Seriously, where are you guys?

I rarely see true white nationalists post here.

Attached: White.png (1000x975, 75K)

fuck off.

Too much trash on Jow Forums for any real discussion.

Attached: 7723152842270.png (900x900, 298K)

Attached: jew merchant.jpg (232x249, 9K)

Imagine my shock.

Attached: 3767113154806.png (900x900, 268K)

>Calling us kikes
Nice try schlomo.

because this isnt stormfront or reddit and you have to go back?

It is you who are the Jew.

Attached: judisch deutsch.jpg (1600x900, 342K)

Newfag reddit kike

Attached: joseph goebells on jewish attacks.jpg (990x557, 91K)

Attached: 1543423288983.gif (900x900, 1.91M)

Attached: chad memeflag.jpg (1024x416, 96K)

Being an adult instead of some cringey faggot.

Getting desperate eh kike?
Show us your real flag.

>Using the flag of National Socialism, the greatest political system to ever exist
>Using the flag of the Jewnited Zogbots of America.

Wow, hard choice.

Attached: swas eagle in the sky.jpg (754x1060, 169K)

White nationalists are faggots. Fuck off back to R*ddit with your identity politics, faggot.

Attached: reddit rekt by Glenn.png (658x351, 55K)

Is Andrew Anglin actually a FBI plant / controlled opposition? I've heard a lot of talk but not a lot of evidence about him being a glownigger...

We /stormfront/ now, bitch. Didn't you get the memo?

Attached: ylyl 107.png (523x931, 713K)

Just prove you have your US flag. Then switch back then, unless... You are a kike of course. That forgot to use a VPN.

The best way to deal with jews is to leave them alone. simple as that

happy now, nigger

Attached: SS WIKING LOGO.jpg (814x981, 134K)

Yep, now stop being a nigger. All jews use memeflags.
>Inb4 I hate my flag!
Yeah, now stop being gay. Use your words. The memeflag means nothing. Memeflags are the tools of the kikes.

The board was invaded. All trace of it's original culture is almost all destroyed. It was a delicate ecosystem.
This is true. Attempting to hurt them or to intervene in their actions only stregnthens them. Leave them to their own devices and they self destruct every time.

Nope, see

That is most likely created by some kike.
Remember, you will be called a kike from now one with that flag. KIKE

>inb4 shill
I don't believe in left or right. i believe in good...and evil. it just so happens the rightwing is less evil than the left. as to what i mean by leave them alone, ever heard of the phrase. "we are our own worst enemies" perfectly sums up Jews. if we leave the Jews alone they WILL destroy themselves, as they are doing now in israel