Black people haved coexisted in the United States for centuries, and yet despite this...

Black people haved coexisted in the United States for centuries, and yet despite this, they have a separate dialect for which they are recognized by. They have lived and grown up in the same towns as white Americans. English is their first and only language. In other words, explain the nigger talk.

Attached: 180417-kodak-black-getty-800x600.jpg (800x600, 88K)

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they don't teach segregation in the special ed section huh

Blacks are niggers and you should never feel safe around one, ever.

In the south there is some french influence. that's all I got and it ain't much, nigga.

it's a recent development brought on by rap
Compare the son's niggertalk to the father's okay annunciation and normal vocabulary, despite both being hoodrats

Niggers speak in a much simpler English than most white Americans do. It has everything to do with their floor scraping IQ. Notice the more European genes a nigger has the less ebonics he tends to speak.

we have the exact same problem.

they speak niggerfrench to this day.
even in place that have not yet been decolonized like in the west indies.

It further enhances the argument of genetic branching. Apes vs Chimps, cro magnum vs neanderthal.

substandard mental capacity. The media and music producers are doing their darndest to make ebonics "cool" in an attempt so subvert the English language, arguably the most important aspect of the English language.

of Western society*
sorry I'm drunk from yesterday