Extremely emotional 22 year old girl here. How do I stop holding grudges? I don't ever forgive or forget if I'm hurt...

Extremely emotional 22 year old girl here. How do I stop holding grudges? I don't ever forgive or forget if I'm hurt. I have a habit of bringing up old arguments or hurts from 3 or 5 or even 10 years ago, and people think I'm petty because of that. My arguments with people over these things also tend to be highly circular since apologies and explanations rarely mend the sting or the hurt, so I can spend hours bickering with people in search of closure that will never come.

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>How do I stop being a woman?

You sound like my 28 year old ex. Just take a breather, think about what you want to say before you say it, think about if what you're feeling is justified, rational, etc. I grew up in a household full of extremely emotional French women, so I just learned to be real sweet to girls and if I hurt them apologize immediately. Y'all are like fucking minefields man, but sweet pretty minefields. Fuck it.

I love big soft anime tiddies god damn, just thinking about em sitting on a table as I plough from behind real deep but tenderly.

I'm not just 'a woman,' I'm an individual.

No sweet-talking me. >< (I blush too easily for that)

Haha you're cute. If you feel like someone has really deeply hurt you, you have to weigh if they deserve forgiveness or not, and if you do forgive them, let the past be the past and move on to build a better relationship with them.
>t. no luck with women in the long term because I want a wife and no women my age want to marry

Can you just not let bygones be bygones? Why can't you accept apologies?

She's got an extra x chromosome.

I don't want to be this way, it's just... even if they apologize, even if they change their mind, nothing can change the past. Nothing can change the fact that they did something or that they said something (or didn't, as the case might be). Nothing can erase the past. And as such, nothing can erase my feelings.

>I’m an individual
Made my morning

You have to forgive and forget or you'll always be a bitter loner user. If someone truly cares about you and is sorry for hurting you, you may want to work things through with them like an adult so you can reforge a healthy relationship.


You can't change the past, no, but you can control how you look at the past. How petty are we talking here? Like minor arguments or something more substantial?

You sound insufferable. Grow the fuck up.

I'm sorry for hurting you darlin, please forgive me. I care about you so much and I want to make you happy everyday of my life.

Relatively minor arguments, yes. Or in some cases, things like people behaving insensitively. Last week my dad invited me to come visit him and my mom at a restaurant, but that morning a memory crossed my mind of how I showed him the dress I sewed for junior prom six years ago and he was an asshole about it (he was tired and moody and didn't hide the fact that he found it unimpressive), so I declined the offer because the memory made me angry and I didn't want to see him.

No. :

No is exactly what my ex said. I love her sweet smile and big green eyes and lovely soft voice so much, but she's just like you and will never forgive me.

Nor should she. Boys are jerks and you don't deserve to be forgiven. ;p

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Acknowledge that people change and that what they did 10 is what they probably wouldn't do today.

Best way to truly get this into your head is to think at all the stupid things you did in the past and ask yourself 'would i do that again?'.
If you've changed and matures, chances are your peers have done so as well.

By the way she's talking in this thread, she's doomed to be a spoiled lonely brat for years to come, unless she grows up.

Look, I used to feel the same way, but I realized that mindset is toxic and it won't lead you anywhere in life.

What matters isn't what a person did, it's how they feel about what they did.

She's spoiled, yes, but I don't believe in people being unable to learn and become better.

Hey OP, are you retarded or something? Autism maybe?

You have to settle it in your mind. You're not emotional, you're solving problems. You're trying to make sense of things and you don't want people take it the wrong way but they always do anyway and then you look like the immature brat. But it's not personal, you're trying to understand why that happened and how to prevent, especially if it's something that happened a longass time ago of course you don't really care about it any more. What people don't understand these days is that there's a time to be sensitive and a time not to be sensitive, it's not one or the other all the time.

She doesn't write like someone who's autistic.

She definitely writes like someone retarded. My younger sister who is 12 and dumb as rocks writes in the same manner.

OP writes like a normal adult. Exactly what writing issues are you referring to?

Adult people don't force emotions into their utterances when there is no need for them. It's clear that she is trying to act like a cute kid. This feels retarded and fake since it's coming from a 22 yo woman with mental issues

Sorry, I'm not seeing it. Copy and paste the parts for me where she forced emotion?

There's nothing wrong with holding grudges, but it most depend on what happened. If you're keeping a grudge over, I don't know, some minor shit like someone owing you $1 since high school then it's a problem, but if you don't want to become friend with the people who bullied you for years almost driving you to suicide then you have all the rights to
>I'm not just 'a woman,' I'm an individual.
Fuck now I regret writing my answer

I meant emoticons*, my bad

Chill and try to think about how you would want someone to treat you in said situation? I'm sure you're perfectly fine and just over exaggerating how much you actually hold grudges

>and people think I'm petty because of that.
You ARE petty because of that.

No u.

be mindful of how your acting when you are dong it and stop, maybe even leave the situation somehow to think about what your doing. Every day you may have opportunities to change, recognize the opportunity and try the other option you know you have. at the end of the day, in bed maybe think about what you did wrong, or what, if anything could have gone better, even if that has nothing to do with your actions necessarily. eventually, you will change. :)

Thanks, sweetheart. :) That's good advice.

Kill those who wronged you. There's a reason every fiber of your being recoils against them - they are a threat. They must be eliminated. Only then will you know peace.