Why do black people love chicken?

Why do black people love chicken?

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Because I'm gay

Everyone loves chicken, black people just over do it like they do everything else

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Who the fuck doesn't like fried chicken?

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Cornbread? Corn and bread? Dirty bastards.

>has never had southern style cornbread
I feel sorry for you user.

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Every time I go to chick-Fil-a all I see is blacks

You leave God's chicken out of this you son of a bitch.

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Desu if you don't like chicken there's something wrong with you

t. Dave Chappelle

>Not liking fried chicken and barbecue sauce.
>Not liking Jamaican jerk chicken

The best fried chicken I ever ate was cooked by a black nationalist.

Just because you're not not a nigger, doesn't mean that niggers can't cook.

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I love a good nigger stereotype like anyone else but this is the most retarded of all of them. Chicken is a staple of everyone’s diet except vegan faggots.

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>hurrrr why do niggers breathe and drink water

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Because literally everyone does. It’s delicious.

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God is a vegan

You're going to hell.

That looks disgusting.

What state?

Already there, buddy.

You have no tastebuds bra.

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N-words always loved chicken, orange and grape soda, and line dancing country music. It's in their genes.