There is NO such thing as a BAD JOB!

And on time is LATE.
Do you think he's right or are Americans working too long?

Attached: SWEAT pledge.jpg (2048x1724, 355K)

This might literally be the most boomer picture I've ever seen.

There is such a thing as a bad pay, though.
When a company thinks they can pay you minimum wage for a skilled trade in high demand, there's something wrong.

>I'm gonna get a shitty job because a radio personality told me too
Hard pass spics can do those jobs.

If they're paying too low the market will correct it. It is unconscionable that a "minimum wage" exists.

I laughed in the guy's face and walked out of the interview.

Attached: Job qualifications.png (1072x1071, 136K)

>on time is LATE.
This guy is from a time when populous cities had good mass transit service.
Sitting in traffic to do your job is shit allocation of resources. Capitalism isn't doing its job here and needs a little of the ol' Fascism kick-in-the-ass for companies to start either pitching in for city mass transit systems or allowing more remote work. Pretty much if you can outsource it you can telecommute it.

But that would mean some kike doesn't make his 5% dividend for 10 years boo hoo remember the six gorillion goy

I like how easy it is to identify people who don't understand that you are totally disposable to every modern company. Overbearing HR departments and the boomer-tier retards that support them are a disease.

>I believe that all people are created equal.

Attached: 1516228307075s.jpg (250x174, 5K)

Then josé came over and got the job.

>If they're paying too low the market will correct it
Right, which is why boomers and leftists shill for endless immigration of poor third-worlders who will work for $5 an hour - to correct the market's correction.
Your logic only works with closed borders.

Hiring people for skilled trades who don't have an education in the field is a great way to shoot your business in the foot.

The S.L.A.V.E. Pledge

>poor third-worlders who will work for $5 an hour
Shitskin scabs. Shitscabs. I feel really bad for leftists saying
>workers of the world unite
>let scabs take your place at the means of production which you never take control of so the oligarchs can get rich and discard you
and believe both statements at once never questioning the entailments.

But at the same time, everyone who goes to trade school says it barely helped them with their careers with learning the trade.

What this does is price smaller players out of the game. If I have to hire a master craftsman and a couple journeymen just as an in-house training facility to pump out guys with the training to do things, some kike doesn't make an extra 5% that year and has to go without his 2019 model yacht.
Business is more expensive and therefore if you can outsource the job to some shithole where the people are used to not having running water or fresh meat and living in grass huts and think your job is a Mike Rowe SWEAT pledge godsend. They will have free everything thanks to the Jews.
Get rid of
>welfare for non americans
>hiring illegal non americans
>chain migration and open borders
>tariff free outsourcing
>profit rehoming
and all of these problems we have could actually be taken care of by the market.

Why is it the privileged where their career is wearing makeup on television tell people to accept their poor conditions?


Fuck jannies and fuck Mike Rowe

Stop being such a lazy sack of shit.
t. GenX making $150k.

>fictional characters that would vote for trump