Why do black people love chicken?
Why do black people love chicken?
Because I'm gay
Everyone loves chicken, black people just over do it like they do everything else
Who the fuck doesn't like fried chicken?
Cornbread? Corn and bread? Dirty bastards.
>has never had southern style cornbread
I feel sorry for you user.
Every time I go to chick-Fil-a all I see is blacks
You leave God's chicken out of this you son of a bitch.
Desu if you don't like chicken there's something wrong with you
t. Dave Chappelle
>Not liking fried chicken and barbecue sauce.
>Not liking Jamaican jerk chicken
The best fried chicken I ever ate was cooked by a black nationalist.
Just because you're not not a nigger, doesn't mean that niggers can't cook.
I love a good nigger stereotype like anyone else but this is the most retarded of all of them. Chicken is a staple of everyone’s diet except vegan faggots.
>hurrrr why do niggers breathe and drink water
Because literally everyone does. It’s delicious.
God is a vegan
You're going to hell.
That looks disgusting.
What state?
Already there, buddy.
You have no tastebuds bra.
N-words always loved chicken, orange and grape soda, and line dancing country music. It's in their genes.