The crime of genocide was codified under international law by General Assembly Resolution 260...

The crime of genocide was codified under international law by General Assembly Resolution 260, The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

This genocide is being carried out by means of mass non white immigration and forced assimilation in ALL and ONLY white countries the goal of which is to force blend ONLY white people out of existence. Anyone who objects to this crime is subject to harassment, intimidation, violent acts and threats of violence, psychological terrorism, job loss, and prison terms.

Whites are the ONLY race not allowed homelands and self determination. Whites are the ONLY group demonized for defending their own territories. Whites are the ONLY group whose achievements are slandered as privilege.Pro-whites are the ONLY group not allowed to speak in public.

We DEMAND an open and free discussion of white genocide without threats of attack from screamers, thugs, or thought police.

We DEMAND a repeal of all laws that make it illegal for white people to speak out for their interests.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>realizing the jews have been working in secret cabals this whole time.
>not realizing that "white genocide" might be another tool of theirs.

Why would jews genocide whites but not muzzies (who they hate more) or nigs (who called their shit out first?) Its like killing ants so you can have cockroaches.

Think, user, think.

They want a low IQ worker class that votes for socialism/big government that all have the same skin color. Along with open borders they want to annihilate nationalism and radical diversity. It's the easy path to global fascism/authoritarianism and a one world government

Racial diversity*

They can easily have their authoritarian world government with people who love them and will be their obedient dogs. Muslims despise jews and blacks are hyper racist and will start screaming at jews when its obvious their power dynamics. If mudslimes become the majority in western europe they know full well that they will get the nuclear bullet first, same with spics and nigs.

Why would jews allow "redpilled material" out in the open to white people about their demise instead of deleting all of it and hiding it as best as possible? Why not keepnthe discussion in the dark instead of letting out in the open when we know there are tons of less nefarious issues hidden under lock and key?

Holy shit polnigger just fuck your wife. Jesus Christ all of this could be solved if white boys just acted like men and fucked their wives. How is it anyone else's fault that you fail to cum in some pussy?

what wives?

Nope this has nothing to do with birthrate. Studies show the white birthrate has reached a healthy level of replacement. The issue is the open borders propaganda spread by leftists. If you dare speak out about the border issue youre called a racist everytime. Whites are not allowed to speak for their interest. We are intelligent to breed at a sustainable level but you low impulse control muds pop out 8 babies per family

You know it's racist to question all that, and racists are literally the worst people in the world and it is socially acceptable to put them to death.
This is how it is. It's too late to change this. We exist in a doomed, broken version of the timeline. Let it play out. Humanity will die off.

The holocaust broke them all mentally. They're not thinking straight. Their ruling elite are still driven by an intense hatred for germans, and by extent all white people.