Should women be allowed in combat roles in military...

Should women be allowed in combat roles in military? I think they should if they pass similar requirements that males have.

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Why did this hoe smear deer shit on her knees

looks like bruises

>similar requirements
Ominously vague

And these women are usually high t/sluts/lesbians so they would not make good mothers any way.

Well, I'm not sure about high T being bad for motherhood, because maybe those traits could be passed on their sons too.

She can combat role me up anytime...btw female combat arms soldiers ruin units due to fags competing for their attention causing the men to lose focus.. aswell as people jepridising the mission trying to save them because of their loud female screams of pain throughout combat .. it is instictual for men to save women and children...female soldiers besides medics and some supply is the worst idea known to man

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i banged a chick like her once, she was a dairy farmer and it was brutal.

No. Because women are just as weak mentally as they are physically when compared to men.
In the off chance you do find an uberfem such as this she isn't going to hold up under combat situations.

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Exceptions dont disprove rules
Let spy agencies recruit them
Women arent men thank God

This and more

Wanting women in the military outs you as someone who shouldnt have any say about the military


>cyka blyat, let's go swimming

tell us more
brutal how?

gibs Finnish waifu pls

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that guy looks like he has a much bigger dick than i do

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>I think they should if they pass similar requirements that males have.
Sure. Not bleeding out your vagina for 3-5 days every month should be a requirement.

here's the best way to test this that no nation will ever attempt: the next full-out infantry battle, have an all-female unit be put front and center. and then see what happens

everything else is just talk, put those girls on the front lines

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No. She looks tough and strong but even a twink would give her trouble, and he wouldnt have anemia from bleeding out of his penis a week a month

being a soldier is one the manliest things ever so I don't think so

soldier =/= warrior

Look at USAF or any european defense force


>Finnish woman
>cyka blyat

She would kill you for speaking Russian.

If they're able to pass the standarized military requirement, they should be allowed. But in most cases, it's rarely happening.

she was surprisingly strong and she wouldn't stop until she finished.

Jump to 45 second - I now know how those sheep feel.

They become targets for rape and the men around them will take greater risks trying to defend them, so no.

Women still have their uses on a battlefield, but not in standard combat units. Women would be really useful in clandestine roles.

The fact is that even they suddenly create a female only combat Unit, they'll never see any action because the higher-ups (despite all their politically correct pandering) know full well that if they sent this all female Unit into real combat they'd die and then the narrative would switch from:
>Where are all the female combat Units you bigot!?
>Why did you let an all female Unit into combat when you knew they weren't effective, you bigot

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Women are future of society, putting their eggs on the battlefield is like playing capture the flag always carrying the flag, instead of guarding it

In America for police, military, etc. You need to meet a standard which might be doing a certain amount of sit ups and push ups in a certain amount of time, running 5 miles in a certain amount of time. Also in America when a woman wants this position they have to do less push ups and sit ups or have more time, it's always made easier for them to meet the "standard." I'm assuming OP is suggesting the test for men and women should be the same

Is there any hard data to prove women are more emotionally weak than men?

would bang/10

People in the Air Force aren’t soldiers. Only those in the Army are soldiers. Air Force are Airmen, Marines are Marines, and Navy are sailors or Seamen.

This should answer your question

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Come on Aussieanon, some are unfuckable. Fix your standards!

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US Armed Forces did studies, women are best on indirect combat position or bases because the physical requirements aren't as strict and they can replace a male soldier who can then be stationed on a combat/frontline role. Otherwise, group cohesion starts getting fucked up and like other anons mentioned they're targets for rape.

Women are capable of serving in the military and the best effect they have is allowing more men to be available for direct fighting.

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Helga plain and tall
Me too

Its not just JEWSAF look at all your weak muttmerican "warriors" going to shoot little unarmed sandnigger kids for israel and then coming back home to cry about their ptsd. KEK

Sure, if the job isn't physically demanding, women can fill the role. Women have made great snipers and pilots and can free men up from administrative and logistical jobs

There's special ops for all branches twat

Only if she's invading other country to get to the kitchen

Anybody who is for women in the military is a complete and utter faggot and should be shot

This you still need cooks and nurses and admin jobs to be done. There is like 10:1 ratio of support roles for one front line unit

and they all work for??

That's right, shabbos goy is the correct title as it covers all branches of service.

yeah, i'd pass on this one.

Put some clothes on you fucking degen. And no, that's not fair on women and disrupts the cohesiveness among soldiers. Female snipers are fine and sometimes better than male ones, i don't think women should be front line soldiers dealing with the full stress of combat though, they should be looking after the children, working the farm or producing in a factory.


I think they should if they pass similar requirements that males have.
Bone and muscle density, they have a 60% higher rate of injury and almost guaranteed a chronic joint or back injury on long patrol or through rough terrain in full kit, then there's the hygiene issue. Only good for local defence.

Women should be exterminated, replaced with sexbots and artificial wombs, and turned into fertilizer.

lmao you pass this. fag detected

I'd fuck her desu

>Female snipers are fine and sometimes better than male ones
Is this some sort of video game meme or what?

No. The strongest woman can be destroyed easily by an average man. There are biological realities that cannot be ignored


This..femnism would cese

That really makes me feel horny.

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Start at 2:52, I thought I was comparable with the contestants until this round lol

Obviously not. You could take the shittiest Male athlete in any sport and they will annihilate the best woman.

Same with combat sports too.

Women are not meant for anything other than child bearing and household chores.

In this modern hell we have created they are allowed to get into absurd positions where they just fuck everything up. Not their fault mind you. It's the fault of kikes telling them for a century that they are oppressed and need to act like men.

Its fucking disgraceful.

Now if you wanna put some nigger bitch in combat gear and give her a rifle and send her out to the front lines go right the fuck ahead. But I'll be giddy damned if I let a white woman into such a situation. It is ungodly and a sign of moral decay.

There are few enough that could hack it, and ultimately the logistics of working around them simply wouldn't be nearly worth it.
Plus all the negative psychological elements, white knights dying to drag the girl out of the line of fire.

smart user

I honestly don't believe that. There is seriously no way some of your cops would pass that training, some of your cops are so old and fat and unfit they should never be allowed in that kind of role.

>can be destroyed easily by an average man
i dont think youre going to get much into hand to hand combat in war. doesnt take much to aim, press trigger and sometimes run. even woman can do it and thats why women are allowed and imo must do conscription like men here

>female snipers are better
Source: your ass

"Similar" = dead.
Same, or not at all.

>similar requirements
The same requirements. Only way to achieve true equality.

there should be no military, no standing armies

I don't even think women should be allowed to drive.


The Viet Cong had women fight along with their men. The Israel Army conscripts women. If women want to arm themselves and fight for their country.. then why stop them?

People are fucking weird.

You fucking dingo.

Only if they can shoot long distance targets. Away from the men doing the clearing out that way they don't focus on making sure she's protected. Especially if she's had kids, babies require mothers to be attentive throughout the night, a woman is not the same once she has them. They usually become light sleepers and become alert a lot faster than men.

You can throw the bad eggs aka uglies into the battlefield. Only keep the attractive ones for producing children.

Fuck, someone get me shears. I need to compete again, I'll shave mullets off dykes just as fast, too.
All I hear in my head is, "Boys Light Up"

There shouldn’t be “male” or “female” standards, just standards. Take the bullshit out of the argument and make everyone compete at the same level.

>he doesn't think western women should be conscripted en masse into the infantry and thrown into the harshest battles possible

Absolute white knightery. In today's modern world where women get all the fucking equality they want, it's a moral imperative that they get the equality they don't want too.

I guarantee you it won't take more than a few thousand bitch-shaped bodybags before women in their entirety are begging to be chained up to the kitchens instead of having real equality.

If pic related was real and splayed all over CNN and the BBC, normies would turn against equality in droves.

And if you lament the gruesome deaths of a few thousand white women, you shouldn't. Because if things remain the way they are now then most of those white women aren't gonna have any fucking kids anyway.
Simple numbers. Butcher a few thousand of them, and a few million have twice as many kids.

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How do i know you are a paper pushing faggot just from your post

The SAS here has allowed women to try out since the year 2000 and none have made the cut yet. Even in line infantry units I saw only one pass infantry training and she didn't stick around long in the battalion after that, the ones who have passed can probably be counted on one hand.

Sniping is a hard light infantry job to say it's not physically challenging to hike days through the mountains in a pair carrying extra weapons and observation equipment and radios and isolate yourself from supporting units is retarded. To be on constant alert for a long period of time in shit conditions and to potentially bug out if you are found.

Infantry training in general breaks a lot of men let alone women. I've seen dudes break down and cry and seen them get permanent injuries.

I can't even understand why a women would want to go out in the bush and crawl around in the mud and snow with a bunch of dudes with bugger all sleep and no shower for a month, and shit in a hole with them, it's not a nice job.

congratulations. you are a homosexual.

Moral decay? In the 1800s women did all the jobs on the farm that the men would do. Your idealistic 1950s vision of what a woman should be is why western women are fucking useless. Make them do the same shit you would do, act like your trying to take care of the farm. Both of you would go into the fields sowing and reaping, taking care of animals, shovelling shit, etc. The woman of the 19th century was objectively better and more useful than the woman of the 20th.

Playing too much xcom

>not physically demanding
Sorry, please leave and come back when you've acquired a clue.

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come visit us, and get yourself a kelpie whilst you're here!

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>Them thighs

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well said user

take this meme as a gift :)

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From what I know it's not a recurring test, as much as it should be. So once you get into the force you can just let yourself go and no one gives a shit.

>farm girl
>she was surprisingly strong and she wouldn't stop until she finished

Maybe you could inform us about the necessary skills and the physical abilities?

>not wanting to fuck traps
found the kike

NO. Every if 0.1% of women are qualified and willing to combat, how much inconvenience will they bring to the 99.9% of the force? You need to create separate restroom and shower rooms just for the 0.1%. For what? For an abstract idea where violence is the last resort because all other civil means have failed.

so retarded.

>Female snipers are fine and sometimes better than male ones

>Is this some sort of video game meme or what?
I think there was some study somewhere that got referenced on Jow Forums , that had found women actually made very good snipers.
I don’t know whether the study was from Finland or Russia, or some other Euro country or what.
Apparently the same study found that women where statistically shittier at most other combat toles, if not many or most other military roles.


Is that a woman?

Boys light up

Much as I generally find the bashing of white women to be a tactic of the Yids this actually makes sense.

"There are two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."

Only if their eggs have all been used up. Every decent white woman needs to be breeding non stop.

I need to! I fought with 2 kiwis when I was the Kurdish Peshmerga

time to organise a ute muster in brunswick

Anybody can be a fucking sniper. All you have to do is sit around all day, shit and piss yourself, and pull the trigger on your rifle when you see someone in range. Absolutely zero skill involved

What a study of bogus russian kill numbers?

Put any chick in a pair with a male sniper and watch her keel over in exhaustion and get them both killed when they need to break contact with all their gear.