by it. They parrot his "identity politics, bucko" as soon as you make any statement about protecting the future existence of our gene-culture complex.

I have some relevant copy-pasta too:
>He is trying to steal the thunder from people who were moving right. If he was a centrist who believed in what he said, fine, but the fact that he won't mention bill whatcott despite being well aware of the first canadian being dragged in front of the human rights tribunal for misgendering tells you everything you should know. His wife and daughter are jewish and so is his boss. As a result his alliances and interests are naturally jewish. This is why he defends jews on the basis of genetic advantage and attacks whites for white privelege.

>And then, in my dream, I asked God why. And he said "Because I knew you could do it".
>And then pic related

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Jordan Peterson Hates White People

self segregation
that's what minorities do

youtube-dl -f 137+140 FSgeg3z0ewI

will download a 1080p copy

so what is it about white people that those who get a little power and wealth sell their white brothers out?

Jew also sell their brothers out: Soros handed jews off in Hungry for a job/money. Weinstein, literally his brother handed him over cause he worried about the law suites/money, Nazi Soldiers that were Jews, for money/power, and Judas who sold Jesus to the Romans for money and the rabbis who had him crucified for power.

However, overall Jews will stick together unlike whites who would rather fight, argue about mostly nothing, fear socialism, community building and think they are some unique snowflake in the world to the point of their own extinction.

Peterson is nothing new or special in the 20th and 21st century when it comes to throwing his own kind under the bus, it's a very bad genetic trait, lack of empathy for your own kind. He should have been a banker or a jew.

If ever white people do get an ethnostate you know who to ban and who to deport now. Don't forget.

that makes him greedy power hungry and a coward, the worst person to have as a representative of a people. TURNCOAT and traitor

Jesus, look at all those restrictions for that video

>>YouTube says it's offensive. So I'm not >>gonna watch it

what a fucking NPC pussy

Godlike, subscribed. Let's boil those damn lobsters.

>unironically cleaning his balls
every high jew is jewpilled on the jq, doesn't make them based ya dip