There were no gas chambers

>Gewiss, ich habe unterschrieben, dass ich 2 Millionen Juden umgebracht habe. Aber ich hätte genausogut untershrieben, dass es 5 Millionen Juden gewesen sind. Es gibt eben Methoden, mit denen man jedes Geständnis erreichen kann — ob es nun wahr ist oder nicht.

(Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not.)
>The 'final solution' of the Jewish question meant the complete extermination of all Jews in Europe. I was ordered to establish extermination facilities at Auschwitz in June 1941. At that time, there were already in the General Government three other extermination camps: Belzek, Treblinka, and Wolzek.
> 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning

1. Treblinka was built in April 1942 so it couldn't have been used as a extermination camp during June 1941.
2. Wolzek is a camp that doesn't even exist.
3. There are no official records that support the 2 500 000 claim.

Whoever wrote this "confession" was not a high ranking SS-officer.

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Other urls found in this thread:
>M. HERZOG: I would ask you then, Defendant Sauckel, if you confirm the statements which were made under oath, voluntarily and without any duress, on 4 September 1945, and which contradict those that you made yesterday and which you have just made to me.

>SAUCKEL: I confirm that my signature is appended to this document. I ask the Tribunal's permission to state how that signature came about.

>This document was presented to me in its finished form. I asked to be allowed to read and study this document in my cell in Oberursel and decide whether I could sign it. That was denied me. During the conversation an officer was consulted who, I was told, belonged to the Polish or Russian army; and it was made clear to me that if I hesitated too long in signing this document I would be handed over to the Russian authorities. Then this Polish or Russian officer entered and asked, "Where is Sauckel's family? We know Sauckel, of course we will take him with us; but his family will have to be taken into Russian territory as welt" I am the father of 10 children. I did not stop to consider; and thinking of my family, I signed this document.

Communists threatening Germans and their families seem to be a recurring theme for extracting "confessions".

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>Driven by crooked Claims Conference employees, former employees and other conspirators would recruit people—some unwitting—who weren’t eligible for the program (mostly individuals of the Jewish faith in the Russian immigrant community) to take part in the fraud.
>To make it appear that applicants were eligible, identification documents were often altered (for example, a birth date was changed to make it appear that applicants were born during or before World War II) and fake Nazi persecution stories were often made up.

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>A 96-year-old former SS member who was involved in the massacre of 86 French men and boys during the Second World War is facing a new investigation for hate speech.
>'There weren't millions of Jews (in Germany) at the time, that's already been disproved.
>'This number - six million - is not correct.'
>Christophersen, a private in the Wehrmacht, was deployed as a "special leader" by the Waffen-SS during World War II
>The widely known phrase "Auschwitz lie" (German Auschwitzlüge) can be traced to Christophersen,[8] whose 1973 book of that name disputed the existence of gas chambers at the Auschwitz concentration camp

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>Zyklon B consists of pellets that the Germans allegedly dropped through holes in the ceiling
>Fred Scheifler says Zyklon B was dispersed through showerheads

>"survives" 11 concentration camps
>claims to be an eyewitness
>not even once did he see pellets being dropped through holes in the ceiling

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Keep ignoring history, you are just driving people further from your ideology with that.

>build gas chamber
>never use it

Wow, what a genocide!

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Its really not about the chambers per se. Who cares if it was 6 million or like 500k?

I lean toward the opinion that the Holocaust is a product of mass hysteria, not massive planned conspiracy. Jews are genetically predisposed to mental illnesses and it shows through their entire history.

Consider these events. The germans gave soap to prisoners in concentration camp, which can save the life of prisoners who live in squalor, and jews assume it was a cruel taunt because the soap was made of jewish fat. The germans pushed the jews into shower (Jews are historically known for taking few showers) because there was a deadly disease spread by uncleanliness, and the jew assumed the showers were poisoned and an attempt to kill them. Jews learned that a chemical was sent in large quantities to concentration camps, a gas that disinfect clothes and save life, and they assumed it must be a gas used to kill jews. It's always the same story. People doing innocent things, often helpful things, and jews assuming murder. And then spinning the numbers.

Consider this ur-example. Jews are called kikes because they drew a circle instead of a X when signing documents. Kike means circle. Why did they do that? Obviously when people asked them to sign documents with X, they believed it was a sneaky attempt at making them declare themselves christians. Does anyone today seriously believe this was the case? No, of course not, but jewish hysteria knows no bound. Even today calling them "circles" in remembrance of this hysteria has of course become a hate crime. How is circle an insult? They willingly chose to draw these circles. They officially identified themselves as circles.

That doesn't mean jews can't be conspirators. They can. Anyone can. But when talking about jews and their mass hysteria events, instead of treating them as clever manipulators, I recommend to treat them in your mind as deluded victims of mental illnesses. For 99% of their behavior is mental illness, from the common jew in the streets, and the last 1% is treachery and conspiracy from politicians.

The Holocau$t is laughable.

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~300,000 Jews died
Of Typhus and starvation
Pestilence and famine that we allies wrought upon them when we bombed the supply lines
We want to take blame where blame is due, but we can't so long as the lies are perpetuated

good points :)

As Professor Butz pointed out, prior to "Showers" of Holohoax, Jews had made up stories about a "Moloch" statue/idol, and said Romans "made a river of blood that flowed for seven years".

Moloch sounds like a pottery kiln, and no Hebrew pottery exists, although all other cultures left behind huge piles of broken clay pots. Hysterical Jews would see Goyim operating a large kiln and assume they must be "worshiping" it because their actions went beyond their own comfort, and things went to a schedule unnatural to man and beast.

The "River of Blood" was of course an aqueduct.

Notice that property fired pottery, aqueducts, and showers were all their era's major Quality of Life improvements in consumer comfort and water handling tech that JEWS LACKED that their neighbors took for granted.

Why and how to people (in general) lie? As a Ford salesman about his trucks and he'll tell the truth as long as you will listen, but ask him about Chevy and he'll start spouting rather stupid lies.

Ditto for College recruiters, software guys, you name it.

People will tell lies about their competition, but generally tell the truth about their own brand.

Organized Crime groups, like Jews, are at the same time parasitic AND introverted and LEADERSHIP dislikes innovations (their scams only work on settled systems), which contributes to Lying About The Competition.

>I lean toward the opinion that the Holocaust is a product of mass hysteria, not massive planned conspiracy.

Jews were claiming a 'Holocaust of 6 million Jews' decades before Nazis happened.

Most of the Holohoax claims, including "gas" were recycled from Jewish newspapers from WW1, often with exact same text being re-used.

Prior to 9/11, several seemingly different Jewish sources were promoting the idea of crashing airliners into WTC. No Goyim were promoting such an idea (I'm calling Tom Clancy a functional Jew).

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>Its really not about the chambers per se. Who cares if it was 6 million or like 500k?

whats the diff between claiming lost of $6million or $500K? A few years in prison for Insurance Fraud. :)


We all know it was Mossad at this point, with neocons ordering uncontested air space for the planes to approach. Hopefully those DarkOverEdgelords actually leak damning info
I have half a mind to dig up those bars of soap to have them tested for DNA. My Jewskin lamp could also use a matching pair

>Jews were claiming a 'Holocaust of 6 million Jews' decades before Nazis happened.
Exactly. This would not have happened if the Holocaust was a cleverly planned conspiracy. Not only did they "give away" their conspiracy to anybody with the ability to look up newspaper but these newspapers also failed to deliver an unanimous claim. Newspaper publications (and various other documents to be more exact) mention various numbers of future jewish victims like 1, or 3, or 5, or 10 millions, sprinkled a little bit everywhere. While it is clear that 6 millions is a fetish number that was regurgitated a lot (and became canonized as the truth post-war) the presence of other numbers is clear evidence of individual hysterical outbursts. They threw anything at the wall and hoped it would stick. It is clear in that the random number of millions of jews was supposed to represent the totality of the jewish population they believed existed in the world, and they wished to communicate that they were all in danger of being killed on the morrow, a fear which was permanent in their mind.

Shut up goyim and just die for the jews!

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Is it still mental illness when you base your entire identity upon the tropes of being divinely chosen and eternal victims? Or just sublimed hubris?
That said it's well documented that schizophrenia is over-represented among Ashkenazim populations

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So what you're saying is Hitler (who was a Jew) only killed millions of whites and didn't actually kill Jews? Really makes you think.

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In this case sublimed hubris is a poetic literary term for discussing the same thing.