Questionable Western Sanitation Standards

Why do you people mix potable drinking water with your feces before disposing of it? Now someone has to clean the shit out of your water.

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Because it's easier.

Just bin that pooper instead.

You're right. Guess I'll just find a convenient looking street to deposit my feces in. That totally won't have an impact on how clean my environment is.
I'd probably better start floating any corpses I find down one of the biggest river in my country after that. What could go wrong?

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That’s 3rd world thinking. Look up the statistics of childhood blindness for feces in countries without proper sanitiation infrastructure.

>being this mad that all american water is drinkable

Third world sub 80 IQ logic.
>The water that gets taken out of the river here is dirtier (before processing) than the water that the treatment plant puts back into the river

I shit in my back yard. Times are tough here in Canada. We pay a lot for water.

Actually one of the things I’ve questioned. Toilets should be filled off of shower “grey water”.... you would save so much money if you could rig this up

Is it true that Japan has multiple water lines running to residential buildings? One for drinking. One for pooping in. Etc

Go communist and no one makes poop cause that would mean eating, kill yourself and others to protect the planet or go eat your own shit and die dumbass hippy

No it isn't.

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Yeah, having two separate water systems in your house is sure going to cost less than 1 system you moron

I think it would leave a horrible mess of soap scum in the toilet tank.

There should be some effort in coastal areas to have salt water plumbing for toilets.

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>That’s 3rd world thinking.

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chamber access? we use water to move it away, instead having some poor motherfucker vacuum out our poop booths. unless youre tryna climb in there and have your wife take a dump on you, then I understand completely.

>chamber access door

oh god no

Thinking niggers aren't third world still wherever they go. Deport them from Michigan. And the problems will fix themselves

Another Saturday night shit thread.

Toilets are a Jewish implement of postmodernism, you're literally sending your waste somewhere else and acting like it never happened. The white man advanced more rapidly when he was defecating in pit latrines and civilization has been retarded by modern plumbing. Reckless sanitary habits beget susceptibility to disease because you can't develop an immunity to e. coli and the like, you're literally killing your children by using the porcelain jew.

I'm not concerned about soap scum dirtying up the thing I shit into

leaf or german posting with vpn?

>climb in there and have your wife take a dump on you
some people do it right in the bedroom

I hate the Jews, but fucking come on.

Also water in America is dirt cheap. We can more than afford to drop the Huxtable's off in clean pool, if only for aesthetics.

Thanks for the insight, Pajeet!

How does it feel knowing our toilet water is cleaner than your drinking water?

The true white man ascribes to the ancient Norse method of releasing himself in farm fields where your so called waste may be repurposed as fertilizer. Us white people have been eating food grown with our own feces for thousands of years and there is no reason to discontinue such a practice today, simply because some Jewish doctor told you that pooping is bad for you. Try looking at these things pragmatically instead of the NPC response; "Brown thing bad".

Grey water should be leached into the ground in your yard.

Poop should be composted or trashed. I don't know if American pooh will compost because of all the processed food.

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Feels good to live in a extreme narrow country surrounded by an endless mountain range.
We have endless fresh water straight from the frozen mountains and all the used water goes deep into the coast.


I run well water at home. Don't ever say this again. Every little particle that makes it into our home seems to coagulate in the backs of our toilets, and it's goddamn disgusting having to clean that out. I feel like I should just go buy a new toilet once a year. It's truly horrible, it looks like someone upper deckered our toilets, and cleaning that shit out is no fucking fun.

>all the used water goes deep into the coast.
Then your poop goes into farmed salmon you sell the Americans.

Salt erodes pipes.

Vault toilets get a bad rap because the forest service refuses to clean them and morons make a mess.

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Guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys!

>water turns on automatically after you flush
>turns off automatically when tank is full - so no need to get your hands dirty again touching the same tap you touched before you washed your hands
>gives you plenty of time to wash hands while tank is filling up
>utilizing water that would otherwise be wasted anyway

Now who's going to fund me?

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ive seen so many of these but never seen them used