the QUEEN is back with a new video!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking pedos

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Do you have a growth deformity?

Stop coming here to shill your childs's videos

fav corbis video

very high iq kid

That kid is not aging well.

I swear she touched on every single Jow Forums topic over the last couple of years lol


Fucking ugly kike. Looks like Shapiro, 100% inbred.

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damn shes smarter than i am

So who is writing her script?

that "girl" is autistic, isn't she?

she has those mongoloid killer eyes typical among neets

Could you point in this doll where she touched Jow Forums?

Attached: Pepe-the-Frog-official-stuffed-doll-_1.jpg (400x400, 26K)

Callate, pendejo.

woah she hit the wall fast

Breh I think she's a Jew

I heard her videos are produced by her older brother. A lot of her stuff is too natural to be scripted though; she must have some input.

Who is this ashkenazim jew?

I bet she can already squirt. So sexy. A bit too old but still, very hot.


Damn, that's based.

Op better stop with this shit. You gonna get your cheeks clapped by Jared Fogle

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Didn't shadman make a comic about her?

If she just lost some weight from her face she'd be really cute

She's the result of being raised on Jow Forums. Having been lurking she was like 9 she's highly intelligent but emotionally void. That girl is destined to accomplish astounding things. Wether they will be a detriment or a benefit to society is yet to be seen but I wish her the best of luck. She's going to need it.

I've been lurking since I was 18, going on 11 years and it has without a doubt permanently effected my personality. I can't imagine having been exposed to such raw reality since childhood.

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How the fuck can a kid be so based?
This is the only explanation

Yes. I believe she had it on her wall for awhile.

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This, glad someone posted it so I didn't have to. Edgy little nigger.

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he cute

3:59 pizzagate image with podesta brothers

She's going to get banned.

If you put this chick next to Ben Shapiro you wouldn't be able to tell who's who.

>the kill stream kid
neck yourself

post proof of that this seems interesting
this girl seems to be doing some good, even if it's mostly her brother directing her

what a little genius

>all these dumb autists who thinks she has a script writer.
cringe. It's called being able to express yourself.

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i've been here since i was 14. i'm 19 now.
at least i know what i need to be doing for the rest of my life. bliss isn't worth the ignorance.

This is actually the best. I hope she becomes president one day or leads the revolution of zoomers.

I was wondering where she had been the past like half a year, I think she was in some deep research trying to figure out how to express the state of... the world? What do you even call it? She really nailed it in this video.

She was definitely like that to begin with. I'm not as smart or charismatic as her but I haven't changed a lot since I was a kid. I had these same feelings at 9.

When you're a bit too awake during school it becomes quite hellish. I totally seperated myself from it at a young age which makes you grow up fast. Check this video out

12yo girls loove Jow Forums and Jow Forums memes, right.

She certainly has a high verbal I.Q and insight into the topics she discusses but there's no way in hell she writes some of those jokes/references. She made an analogy out of 1 of kimbo slices old backyard fights in a recent video. That's just too vague of a reference for a tween girl to possibly come up with on her own.

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Credits are always at the end of videos, she has atleast one friend help her.

Kimbo slice is pretty mainstream though, elementary kids definitely know about him from when they look into or were told about street fighting. You have to keep in mind how generations absorb information from their elders. If you're in your late 20s you probably know a fair bit about street fighting and MMA and all that interest funneled down to siblings which they in turned shared it with their younger siblings. You might not know what kids are into but that's normal if you don't have younger kids in your family.

The only thing that she knows about that surprised me was all the pedo stuff and I can't express how happy I am to know that zoomers have those kind of pills embedded into their minds. Gives me real hope for the future.

Mosquito bumps

>Videos completely written by another person
You faggots aren't even hiding the fact you are degenerate pedos. She is literally a mouth piece for some dumb, basement dweller.

I want to eat her pussy.

"I know telling kids to just talk to their school counselor makes your life infinitely easier, but its akin to putting a band-aid on a convict's prolapsed anus as opposed to not letting him get raped."


>Kimbo slice is pretty mainstream though,
Kimbo Slice has been dead for years you nigger, no 12-13 year old girl knows who the fuck that is.

nice proof faggot

And he lives on in youtube videos.

27 million views

Last video description
>Written by Soph and Vaporub Boy
You can look it up yourself, retard
Meaning, ALL of it was written by this guy. Before she shifted to owning libtards she was a rip off of Leafy and Idubbbz. No coincidence.

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he's clearly just helping

she knows about that stuff because she watches bloodsports, killstream and has been on Jow Forums since age 6.

She has literally been on Jow Forums as long as you guys have (shes 14 now).

>8 years
spring chickens

>a middle school aged youtuber with over 800k subs who produces well thought out, quality content has help
>must be a fraud
Only 2 people involved in the production of that channel makes it far more impressive than Tim Pool, Laura southern, Warski, Sargon, etc.

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>proof is this other youtuber in the credits
wtf I believe the holocaust now.


squirters are roasties who cannot hold their bladder when having an orgasm.

still scripted

Tfw when you will never be raised from the age of 4 in a Tibetan throat singing forum.

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lost my shit at
>tubby tubby two by four

She's probably just a female INTJ. Murdoch Chan and Ann Coulter are and they share that feature as well. Dead eyes and cold on the outside, big hearts and contempt for social consensus and useless and malfunctioning societal norms on the inside.

here you go leaf

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>the four stages of Jow Forums
oooooh boy

>growth deformity?
I also don't believe this to be anything but an adult trapped in a child's body. Growth hormone deficiency?