Is Trump really an idiot Jow Forums?

Is Trump really an idiot Jow Forums?

>Iran’s president has insisted “enemy” plots against the country will fail and called President Donald Trump an “idiot” as vast crowds marked 40 years since the Islamic revolution.

Is it true Jow Forums?

Attached: IRAN BAD.jpg (573x486, 120K)

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a thread died for this

He's an idiot.

I think it's a serious question to ask when you have a statement like this being made from a well respected world leader.
Could Trump really be an 'idiot'? Is it even possible?

this isnt a THREAD, this is a travesty. "low effort"

>a well respected world leader.

Would you last a day in Iran? He rules the country. He's not an idiot.

He's pretty respected. Western leaders just like to talk tough on Iran to pretend everyone in the country really feels that way, but outside of American Faux news types he has a level of respect for sure.

Attached: 1525041227473.png (895x582, 556K)

>Is a slave to Israel an idiot
Gee I dunno