is this the most based black man in human history?
Is this the most based black man in human history?
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No such thing as a "Based black man".
>no based black man
i beg to differ
Surprised they haven't done anything with this franchise is so long.
That was a stupid show and you should feel stupid for reminding me of it.
you should kill yourself
I should, but I need to keep making my ex-wife suffer, so I won't. It was still a terrible show. Earth Final Conflict was better.
Teal'c didn't talk much because the nigger was too lazy to learn his script. The whole meditation trope that would follow him over several season came about because the actor would party all night and fall asleep on set.
watch after 35.30
ill check it out
oh shit...plot twist you may have proven me wrong
They haven't touched the IP since SG:U which were cut due to low ratings just as it were getting good.
Obviously they wanted to end on a high note but the potential the show had was boundless and bordering on parallel universe sci-fi.
Now they're just too spooked to touch it, they don't want another failure to damage the IP.
Sliders was a better '90s alternate universe show. It was almost as good as Quantum Leap.
I really liked Michael Dorn. I think he may unironically have you there.
Stupid? Probably. Awesome? Absolutely.
That's only because he exists in fiction. In reality he's a nigger.
same could be said about the french
My based man, have a (You)
Quantum Leap is the most cringe boomer tier shit I’ve ever seen
It was good at the time. I'd rate it up there with the Rockford Files, Airwolf and The Fall Guy. It's all cringey shit if you go back and watch it now.
Came here to post this
wtf was his problem?
> Infected with an alien parasite that does his thinking for him
Checks out
off camera he looks like a fucking homeless
that is, like, totally me!
Why did he put the N on his forehead upside down?
There was a reboot in the works that was full SJW by netflix but it seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, thankfully. Honestly, as great as SG1 was, the only reason it survived as long as it did was because a bunch of USAF brass loved the show, they were probably slipping it funding under the table. Several of them have cameos in the show itself, as themselves.
Stargate thread in /pol. Nice!
>dad talks about this singer gregory porter
>what an ugly fucker, wonder who would live with anyone like him
>search gregory porter wife
>wonder if i pick a random nigger singer he likes if i get the same result
>search all jarreau wife
>ok, it's probably because of the jazz is sophisticated meme
>go to Jow Forums because why not
>see thread about tealc, think about the same experiment
>search christopher judge wife
it's no wonder some people hate america. what the fuck man
yes he is
Best VA
Technically not human. Based yes.
Work of fiction
Wakanda is a really nice place too
In fiction, not history.
Thomas Sankara and mlk were pretty based, but that's like 1 out of 100'000 nigs. On average they're pretty worthless desu (look at African countries that are "ruled" by africans or any place where blacks become a demographic majority for that matter)
He is queer, right?
It's a different being. You don't label other beings "male/female straight/gay black/white" it's pretty arrogant if you ask me.
Didn't they recently make a movie? Like last year or some shit. It had a female protagonist and was set in the 50s or something, right after they discovered the ring on earth.
It was supposedly filled with feminist and sjw shit. I never watched it.
actually it was a webseries
first episode after the pilot is about stronk mary sue fighting against patriarchy
kys meme flaggot
teeealcohol! Russian.
Do any of you fags remember the actual 1994 Stargate movie? Shit was based. Remember watching it over and over when I was a kid.
But he wasn’t human.
Say it aint so. Weve all been pre-programmed. Tealc actually had to best looking female in the entire series.
Check the mirror.
Spader and Russel were the shit, I love that movie. Never seen the show though.
This is what they look like now. Feel old yet?
To be fair, Amanda Tapping herself told the soibois that was too much and they should tone it down and just show rather than tell.
>We Wuz Gods and Shit
>Gets nuked
I miss Stargate.
This movie is the pinnacle of 90's Sci-Fi aesthetics. And considering the year it was made in, the special effects are holding it's ground even today. But that's probably due to the most of it being practical effects and not CGI.
Black men can not be based. Now fuck back off to reddit
I'm incredibly disappointed the first post wasn't "Indeed"
He is a jaffa, not really a "black man". He is defined by a symbiote inside his body that grants him great powers that would make him an actual kang to most blacks.
He's definitely one of the best characters in SG-1 tho.
JIDF please leave
Is he 100% or is there something else in there?
Maybe Hawaii?
Or Polynesia?
He is part Cherokee iirc
Literally black guy walks all over cucky Canadian Film Crew to the point they have to rationalize his niggerdom.
Now he makes money going to ComicCon having white beta nerds worship his niggerdom
Based and Redpilled
that tv show was trash
just like everything on tv
Not since Obama's mandatory onions injections
Worf vs Teal’c in hand to hand who would win?
Yea it looked pretty shit cause it was another “nazi got his hands on something ancient and powerful” bs trope wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to all ally with the goa uld
Jigs always say their part native just like boomers gta 5 even made a joke about it with lamar
No that's Obama
Second best haircut in 90's Sci-Fi, after Londo Mollari.
>thomas sowell
They made a full on feminist leftist series about le stronk womyn beating up nazis to the gate
I disagree.
This is our nigger
Kill yourself you retard, it is glorious and one of the best. It also has no SJW rap in it, maybe that's why you are triggered hmm....
>Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy-ass weights.
>Based black man
>Based Jaffa
choose one you filthy Tau'ri .
I love how your “blacks” are almost all bleached mutts. It’s not a big surprise that they’re even more fucked up than regular niggers since they’re both descendants of slaves and slave owners.
Imagine living his life. Cursed with intelligence by a cruel god because everyone who looks like you is a moron. You know what causes their problems and what could fix them, but if you bring it up you’re ostracized and denounced as a traitor by the people who claim to be about advancing your race. And you know they’re full of shit but can’t touch them.
Back in my bluepilled college days I watched Birth of a Nation and wondered why there was so much emphasis on the mulatto woman being scheming and deceptive.
The full nogs were clumsy and stupid but didn’t come across as evil so long as they were kept on line. But the mulatto was portrayed as almost demonic.
If you want someone that actually can speak English well and with a voice about as good as James Earl Jones (Darth Vader voice) then Christopher Judge is the man.
Sometimes I think about this too. We hate being surrounded by white npcs and normies but we have it easy compared to a 3 digits IQ nigger.
Queer Spacefaggot whos not even the strongest on the ship.
Scientologist detected.
I need context you worthless nigger.
Your thread is bad, and you should feel bad.
he's pretty handsome
Your waifu's are shit
He's pro LGBT tho, he went to the GotY Awards with a rainbow t-shirt and all the jazz
Great voice tho, and Teal'c was pretty cool