
Will I ruin my life by having a child in the next 2-3 years?

- 18f, getting married in a few weeks after a long term stable relationship
- will be starting freshman premed at college in a few weeks also
- plan on continuing to med school afterwards
- my parents despise my fiance

I'm leaning towards having kids early before long shifts at a hospital, but how early is too early? I also work three jobs currently in order to boost savings

Attached: download.jpg (234x215, 6K)

um... yeah

Dont do it make sure to finish your education first
Once education is done do it if the relationship is ripe

Why do you want to have children? I'm not criticising you for your plans, I just want to know your reasoning.

>married at 18
Good luck.

I'm torn between wanting kids for some weird innate reason (not because I think they're cute, or I want to continue my bloodline or anything). I have just always wanted to be a mother and have a family for as long as I can remember.

But I also feel guilty for wanting to bring a child into a fairly ruined world, along with guilt over passing down my and my partner's mental health issues because I wouldn't want the kid to have to go through all that too.

In the end though, pretty sure I just want kids because I'm a female.

Have you ever considered adopting orphaned children?

Don't have kids until your education is done. Having kids before uni is over is an education killer.

Seconding this because if for any reason you get divorced at least you still have a career and can financially support your kids. Living off welfare and dumping your kids in daycare while you struggle at your 3 jobs is the worst possible shit you could ever do to them.

and also seconding this lol

>freshmen premed
>plan on going to med school
>having a kid in 2-3 year's
You do know you probably won't be an actual doctor for like 7 year's right

Yeah I know, I just don't want to be having kids in my late 30s while having an intense job, I'd rather have a kid now and struggle but not be 100% absent

My mom was the same
Had 4 kids, no regrets
And the 4 of us are improving the world

In what ways?

The fact that you post that pic shows you have no empathy. Don't have kids unless you grow up a lot. You'll be a shitty mom.

Wait! At least until you are done with undergrad. I would wait to get married too.

You’re retarded for asking this question.

Lol you don't want to bring a child into the world because it's ruined yet you post an image meant to mock someone because of their appearance. Don't have kids until you feel terrible for that.

>Not because I want to continue my bloodline
>Want to have kids for some innate reason for as long as I can remember.
Re-read what you typed. Think about it. Wait.

Top kek

No such thing as a stable relationship when you're under 25. You still have a LOT of changing to do, your brain literally won't be fully developed for years.
Think about the sort of things you liked when you were 12, and imagine if you'd somehow made an unbreakable lifetime commitment to them.

I didn't mean for that to be offensive, I'm just curious.

Hop on birth control. Finish school. Then either get a job in your field or get off birth control and get knocked up